Reformat new module lists

Make the Changelog easier to parse, especially the list of new modules
This commit is contained in:
Dag Wieers 2016-03-12 01:37:43 +01:00
parent cc0d58abcc
commit 6c7ffbfbcd

View file

@ -9,19 +9,22 @@ Ansible Changes By Release
* added ansible-console tool, a REPL shell that allows running adhoc tasks against a chosen inventory (based on ) * added ansible-console tool, a REPL shell that allows running adhoc tasks against a chosen inventory (based on )
####New Modules: ####New Modules:
* aws: ec2_vol_facts - aws
* aws: ec2_vpc_dhcp_options * ec2_vol_facts
* aws: ec2_vpc_net_facts * ec2_vpc_dhcp_options
* cloudstack: cs_volume * ec2_vpc_net_facts
* cloudstack: cs_configuration - cloudstack
* cloudstack: cs_resourcelimit * cs_cluster
* cloudstack: cs_instance_facts * cs_configuration
* cloudstack: cs_pod * cs_instance_facts
* cloudstack: cs_cluster * cs_pod
* cloudstack: cs_zone * cs_resourcelimit
* win_regmerge * cs_volume
* win_timezone * cs_zone
* yum_repository - windows
* win_regmerge
* win_timezone
- yum_repository
####New Filters: ####New Filters:
@ -194,202 +197,219 @@ allowed in future versions:
####New Modules: ####New Modules:
* amazon: ec2_ami_copy - amazon
* amazon: ec2_ami_find * ec2_ami_copy
* amazon: ec2_elb_facts * ec2_ami_find
* amazon: ec2_eni * ec2_elb_facts
* amazon: ec2_eni_facts * ec2_eni
* amazon: ec2_remote_facts * ec2_eni_facts
* amazon: ec2_vpc_igw * ec2_remote_facts
* amazon: ec2_vpc_net * ec2_vpc_igw
* amazon: ec2_vpc_net_facts * ec2_vpc_net
* amazon: ec2_vpc_route_table * ec2_vpc_net_facts
* amazon: ec2_vpc_route_table_facts * ec2_vpc_route_table
* amazon: ec2_vpc_subnet * ec2_vpc_route_table_facts
* amazon: ec2_vpc_subnet_facts * ec2_vpc_subnet
* amazon: ec2_win_password * ec2_vpc_subnet_facts
* amazon: ecs_cluster * ec2_win_password
* amazon: ecs_task * ecs_cluster
* amazon: ecs_taskdefinition * ecs_task
* amazon: elasticache_subnet_group_facts * ecs_taskdefinition
* amazon: iam * elasticache_subnet_group_facts
* amazon: iam_cert * iam
* amazon: iam_policy * iam_cert
* amazon: route53_facts * iam_policy
* amazon: route53_health_check * route53_facts
* amazon: route53_zone * route53_health_check
* amazon: sts_assume_role * route53_zone
* amazon: s3_bucket * s3_bucket
* amazon: s3_lifecycle * s3_lifecycle
* amazon: s3_logging * s3_logging
* amazon: sqs_queue * sns_topic
* amazon: sns_topic * sqs_queue
* amazon: sts_assume_role * sts_assume_role
* apk - apk
* bigip_gtm_wide_ip - bigip_gtm_wide_ip
* bundler - bundler
* centurylink: clc_aa_policy - centurylink
* centurylink: clc_alert_policy * clc_aa_policy
* centurylink: clc_blueprint_package * clc_alert_policy
* centurylink: clc_firewall_policy * clc_blueprint_package
* centurylink: clc_group * clc_firewall_policy
* centurylink: clc_loadbalancer * clc_group
* centurylink: clc_modify_server * clc_loadbalancer
* centurylink: clc_publicip * clc_modify_server
* centurylink: clc_server * clc_publicip
* centurylink: clc_server_snapshot * clc_server
* circonus_annotation * clc_server_snapshot
* consul - circonus_annotation
* consul_acl - consul
* consul_kv * consul
* consul_session * consul_acl
* cloudtrail * consul_kv
* cloudstack: cs_account * consul_session
* cloudstack: cs_affinitygroup - cloudtrail
* cloudstack: cs_domain - cloudstack
* cloudstack: cs_facts * cs_account
* cloudstack: cs_firewall * cs_affinitygroup
* cloudstack: cs_iso * cs_domain
* cloudstack: cs_instance * cs_facts
* cloudstack: cs_instancegroup * cs_firewall
* cloudstack: cs_ip_address * cs_iso
* cloudstack: cs_loadbalancer_rule * cs_instance
* cloudstack: cs_loadbalancer_rule_member * cs_instancegroup
