From 8aa8e07d133f07818c02d26835a380ecfa0f0222 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Toshio Kuratomi <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 17:25:54 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Remove _load_hosts() from Play initialization as it's no
 longer needed and it breaks using extra_vars defining a list for hosts

Thanks to @jimi-c for the solution

Fixes #16583
 lib/ansible/playbook/           | 22 ---------
 test/integration/Makefile              | 31 ++++++++++++-
 test/integration/inventory.hosts_field |  2 +
 test/integration/test_hosts_field.json |  1 +
 test/integration/test_hosts_field.yml  | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/integration/inventory.hosts_field
 create mode 100644 test/integration/test_hosts_field.json
 create mode 100644 test/integration/test_hosts_field.yml

diff --git a/lib/ansible/playbook/ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
index b61b6ab4d6c..de621379720 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/playbook/
+++ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
@@ -137,28 +137,6 @@ class Play(Base, Taggable, Become):
         return super(Play, self).preprocess_data(ds)
-    def _load_hosts(self, attr, ds):
-        '''
-        Loads the hosts from the given datastructure, which might be a list
-        or a simple string. We also switch integers in this list back to strings,
-        as the YAML parser will turn things that look like numbers into numbers.
-        '''
-        if isinstance(ds, (string_types, int)):
-            ds = [ ds ]
-        if not isinstance(ds, list):
-            raise AnsibleParserError("'hosts' must be specified as a list or a single pattern", obj=ds)
-        # YAML parsing of things that look like numbers may have
-        # resulted in integers showing up in the list, so convert
-        # them back to strings to prevent problems
-        for idx,item in enumerate(ds):
-            if isinstance(item, int):
-                ds[idx] = "%s" % item
-        return ds
     def _load_tasks(self, attr, ds):
         Loads a list of blocks from a list which may be mixed tasks/blocks.
diff --git a/test/integration/Makefile b/test/integration/Makefile
index 857b70e1a02..ef3c22997f0 100644
--- a/test/integration/Makefile
+++ b/test/integration/Makefile
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ UNAME := $(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
 all: setup other non_destructive destructive
-other: test_test_infra parsing test_var_precedence unicode test_templating_settings environment test_connection test_async_conditional includes blocks pull check_mode test_hash test_handlers test_group_by test_vault test_tags test_lookup_paths no_log test_gathering_facts test_binary_modules
+other: test_test_infra parsing test_var_precedence unicode test_templating_settings environment test_connection test_async_conditional includes blocks pull check_mode test_hash test_handlers test_group_by test_vault test_tags test_lookup_paths no_log test_gathering_facts test_binary_modules test_hosts_field
 	# ensure fail/assert work locally and can stop execution with non-zero exit code
@@ -354,3 +354,32 @@ test_async:
 	# Verify that the warning exists by examining debug output.
 	ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 LC_ALL=bogus ansible-playbook test_async.yml -i localhost, -e ansible_connection=ssh -v $(TEST_FLAGS) \
 	| grep 'bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (bogus)' > /dev/null
+	# Hosts in playbook has a list of strings consisting solely of digits
+	ansible-playbook test_hosts_field.yml -i inventory.hosts_field -e'target_kv=42' -e'{ "target_json_cli": "42", "target_json_cli_list": ["42", "localhost"] }' -e "@test_hosts_field.json" -t string_digit_host_in_list -v $(TEST_FLAGS) | tee test_hosts_field.out
+	grep 'Running on 42' test_hosts_field.out 2>&1
+	test `grep -c 'ok=1' test_hosts_field.out` = 1
+	# Hosts taken from kv extra_var on the CLI
+	ansible-playbook test_hosts_field.yml -i inventory.hosts_field -e'target_kv=42' -e'{ "target_json_cli": "42", "target_json_cli_list": ["42", "localhost"] }' -e "@test_hosts_field.json" -t hosts_from_kv_string -v $(TEST_FLAGS) | tee test_hosts_field.out
+	grep 'Running on 42' test_hosts_field.out 2>&1
+	test `grep -c 'ok=1' test_hosts_field.out` = 1
+	# hosts is taken from an all digit json extra_vars string on the CLI
