Create urlsplit filter (#28537)

* Improve tests for uri filter

* Create URL Split docs

* Add urlsplit filter

* Py3 compatibility

* Use helper method and eliminate query options

* Add options, cleanup output, fix tests

* Update docs

* Add parenthesis to boilerplate import

* Add debug task to tests

* Use exclude option to filter returned values

* Filter out additional option for Python 3
This commit is contained in:
Sam Doran 2017-08-29 17:58:44 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 15bfdd634a
commit 80c00d3238
3 changed files with 184 additions and 62 deletions

View file

@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ output, use the ``parse_cli`` filter::
The ``parse_cli`` filter will load the spec file and pass the command output
through, it returning JSON output. The spec file is a YAML yaml that defines
how to parse the CLI output.
how to parse the CLI output.
The spec file should be valid formatted YAML. It defines how to parse the CLI
output and return JSON data. Below is an example of a valid spec file that
@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ will parse the output from the ``show vlan`` command.::
The spec file above will return a JSON data structure that is a list of hashes
with the parsed VLAN information.
The same command could be parsed into a hash by using the key and values
directives. Here is an example of how to parse the output into a hash
The same command could be parsed into a hash by using the key and values
directives. Here is an example of how to parse the output into a hash
value using the same ``show vlan`` command.::
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ value using the same ``show vlan`` command.::
value: present
Another common use case for parsing CLI commands is to break a large command
Another common use case for parsing CLI commands is to break a large command
into blocks that can parsed. This can be done using the ``start_block`` and
``end_block`` directives to break the command into blocks that can be parsed.::
@ -594,6 +594,56 @@ which will produce this output:
.. _other_useful_filters:
URL Split Filter
.. versionadded:: 2.4
The ``urlsplit`` filter extracts the fragment, hostname, netloc, password, path, port, query, scheme, and username from an URL. With no arguments, returns a dictionary of all the fields::
{{ "" | urlsplit('hostname') }}
# => ''
{{ "" | urlsplit('netloc') }}
# => ''
{{ "" | urlsplit('username') }}
# => 'user'
{{ "" | urlsplit('password') }}
# => 'password'
{{ "" | urlsplit('path') }}
# => '/dir/index.html'
{{ "" | urlsplit('port') }}
# => '9000'
{{ "" | urlsplit('scheme') }}
# => 'http'
{{ "" | urlsplit('query') }}
# => 'query=term'
{{ "" | urlsplit('fragment') }}
# => 'fragment'
{{ "" | urlsplit }}
# =>
# {
# "fragment": "fragment",
# "hostname": "",
# "netloc": "",
# "password": "password",
# "path": "/dir/index.html",
# "port": 9000,
# "query": "query=term",
# "scheme": "http",
# "username": "user"
# }
Other Useful Filters
@ -681,7 +731,7 @@ To replace text in a string with regex, use the "regex_replace" filter::
# convert "localhost:80" to "localhost, 80" using named groups
{{ 'localhost:80' | regex_replace('^(?P<host>.+):(?P<port>\\d+)$', '\\g<host>, \\g<port>') }}
# convert "localhost:80" to "localhost"
{{ 'localhost:80' | regex_replace(':80') }}
@ -717,26 +767,26 @@ To get permutations of a list::
- name: give me largest permutations (order matters)
debug: msg="{{ [1,2,3,4,5]|permutations|list }}"
- name: give me permutations of sets of 3
- name: give me permutations of sets of three
debug: msg="{{ [1,2,3,4,5]|permutations(3)|list }}"
Combinations always require a set size::
- name: give me combinations for sets of 2
- name: give me combinations for sets of two
debug: msg="{{ [1,2,3,4,5]|combinations(2)|list }}"
To get a list combining the elements of other lists use ``zip``::
- name: give me list combo of 2 lists
- name: give me list combo of two lists
debug: msg="{{ [1,2,3,4,5]|zip(['a','b','c','d','e','f'])|list }}"
- name: give me shortest combo of 2 lists
- name: give me shortest combo of two lists
debug: msg="{{ [1,2,3]|zip(['a','b','c','d','e','f'])|list }}"
To always exhaust all list use ``zip_longest``::
- name: give me longest combo of 3 lists , fill with X
- name: give me longest combo of three lists , fill with X
debug: msg="{{ [1,2,3]|zip_longest(['a','b','c','d','e','f'], [21, 22, 23], fillvalue='X')|list }}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['preview'],
'supported_by': 'community'
from ansible.errors import AnsibleFilterError
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit
from ansible.utils import helpers
def split_url(value, query='', alias='urlsplit'):
results = helpers.object_to_dict(urlsplit(value), exclude=['count', 'index', 'geturl', 'encode'])
# If a query is supplied, make sure it's valid then return the results.
# If no option is supplied, return the entire dictionary.
if query:
if query not in results:
raise AnsibleFilterError(alias + ': unknown URL component: %s' % query)
return results[query]
return results
# ---- Ansible filters ----
class FilterModule(object):
''' URI filter '''
def filters(self):
return {
'urlsplit': split_url