* cloudstack: cs_network * cs_ip_address
* cloudstack: cs_portforward * cs_loadbalancer_rule
* cloudstack: cs_project * cs_loadbalancer_rule_member
* cloudstack: cs_sshkeypair * cs_network
* cloudstack: cs_securitygroup * cs_portforward
* cloudstack: cs_securitygroup_rule * cs_project
* cloudstack: cs_staticnat * cs_securitygroup
* cloudstack: cs_template * cs_securitygroup_rule
* cloudstack: cs_user * cs_sshkeypair
* cloudstack: cs_vmsnapshot * cs_staticnat
* cronvar * cs_template
* datadog_monitor * cs_user
* deploy_helper * cs_vmsnapshot
* docker: docker_login - cronvar
* dpkg_selections - datadog_monitor
* elasticsearch_plugin - deploy_helper
* expect - docker
* find * docker_login
* google: gce_tag - dpkg_selections
* hall - elasticsearch_plugin
* ipify_facts - expect
* iptables - find
* libvirt: virt_net - google
* libvirt: virt_pool * gce_tag
* maven_artifact - hall
* openstack: os_auth - ipify_facts
* openstack: os_client_config - iptables
* openstack: os_image - libvirt
* openstack: os_image_facts * virt_net
* openstack: os_floating_ip * virt_pool
* openstack: os_ironic - maven_artifact
* openstack: os_ironic_node - openstack
* openstack: os_keypair * os_auth
* openstack: os_network * os_client_config
* openstack: os_network_facts * os_image
* openstack: os_nova_flavor * os_image_facts
* openstack: os_object * os_floating_ip
* openstack: os_port * os_ironic
* openstack: os_project * os_ironic_node
* openstack: os_router * os_keypair
* openstack: os_security_group * os_network
* openstack: os_security_group_rule * os_network_facts
* openstack: os_server * os_nova_flavor
* openstack: os_server_actions * os_object
* openstack: os_server_facts * os_port
* openstack: os_server_volume * os_project
* openstack: os_subnet * os_router
* openstack: os_subnet_facts * os_security_group
* openstack: os_user * os_security_group_rule
* openstack: os_user_group * os_server
* openstack: os_volume * os_server_actions
* openvswitch_db. * os_server_facts
* osx_defaults * os_server_volume
* pagerduty_alert * os_subnet
* pam_limits * os_subnet_facts
* pear * os_user
* profitbricks: profitbricks * os_user_group
* profitbricks: profitbricks_datacenter * os_volume
* profitbricks: profitbricks_nic - openvswitch_db
* profitbricks: profitbricks_volume - osx_defaults
* profitbricks: profitbricks_volume_attachments - pagerduty_alert
* profitbricks: profitbricks_snapshot - pam_limits
* proxmox: proxmox - pear
* proxmox: proxmox_template - profitbricks
* puppet * profitbricks
* pushover * profitbricks_datacenter
* pushbullet * profitbricks_nic
* rax: rax_clb_ssl * profitbricks_snapshot
* rax: rax_mon_alarm * profitbricks_volume
* rax: rax_mon_check * profitbricks_volume_attachments
* rax: rax_mon_entity - proxmox
* rax: rax_mon_notification * proxmox
* rax: rax_mon_notification_plan * proxmox_template
* rabbitmq_binding - puppet
* rabbitmq_exchange - pushover
* rabbitmq_queue - pushbullet
* selinux_permissive - rax
* sendgrid * rax_clb_ssl
* sensu_check * rax_mon_alarm
* sensu_subscription * rax_mon_check
* seport * rax_mon_entity
* slackpkg * rax_mon_notification
* solaris_zone * rax_mon_notification_plan
* taiga_issue - rabbitmq
* vertica_configuration * rabbitmq_binding
* vertica_facts * rabbitmq_exchange
* vertica_role * rabbitmq_queue
* vertica_schema - selinux_permissive
* vertica_user - sendgrid
* vmware: vca_fw - sensu
* vmware: vca_nat * sensu_check
* vmware: vmware_cluster * sensu_subscription
* vmware: vmware_datacenter - seport
* vmware: vmware_dns_config - slackpkg
* vmware: vmware_dvs_host - solaris_zone
* vmware: vmware_dvs_portgroup - taiga_issue
* vmware: vmware_dvswitch - vertica