+	ansible-playbook test_hosts_field.yml -i inventory.hosts_field -e'target_kv=42' -e'{ "target_json_cli": "42", "target_json_cli_list": ["42", "localhost"] }' -e "@test_hosts_field.json" -t hosts_from_cli_json_string -v $(TEST_FLAGS) | tee test_hosts_field.out
+	grep 'Running on 42' test_hosts_field.out 2>&1
+	test `grep -c 'ok=1' test_hosts_field.out` = 1
+	# hosts is taken from a json list in extra_vars on the CLI
+	ansible-playbook test_hosts_field.yml -i inventory.hosts_field -e'target_kv=42' -e'{ "target_json_cli": "42", "target_json_cli_list": ["42", "localhost"] }' -e "@test_hosts_field.json" -t hosts_from_cli_json_list -v $(TEST_FLAGS) | tee test_hosts_field.out
+	grep 'Running on 42' test_hosts_field.out 2>&1
+	grep 'Running on localhost' test_hosts_field.out 2>&1
+	test `grep -c 'ok=1' test_hosts_field.out` = 2
+	# hosts is taken from a json string in an extra_vars file
+	ansible-playbook test_hosts_field.yml -i inventory.hosts_field -e'target_kv=42' -e'{ "target_json_cli": "42", "target_json_cli_list": ["42", "localhost"] }' -e "@test_hosts_field.json" -t hosts_from_json_file_string -v $(TEST_FLAGS) | tee test_hosts_field.out
+	grep 'Running on 42' test_hosts_field.out 2>&1
+	test `grep -c 'ok=1' test_hosts_field.out` = 1
+	# hosts is taken from a json list in an extra_vars file
+	ansible-playbook test_hosts_field.yml -i inventory.hosts_field -e'target_kv=42' -e'{ "target_json_cli": "42", "target_json_cli_list": ["42", "localhost"] }' -e "@test_hosts_field.json" -t hosts_from_json_file_list -v $(TEST_FLAGS) | tee test_hosts_field.out
+	grep 'Running on 42' test_hosts_field.out 2>&1
+	grep 'Running on localhost' test_hosts_field.out 2>&1
+	test `grep -c 'ok=1' test_hosts_field.out` = 2
+	rm test_hosts_field.out
diff --git a/test/integration/inventory.hosts_field b/test/integration/inventory.hosts_field
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07dbe1a9586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/inventory.hosts_field
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+42 ansible_host= ansible_connection=local
diff --git a/test/integration/test_hosts_field.json b/test/integration/test_hosts_field.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26875560939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/test_hosts_field.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "target_json_file": "42", "target_json_file_list": ["42", "localhost"] }
diff --git a/test/integration/test_hosts_field.yml b/test/integration/test_hosts_field.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..568d7025039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/test_hosts_field.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#- name: Host in playbook is an integer
+#  hosts: 42
+#  tags: numeric_host
+#  tasks:
+#    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+#- name: Host in playbook is a string of digits
+#  hosts: "42"
+#  tags: string_digit_host
+#  tasks:
+#    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+#- name: Host in playbook is a list of integer
+#  hosts:
+#    - 42
+#  tags: numeric_host_in_list
+#  tasks:
+#    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+- name: Host in playbook is a list of strings of digits
+  hosts:
+    - "42"
+  gather_facts: False
+  tags: string_digit_host_in_list
+  tasks:
+    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+- name: Hosts taken from kv extra_var on the CLI
+  hosts: "{{ target_kv }}"
+  gather_facts: False
+  tags: hosts_from_kv_string
+  tasks:
+    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+- name: Hosts taken from a json string on the CLI
+  hosts: "{{ target_json_cli }}"
+  gather_facts: False
+  tags: hosts_from_cli_json_string
+  tasks:
+    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+- name: Hosts taken from a json list on the CLI
+  hosts: "{{ target_json_cli_list }}"
+  gather_facts: False
+  tags: hosts_from_cli_json_list
+  tasks:
+    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+- name: Hosts is taken from a json string in an extra_vars file
+  hosts: "{{ target_json_file }}"
+  gather_facts: False
+  tags: hosts_from_json_file_string
+  tasks:
+    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+- name: Hosts is taken from a json list in an extra_vars file
+  hosts: "{{ target_json_file_list }}"
+  gather_facts: False
+  tags: hosts_from_json_file_list
+  tasks:
+    - command: echo 'Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}'