Recognize interface aliases in network facts, and add IP facts

This commit is contained in:
Ahmad Khayyat 2012-08-11 02:40:54 -04:00
parent 05a128c2be
commit 7950dd01e5

View file

@ -433,93 +433,88 @@ class LinuxNetwork(Network):
def populate(self):
self.facts['interfaces'] = self.get_interfaces()
interfaces, ips = self.parse_ip_addr()
self.facts['interfaces'] = interfaces.keys()
for iface in interfaces:
self.facts[iface] = interfaces[iface]
self.facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] = ips['all_ipv4']
self.facts['all_ipv6_addresses'] = ips['all_ipv6']
self.facts['ipv4_address'] = ips['ipv4']
self.facts['ipv6_address'] = ips['ipv6']
return self.facts
# get list of interfaces
def get_interfaces(self):
names = []
data = get_file_content('/proc/net/dev')
# Format of /proc/net/dev is:
# Inter-| Receive ...
# face |bytes ...
# lo: 595059
for line in data.split('\n'):
if ':' in line:
return names
def get_iface_hwaddr(self, iface):
data = get_file_content('/sys/class/net/%s/address' % iface)
if data is None:
return 'unknown'
def parse_ip_addr(self):
interfaces = {}
ips = {'all_ipv4': [], 'all_ipv6': [], 'ipv4': None, 'ipv6': None}
output = subprocess.Popen(['ip','addr'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
for line in output.split('\n'):
if line:
words = line.split()
if not line.startswith(' '):
device = words[1][0:-1]
mtu = words[4]
elif words[0].startswith('link/'):
iface_type = words[0].split('/')[1]
if iface_type == 'void':
macaddress = 'unknown'
return data.strip()
macaddress = words[1]
elif words[0] == 'inet':
address, netmask_length = words[1].split('/')
address_bin = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(address))[0]
def get_interface_facts(self):
for iface in self.facts['interfaces']:
if iface not in self.facts:
self.facts[iface] = {}
self.facts[iface] = { 'macaddress': self.get_iface_hwaddr(iface) }
if os.path.exists('/sys/class/net/%s/mtu' % iface):
mtu = get_file_content('/sys/class/net/%s/mtu' % iface)
self.facts[iface]['mtu'] = mtu.strip()
netmask_bin = (1<<32) - (1<<32>>int(netmask_length))
netmask = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', netmask_bin))
def get_ipv4_facts(self):
for iface in self.facts['interfaces']:
# This is lame, but there doesn't appear to be a good way
# to get all addresses for both IPv4 and IPv6.
cmd = subprocess.Popen("env LANG=\"\" /sbin/ifconfig %s" % iface, shell=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = cmd.communicate()
for line in out.split('\n'):
is_ipv4 = False
data = line.split()
if 'inet addr' in line:
if 'ipv4' not in self.facts[iface]:
self.facts[iface]['ipv4'] = {}
is_ipv4 = True
self.facts[iface]['ipv4'] = { 'address': data[1].split(':')[1],
'netmask': data[-1].split(':')[1] }
# Slightly different output in net-tools-1.60-134.20120127git
# Looks like
# inet netmask broadcast
elif 'inet ' in line:
is_ipv4 = True
if 'ipv4' not in self.facts[iface]:
self.facts[iface]['ipv4'] = {}
self.facts[iface]['ipv4'] = { 'address': data[1],
'netmask': data[3] }
if is_ipv4:
ip = struct.unpack("!L", socket.inet_aton(self.facts[iface]['ipv4']['address']))[0]
mask = struct.unpack("!L", socket.inet_aton(self.facts[iface]['ipv4']['netmask']))[0]
self.facts[iface]['ipv4']['network'] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!L", ip & mask))
network = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', address_bin & netmask_bin))
def get_ipv6_facts(self):
if not socket.has_ipv6:
data = get_file_content('/proc/net/if_inet6')
if data is None:
for line in data.split('\n'):
l = line.split()
iface = l[5]
if 'ipv6' not in self.facts[iface]:
self.facts[iface]['ipv6'] = []
scope = l[3]
if Network.IPV6_SCOPE.has_key(l[3]):
scope = Network.IPV6_SCOPE[l[3]]
prefix = int(l[2], 16)
str_addr = ':'.join( [ l[0][i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(l[0]), 4) ] )
# Normalize ipv6 address from format in /proc/net/if_inet6
addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6,
socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, str_addr))
self.facts[iface]['ipv6'].append( { 'address': addr,
iface = words[-1]
# If an interface has multiple IPv4 addresses, make up an
# interface name for each address
if iface in interfaces:
i = 0
while '{0}:{1}'.format(iface, i) in interfaces:
i += 1
iface = '{0}:{1}'.format(iface, i)
interfaces[iface] = {}
interfaces[iface]['macaddress'] = macaddress
interfaces[iface]['mtu'] = mtu
interfaces[iface]['device'] = device
interfaces[iface]['ipv4'] = {'address': address,
'netmask': netmask,
'network': network}
if not ips['ipv4'] or ips['ipv4'].startswith('127'):
ips['ipv4'] = address
elif words[0] == 'inet6':
address, prefix = words[1].split('/')
scope = words[3]
iface = device
if iface not in interfaces:
interfaces[iface] = {}
interfaces[iface]['macaddress'] = macaddress
interfaces[iface]['mtu'] = mtu
interfaces[iface]['device'] = device
if 'ipv6' not in interfaces[iface]:
interfaces[iface]['ipv6'] = []
interfaces[iface]['ipv6'].append( {
'address': address,
'prefix': prefix,
'scope': scope } )
'scope': scope} )
if not ips['ipv6'] or ips['ipv6'] == '::1':
ips['ipv6'] = address
return interfaces, ips
class Virtual(Facts):