* vmware: vmware_host * vertica_configuration
* vmware: vmware_migrate_vmk * vertica_facts
* vmware: vmware_portgroup * vertica_role
* vmware: vmware_target_canonical_facts * vertica_schema
* vmware: vmware_vm_facts * vertica_user
* vmware: vmware_vm_vss_dvs_migrate - vmware
* vmware: vmware_vmkernel * vca_fw
* vmware: vmware_vmkernel_ip_config * vca_nat
* vmware: vmware_vsan_cluster * vmware_cluster
* vmware: vmware_vswitch * vmware_datacenter
* vmware: vsphere_copy * vmware_dns_config
* webfaction_app * vmware_dvs_host
* webfaction_db * vmware_dvs_portgroup
* webfaction_domain * vmware_dvswitch
* webfaction_mailbox * vmware_host
* webfaction_site * vmware_migrate_vmk
* win_acl * vmware_portgroup
* win_dotnet_ngen * vmware_target_canonical_facts
* win_environment * vmware_vm_facts
* win_firewall_rule * vmware_vm_vss_dvs_migrate
* win_iis_virtualdirectory * vmware_vmkernel
* win_iis_webapplication * vmware_vmkernel_ip_config
* win_iis_webapppool * vmware_vsan_cluster
* win_iis_webbinding * vmware_vswitch
* win_iis_website * vsphere_copy
* win_lineinfile - webfaction
* win_nssm * webfaction_app
* win_package * webfaction_db
* win_regedit * webfaction_domain
* win_scheduled_task * webfaction_mailbox
* win_unzip * webfaction_site
* win_updates - windows
* win_webpicmd * win_acl
* xenserver_facts * win_dotnet_ngen
* zabbix_host * win_environment
* zabbix_hostmacro * win_firewall_rule
* zabbix_screen * win_iis_virtualdirectory
* znode * win_iis_webapplication
* win_iis_webapppool
* win_iis_webbinding
* win_iis_website
* win_lineinfile
* win_nssm
* win_package
* win_regedit
* win_scheduled_task
* win_unzip
* win_updates
* win_webpicmd
- xenserver_facts
- zabbbix
* zabbix_host
* zabbix_hostmacro
* zabbix_screen
- znode
####New Inventory scripts: ####New Inventory scripts:
@ -562,19 +582,19 @@ Major changes:
New Modules: New Modules:
* cryptab: manages linux encrypted block devices * cryptab *-- manages linux encrypted block devices*
* gce_img: for utilizing GCE image resources * gce_img *-- for utilizing GCE image resources*
* gluster_volume: manage glusterfs volumes * gluster_volume *-- manage glusterfs volumes*
* haproxy: for the load balancer of same name * haproxy *-- for the load balancer of same name*
* known_hosts: manages the ssh known_hosts file * known_hosts *-- manages the ssh known_hosts file*
* lxc_container: manage lxc containers * lxc_container *-- manage lxc containers*
* patch: allows for patching files on target systems * patch *-- allows for patching files on target systems*
* pkg5: installing and uninstalling packages on Solaris * pkg5 *-- installing and uninstalling packages on Solaris*
* pkg5_publisher: manages Solaris pkg5 repository configuration * pkg5_publisher *-- manages Solaris pkg5 repository configuration*
* postgresql_ext: manage postgresql extensions * postgresql_ext *-- manage postgresql extensions*
* snmp_facts: gather facts via snmp * snmp_facts *-- gather facts via snmp*
* svc: manages daemontools based services * svc *-- manages daemontools based services*
* uptimerobot: manage monitoring with this service * uptimerobot *-- manage monitoring with this service*
New Filters: New Filters:
@ -710,15 +730,19 @@ Major changes:
New Modules: New Modules:
* cloud: rax_cdb - manages Rackspace Cloud Database instances - cloud
* cloud: rax_cdb_database - manages Rackspace Cloud Databases * rax_cdb *-- manages Rackspace Cloud Database instances*
* cloud: rax_cdb_user - manages Rackspace Cloud Database users * rax_cdb_database *-- manages Rackspace Cloud Databases*
* monitoring: zabbix_maintaince - handles outage windows with Zabbix * rax_cdb_user *-- manages Rackspace Cloud Database users*