View file

@ -20,23 +20,29 @@
shell: echo hi
register: some_registered_var
- debug: var=some_registered_var
- debug:
var: some_registered_var
- name: Verify that we workaround a py26 json bug
template: src=py26json.j2 dest={{output_dir}}/py26json.templated mode=0644
src: py26json.j2
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/py26json.templated"
mode: 0644
- name: 9851 - Verify that we don't trigger
content: " [{{item|to_nice_json}}]"
dest: "{{output_dir}}/9851.out"
content: " [{{ item | to_nice_json }}]"
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/9851.out"
- {"k": "Quotes \"'\n"}
- name: 9851 - copy known good output into place
copy: src=9851.txt dest={{output_dir}}/9851.txt
src: 9851.txt
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/9851.txt"
- name: 9851 - Compare generated json to known good
shell: diff -w {{output_dir}}/9851.out {{output_dir}}/9851.txt
shell: diff -w {{ output_dir }}/9851.out {{ output_dir }}/9851.txt
register: diff_result_9851
- name: 9851 - verify generated file matches known good
@ -45,72 +51,78 @@
- 'diff_result_9851.stdout == ""'
- name: fill in a basic template
template: src=foo.j2 dest={{output_dir}}/foo.templated mode=0644
src: foo.j2
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/foo.templated"
mode: 0644
register: template_result
- name: copy known good into place
copy: src=foo.txt dest={{output_dir}}/foo.txt
src: foo.txt
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/foo.txt"
- name: compare templated file to known good
shell: diff -w {{output_dir}}/foo.templated {{output_dir}}/foo.txt
shell: diff -w {{ output_dir }}/foo.templated {{ output_dir }}/foo.txt
register: diff_result
- name: verify templated file matches known good
- 'diff_result.stdout == ""'
- 'diff_result.stdout == ""'
- name: Verify human_readable
tags: "human_readable"
- '"1.00 Bytes" == 1|human_readable'
- '"1.00 bits" == 1|human_readable(isbits=True)'
- '"10.00 KB" == 10240|human_readable'
- '"97.66 MB" == 102400000|human_readable'
- '"0.10 GB" == 102400000|human_readable(unit="G")'
- '"0.10 Gb" == 102400000|human_readable(isbits=True, unit="G")'
- '"1.00 Bytes" == 1|human_readable'
- '"1.00 bits" == 1|human_readable(isbits=True)'
- '"10.00 KB" == 10240|human_readable'
- '"97.66 MB" == 102400000|human_readable'
- '"0.10 GB" == 102400000|human_readable(unit="G")'
- '"0.10 Gb" == 102400000|human_readable(isbits=True, unit="G")'
- name: Verify human_to_bytes
tags: "human_to_bytes"
- "{{'0'|human_to_bytes}} == 0"
- "{{'0.1'|human_to_bytes}} == 0"
- "{{'0.9'|human_to_bytes}} == 1"
- "{{'1'|human_to_bytes}} == 1"
- "{{'10.00 KB'|human_to_bytes}} == 10240"
- "{{ '11 MB'|human_to_bytes}} == 11534336"
- "{{ '1.1 GB'|human_to_bytes}} == 1181116006"
- "{{'10.00 Kb'|human_to_bytes(isbits=True)}} == 10240"
- "{{'0'|human_to_bytes}} == 0"
- "{{'0.1'|human_to_bytes}} == 0"
- "{{'0.9'|human_to_bytes}} == 1"
- "{{'1'|human_to_bytes}} == 1"
- "{{'10.00 KB'|human_to_bytes}} == 10240"
- "{{ '11 MB'|human_to_bytes}} == 11534336"
- "{{ '1.1 GB'|human_to_bytes}} == 1181116006"
- "{{'10.00 Kb'|human_to_bytes(isbits=True)}} == 10240"
- name: Verify human_to_bytes (bad string)
tags: "human_to_bytes"
set_fact: bad_string="{{'10.00 foo'|human_to_bytes}}"
bad_string: "{{ '10.00 foo' | human_to_bytes }}"
