DOCUMENTATION: LaTeX template is back

ongoing work for the Booklet
This commit is contained in:
Jan-Piet Mens 2012-10-24 19:42:52 +02:00
parent 46b993bb80
commit 7c2910d457
2 changed files with 78 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ def main():
env.filters['jpfunc'] = latex_ify
template = env.get_template('latex.j2')
outputname = "%s.tex"
includecmt = "% generated code\n"
includefmt = "\\input %s\n"
includecmt = ""
includefmt = "%s\n"
if options.type == 'html':
env.filters['jpfunc'] = html_ify
template = env.get_template('html.j2')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
{# -------------------------------------------------------------------
template for for LaTeX output (Ansible Booklet)
by Jan-Piet Mens.
Note: nodes & code examples are omitted on purpose.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- #}
%--- @{ module | upper }@ ---- from @{ filename }@ ---
%: -- module header
{% for desc in description -%}
@{ desc | jpfunc }@
{% endfor -%}
{% if version_added is defined -%}
(\I{* new in version @{ version_added }@})
{% endif -%}
%: -- module options
{% if options %}
{% for (opt,v) in options.iteritems() %}
{% if v['required'] %}
\item[\man\,\C{@{ opt }@}]
{% else %}
\item[\opt\,\C{@{ opt }@}]
{% endif %}
{# -------- option description ----------#}
{% for desc in v.description %}
@{ desc | jpfunc }@
{% endfor %}
{% if v['choices'] %}
{% for choice in v['choices'] %}\C{@{ choice }@}{% if not loop.last %},{% else %}.{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if v['default'] %}
(default \C{@{ v['default'] }@})
{% endif %}
{% if v['version_added'] is defined %}
(\I{* version @{ v['version_added'] }@})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# ---------------------------------------
{% if notes %}
{% for note in notes %}
\I{@{ note | jpfunc }@}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
----------------------------- #}
{% if examples is defined -%}
{% for e in examples %}
@{ e['code'] }@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
----------------------------------- #}
{% if extradata is defined %}
@{ extradata }@
{% endif %}