* monitoring: bigpanda - support for bigpanda - monitoring
* net_infrastructure: a10_server - manages server objects on A10 devices * bigpanda *-- support for bigpanda*
* net_infrastructure: a10_service_group - manages service group objects on A10 devices * zabbix_maintaince *-- handles outage windows with Zabbix*
* net_infrastructure: a10_virtual_server - manages virtual server objects on A10 devices - net_infrastructure
* system: getent - read getent databases * a10_server *-- manages server objects on A10 devices*
* a10_service_group *-- manages service group objects on A10 devices*
* a10_virtual_server *-- manages virtual server objects on A10 devices*
- system
* getent *-- read getent databases*
Some other notable changes: Some other notable changes:
@ -797,19 +821,21 @@ New inventory scripts:
New Modules: New Modules:
* cloud: azure - cloud
* cloud: rax_meta * azure
* cloud: rax_scaling_group * rax_meta
* cloud: rax_scaling_policy * rax_scaling_group
* windows: version of setup module * rax_scaling_policy
* windows: version of slurp module - windows
* windows: win_feature * *version of setup module*
* windows: win_get_url * *version of slurp module*
* windows: win_msi * win_feature
* windows: win_ping * win_get_url
* windows: win_user * win_group
* windows: win_service * win_msi
* windows: win_group * win_ping
* win_service
* win_user
Other notable changes: Other notable changes:
@ -892,40 +918,48 @@ Major features/changes:
New Modules: New Modules:
* files: replace - files
* packaging: cpanm (Perl) * replace
* packaging: portage - packaging
* packaging: composer (PHP) * apt_rpm
* packaging: homebrew_tap (OS X) * composer *(PHP)*
* packaging: homebrew_cask (OS X) * cpanm *(Perl)*
* packaging: apt_rpm * homebrew_cask *(OS X)*
* packaging: layman * homebrew_tap *(OS X)*
* monitoring: logentries * layman
* monitoring: rollbar_deployment * portage
* monitoring: librato_annotation - monitoring
* notification: nexmo (SMS) * librato_annotation
* notification: twilio (SMS) * logentries
* notification: slack ( * rollbar_deployment
* notification: typetalk ( - notification
* notification: sns (Amazon) * nexmo *(SMS)*
* system: debconf * slack *(*
* system: ufw * sns *(Amazon)*
* system: locale_gen * twilio *(SMS)*
* system: alternatives * typetalk *(*
* system: capabilities - system
* net_infrastructure: bigip_facts * alternatives
* net_infrastructure: dnssimple * capabilities
* net_infrastructure: lldp * debconf
* web_infrastructure: apache2_module * locale_gen
* cloud: digital_ocean_domain * ufw
* cloud: digital_ocean_sshkey - net_infrastructure
* cloud: rax_identity * bigip_facts
* cloud: rax_cbs (cloud block storage) * dnssimple
* cloud: rax_cbs_attachments * lldp
* cloud: ec2_asg (configure autoscaling groups) - web_infrastructure
* cloud: ec2_scaling_policy * apache2_module
* cloud: ec2_metric_alarm - cloud
* cloud: vsphere_guest * digital_ocean_domain
* digital_ocean_sshkey
* ec2_asg *(configure autoscaling groups)*
* ec2_metric_alarm
* ec2_scaling_policy
* rax_identity
* rax_cbs *(cloud block storage)*
* rax_cbs_attachments
* vsphere_guest
Other notable changes: Other notable changes:
@ -948,7 +982,6 @@ Other notable changes:
* the get_url module now accepts url_username and url_password as parameters, so sites which require * the get_url module now accepts url_username and url_password as parameters, so sites which require
authentication no longer need to have them embedded in the url authentication no longer need to have them embedded in the url
* ... to be filled in from changelogs ... * ... to be filled in from changelogs ...