ignore_errors: yes
register: _
tags: human_to_bytes
register: _human_bytes_test
- name: Verify human_to_bytes (bad string)
tags: "human_to_bytes"
tags: human_to_bytes
that: "{{_.failed}}"
that: "{{_human_bytes_test.failed}}"
- name: Test extract
- '"c" == 2 | extract(["a", "b", "c"])'
- '"b" == 1 | extract(["a", "b", "c"])'
- '"a" == 0 | extract(["a", "b", "c"])'
- '"c" == 2 | extract(["a", "b", "c"])'
- '"b" == 1 | extract(["a", "b", "c"])'
- '"a" == 0 | extract(["a", "b", "c"])'
- name: Container lookups with extract
- "'x' == [0]|map('extract',['x','y'])|list|first"
- "'y' == [1]|map('extract',['x','y'])|list|first"
- "42 == ['x']|map('extract',{'x':42,'y':31})|list|first"
- "31 == ['x','y']|map('extract',{'x':42,'y':31})|list|last"
- "'local' == ['localhost']|map('extract',hostvars,'ansible_connection')|list|first"
- "'local' == ['localhost']|map('extract',hostvars,['ansible_connection'])|list|first"
- "'x' == [0]|map('extract',['x','y'])|list|first"
- "'y' == [1]|map('extract',['x','y'])|list|first"
- "42 == ['x']|map('extract',{'x':42,'y':31})|list|first"
- "31 == ['x','y']|map('extract',{'x':42,'y':31})|list|last"
- "'local' == ['localhost']|map('extract',hostvars,'ansible_connection')|list|first"
- "'local' == ['localhost']|map('extract',hostvars,['ansible_connection'])|list|first"
# map was added to jinja2 in version 2.7
when: "{{ ( lookup('pipe', '{{ ansible_python[\"executable\"] }} -c \"import jinja2; print(jinja2.__version__)\"') |
version_compare('2.7', '>=') ) }}"
@ -120,22 +132,40 @@
- "users | json_query('[*].hosts[].host') == ['host_a', 'host_b', 'host_c', 'host_d']"
- name: "20379 - set_fact app_var_git_branch "
app_var_git_branch: multi-deployment-400-743
- name: "20379 - trigger a error in jmespath via json_query filter to test error handling"
msg: "{{ example_20379 | json_query('ApplicationVersions[].VersionLabel[] | [?starts_with(@, `multi`)]') }}"
ignore_errors: true
- name: "20379 - Test errors related to"
that: "example_20379 | json_query('ApplicationVersions[].VersionLabel[] | [?starts_with(@, '+app_var_git_branch+')] | [2:]') == multisdfsdf"
ignore_errors: true
- name: Test hash filter
- '"{{ "hash" | hash("sha1") }}" == "2346ad27d7568ba9896f1b7da6b5991251debdf2"'
- '"{{ "café" | hash("sha1") }}" == "f424452a9673918c6f09b0cdd35b20be8e6ae7d7"'
- debug:
var: "'' | urlsplit"
verbosity: 1
tags: debug
- name: Test urlsplit filter
- "'' | urlsplit('fragment') == 'fragment'"
- "'' | urlsplit('hostname') == ''"
- "'' | urlsplit('netloc') == ''"
- "'' | urlsplit('path') == '/dir/index.html'"
- "'' | urlsplit('port') == 9000"
- "'' | urlsplit('query') == 'query=term'"
- "'' | urlsplit('scheme') == 'http'"
- "'' | urlsplit('username') == 'mary'"
- "'' | urlsplit('password') == 'MySecret'"
- "'' | urlsplit == { 'fragment': 'fragment', 'hostname': '', 'netloc': '', 'password': 'MySecret', 'path': '/dir/index.html', 'port': 9000, 'query': 'query=term', 'scheme': 'http', 'username': 'mary' }"
- name: Test urlsplit filter bad argument
var: "'' | urlsplit('bad_filter')"
register: _bad_urlsplit_filter
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Verify urlsplit filter showed an error message
- _bad_urlsplit_filter | failed
- "'unknown URL component' in _bad_urlsplit_filter.msg"