## 1.5.5 "Love Walks In" - April 18, 2014 ## 1.5.5 "Love Walks In" - April 18, 2014
@ -999,19 +1032,23 @@ Major features/changes:
New modules: New modules:
* cloud: ec2_elb_lb - cloud
* cloud: ec2_key * docker_image
* cloud: ec2_snapshot * ec2_elb_lb
* cloud: rax_dns * ec2_key
* cloud: rax_dns_record * ec2_snapshot
* cloud: rax_files * rax_dns
* cloud: rax_files_objects * rax_dns_record
* cloud: rax_keypair * rax_files
* cloud: rax_queue * rax_files_objects
* cloud: docker_image * rax_keypair
* messaging: rabbitmq_policy * rax_queue
* system: at - messaging
* utilities: assert * rabbitmq_policy
- system
* at
- utilities
* assert
Other notable changes (many new module params & bugfixes may not be listed): Other notable changes (many new module params & bugfixes may not be listed):
@ -1090,37 +1127,46 @@ Highlighted new features:
New modules and plugins. New modules and plugins.
* cloud: ec2_eip -- manage AWS elastic IPs - cloud
* cloud: ec2_vpc -- manage ec2 virtual private clouds * docker *- instantiates/removes/manages docker containers*
* cloud: elasticcache -- Manages clusters in Amazon Elasticache * ec2_eip *-- manage AWS elastic IPs*
* cloud: rax_network -- sets up Rackspace networks * ec2_vpc *-- manage ec2 virtual private clouds*
* cloud: rax_facts: retrieve facts about a Rackspace Cloud Server * elasticcache *-- Manages clusters in Amazon Elasticache*
* cloud: rax_clb_nodes -- manage Rackspace cloud load balanced nodes * ovirt *-- VM lifecycle controls for ovirt*
* cloud: rax_clb -- manages Rackspace cloud load balancers * rax_network *-- sets up Rackspace networks*
* cloud: docker - instantiates/removes/manages docker containers * rax_facts *-- retrieve facts about a Rackspace Cloud Server*
* cloud: ovirt -- VM lifecycle controls for ovirt * rax_clb_nodes *-- manage Rackspace cloud load balanced nodes*
* files: acl -- set or get acls on a file * rax_clb *-- manages Rackspace cloud load balancers*
* files: unarchive: pushes and extracts tarballs - files
* files: synchronize: a useful wraper around rsyncing trees of files * acl *-- set or get acls on a file*
* system: firewalld -- manage the firewalld configuration * synchronize *-- a useful wraper around rsyncing trees of files*
* system: modprobe -- manage kernel modules on systems that support modprobe/rmmod * unarchive *-- pushes and extracts tarballs*
* system: open_iscsi -- manage targets on an initiator using open-iscsi - system
* system: blacklist: add or remove modules from the kernel blacklist * blacklist *-- add or remove modules from the kernel blacklist*
* system: hostname - sets the systems hostname * firewalld *-- manage the firewalld configuration*
* utilities: include_vars -- dynamically load variables based on conditions. * hostname *-- sets the systems hostname*
* packaging: zypper_repository - adds or removes Zypper repositories * modprobe *-- manage kernel modules on systems that support modprobe/rmmod*
* packaging: urpmi - work with urpmi packages * open_iscsi *-- manage targets on an initiator using open-iscsi*
* packaging: swdepot - a module for working with swdepot - utilities
* notification: grove - notifies to Grove hosted IRC channels * include_vars *-- dynamically load variables based on conditions.*
* web_infrastructure: ejabberd_user: add and remove users to ejabberd - packaging
* web_infrastructure: jboss: deploys or undeploys apps to jboss * swdepot *-- a module for working with swdepot*
* source_control: github_hooks: manages GitHub service hooks * urpmi *-- work with urpmi packages*
* net_infrastructure: bigip_monitor_http: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM http monitors * zypper_repository *-- adds or removes Zypper repositories*
* net_infrastructure: bigip_monitor_tcp: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM TCP monitors - notification
* net_infrastructure: bigip_pool_member: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members * grove *-- notifies to Grove hosted IRC channels*
* net_infrastructure: bigip_node: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes - web_infrastructure
* net_infrastructure: openvswitch_port * ejabberd_user *-- add and remove users to ejabberd*
* net_infrastructure: openvswitch_bridge * jboss *-- deploys or undeploys apps to jboss*
- source_control
* github_hooks *-- manages GitHub service hooks*
- net_infrastructure
* bigip_monitor_http *-- manages F5 BIG-IP LTM http monitors*
* bigip_monitor_tcp *-- manages F5 BIG-IP LTM TCP monitors*
* bigip_node *-- manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes*
* bigip_pool_member *-- manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members*
* openvswitch_port
* openvswitch_bridge
Plugins: Plugins:
@ -1223,26 +1269,35 @@ Highlighted new features:
New modules: New modules:
* notifications: datadog_event -- send data to datadog - notifications
* cloud: digital_ocean -- module for DigitalOcean provisioning that also includes inventory support * datadog_event *-- send data to datadog*
* cloud: rds -- Amazon Relational Database Service - cloud
* cloud: linode -- modules for Linode provisioning that also includes inventory support * digital_ocean *-- module for DigitalOcean provisioning that also includes inventory support*
* cloud: route53 -- manage Amazon DNS entries * rds *-- Amazon Relational Database Service*
* cloud: ec2_ami -- manages (and creates!) ec2 AMIs * linode *-- modules for Linode provisioning that also includes inventory support*
* database: mysql_replication -- manages mysql replication settings for masters/slaves * route53 *-- manage Amazon DNS entries*
* database: mysql_variables -- manages mysql runtime variables * ec2_ami *-- manages (and creates!) ec2 AMIs*
* database: redis -- manages redis databases (slave mode and flushing data) - database
* net_infrastructure: arista_interface * mysql_replication *-- manages mysql replication settings for masters/slaves*
* net_infrastructure: arista_lag * mysql_variables *-- manages mysql runtime variables*
* net_infrastructure: arista_l2interface * redis *-- manages redis databases (slave mode and flushing data)*
* net_infrastructure: arista_vlan - net_infrastructure
* system: stat -- reports on stat(istics) of remote files, for use with 'register' * arista_interface
* web_infrastructure: htpasswd -- manipulate htpasswd files * arista_l2interface
* packaging: rpm_key -- adds or removes RPM signing keys * arista_lag
* packaging: apt_repository -- rewritten to remove dependencies * arista_vlan
* monitoring: boundary_meter -- adds or removes meters * dnsmadeeasy *-- manipulate DNS Made Easy records*
* net_infrastructure: dnsmadeeasy - manipulate DNS Made Easy records - system
* files: xattr -- manages extended attributes on files * stat *-- reports on stat(istics) of remote files, for use with 'register'*
- web_infrastructure
* htpasswd *-- manipulate htpasswd files*
- packaging
* apt_repository *-- rewritten to remove dependencies*
* rpm_key *-- adds or removes RPM signing keys*
- monitoring
* boundary_meter *-- adds or removes meters*
- files
* xattr *-- manages extended attributes on files*
Misc changes: Misc changes:
@ -1396,40 +1451,48 @@ increasing the ease at which things can be reorganized.
Modules added: Modules added:
* cloud: rax: module for creating instances in the rackspace cloud (uses pyrax) - cloud
* packages: npm: node.js package management * rax *-- module for creating instances in the rackspace cloud (uses pyrax)*
* packages: pkgng: next-gen package manager for FreeBSD - packages
* packages: redhat_subscription: manage Red Hat subscription usage * npm *-- node.js package management*
* packages: rhn_register: basic RHN registration * pkgng *-- next-gen package manager for FreeBSD*
* packages: zypper (SuSE) * redhat_subscription *-- manage Red Hat subscription usage*
* database: postgresql_priv: manages postgresql privileges * rhn_register *-- basic RHN registration*
* networking: bigip_pool: load balancing with F5s * zypper *(SuSE)*
* networking: ec2_elb: add and remove machines from ec2 elastic load balancers - database
* notification: hipchat: send notification events to hipchat * postgresql_priv *-- manages postgresql privileges*
* notification: flowdock: send messages to flowdock during playbook runs - networking
* notification: campfire: send messages to campfire during playbook runs * bigip_pool *-- load balancing with F5s*
* notification: mqtt: send messages to the Mosquitto message bus * ec2_elb *-- add and remove machines from ec2 elastic load balancers*
* notification: irc: send messages to IRC channels - notification
* notification: filesystem - a wrapper around mkfs * hipchat *-- send notification events to hipchat*
* notification: jabber: send jabber chat messages * flowdock *-- send messages to flowdock during playbook runs*
* notification: osx_say: make OS X say things out loud * campfire *-- send messages to campfire during playbook runs*
* openstack: keystone_user * mqtt *-- send messages to the Mosquitto message bus*
* openstack: glance_image * irc *-- send messages to IRC channels*
* openstack: nova_compute * filesystem *-- a wrapper around mkfs*
* openstack: nova_keypair * jabber *-- send jabber chat messages*
* openstack: quantum_floating_ip * osx_say *-- make OS X say things out loud*
* openstack: quantum_floating_ip_associate - openstack
* openstack: quantum_network * glance_image
* openstack: quantum_router * nova_compute
* openstack: quantum_router_gateway * nova_keypair
* openstack: quantum_router_interface * keystone_user
* openstack: quantum_subnet * quantum_floating_ip
* monitoring: newrelic_deployment: notifies newrelic of new deployments * quantum_floating_ip_associate
* monitoring: airbrake_deployment - notify airbrake of new deployments * quantum_network
* monitoring: pingdom * quantum_router
* monitoring: pagerduty * quantum_router_gateway
* monitoring: monit * quantum_router_interface
* utility: set_fact: sets a variable, which can be the result of a template evaluation * quantum_subnet
- monitoring
* airbrake_deployment *-- notify airbrake of new deployments*
* monit
* newrelic_deployment *-- notifies newrelic of new deployments*
* pagerduty
* pingdom
- utility
* set_fact *-- sets a variable, which can be the result of a template evaluation*
Modules removed Modules removed
@ -1522,26 +1585,26 @@ Core Features
Modules Added: Modules Added:
* bzr (bazaar version control) * bzr *(bazaar version control)*
* cloudformation * cloudformation
* django-manage * django-manage
* gem (ruby gems) * gem *(ruby gems)*
* homebrew * homebrew
* lvg (logical volume groups) * lvg *(logical volume groups)*
* lvol (LVM logical volumes) * lvol *(LVM logical volumes)*
* macports * macports
* mongodb_user * mongodb_user
* netscaler * netscaler
* okg * okg
* openbsd_pkg * openbsd_pkg
* rabbit_mq_parameter
* rabbit_mq_plugin * rabbit_mq_plugin
* rabbit_mq_user * rabbit_mq_user
* rabbit_mq_vhost * rabbit_mq_vhost
* rabbit_mq_parameter
* rhn_channel * rhn_channel
* s3 -- allows putting file contents in buckets for sharing over s3 * s3 *-- allows putting file contents in buckets for sharing over s3*
* uri module -- can get/put/post/etc * uri module *-- can get/put/post/etc*
* vagrant -- launching VMs with vagrant, this is different from existing vagrant plugin * vagrant *-- launching VMs with vagrant, this is different from existing vagrant plugin*
* zfs * zfs
Bugfixes and Misc Changes: Bugfixes and Misc Changes:
@ -1643,12 +1706,12 @@ Plugins:
New modules: New modules:
* new sysctl module * apt_key
* new pacman module (Arch linux) * ec2_facts
* new apt_key module * hg *(now in core)*
* hg module now in core * pacman *(Arch linux)*
* new ec2_facts module * pkgin *(Joyent SmartOS)*
* added pkgin module for Joyent SmartOS * sysctl
New config settings: New config settings:
@ -2135,4 +2198,3 @@ in kickstarts
## 0.0.2 and 0.0.1 ## 0.0.2 and 0.0.1
* Initial stages of project * Initial stages of project