diff --git a/cloud/google/gce_mig.py b/cloud/google/gce_mig.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7762eaed23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloud/google/gce_mig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see .
+module: gce_mig
+version_added: "2.2"
+short_description: Create, Update or Destroy a Managed Instance Group (MIG).
+ - Create, Update or Destroy a Managed Instance Group (MIG). See
+ U(https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instance-groups) for an overview.
+ Full install/configuration instructions for the gce* modules can
+ be found in the comments of ansible/test/gce_tests.py.
+ - "python >= 2.6"
+ - "apache-libcloud >= 1.2.0"
+ - Resizing and Recreating VM are also supported.
+ - An existing instance template is required in order to create a
+ Managed Instance Group.
+ - "Tom Melendez (@supertom) "
+ name:
+ description:
+ - Name of the Managed Instance Group.
+ required: true
+ template:
+ description:
+ - Instance Template to be used in creating the VMs. See
+ U(https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instance-templates) to learn more
+ about Instance Templates. Required for creating MIGs.
+ required: false
+ size:
+ description:
+ - Size of Managed Instance Group. If MIG already exists, it will be
+ resized to the number provided here. Required for creating MIGs.
+ required: false
+ service_account_email:
+ description:
+ - service account email
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ credentials_file:
+ description:
+ - Path to the JSON file associated with the service account email
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ project_id:
+ description:
+ - GCE project ID
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ state:
+ description:
+ - desired state of the resource
+ required: false
+ default: "present"
+ choices: ["absent", "present"]
+ zone:
+ description:
+ - The GCE zone to use for this Managed Instance Group.
+ required: true
+ autoscaling:
+ description:
+ - A dictionary of configuration for the autoscaler. 'enabled (bool)', 'name (str)'
+ and policy.max_instances (int) are required fields if autoscaling is used. See
+ U(https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/beta/autoscalers) for more information
+ on Autoscaling.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+# Following playbook creates, rebuilds instances, resizes and then deletes a MIG.
+# Notes:
+# - Two valid Instance Templates must exist in your GCE project in order to run
+# this playbook. Change the fields to match the templates used in your
+# project.
+# - The use of the 'pause' module is not required, it is just for convenience.
+- name: Managed Instance Group Example
+ hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: False
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create MIG
+ gce_mig:
+ name: ansible-mig-example
+ zone: us-central1-c
+ state: present
+ size: 1
+ template: my-instance-template-1
+ - pause: seconds=30
+ - name: Recreate MIG Instances with Instance Template change.
+ gce_mig:
+ name: ansible-mig-example
+ zone: us-central1-c
+ state: present
+ template: my-instance-template-2-small
+ recreate_instances: yes
+ - pause: seconds=30
+ - name: Resize MIG
+ gce_mig:
+ name: ansible-mig-example
+ zone: us-central1-c
+ state: present
+ size: 3
+ - name: Update MIG with Autoscaler
+ gce_mig:
+ name: ansible-mig-example
+ zone: us-central1-c
+ state: present
+ size: 3
+ template: my-instance-template-2-small
+ recreate_instances: yes
+ autoscaling:
+ enabled: yes
+ name: my-autoscaler
+ policy:
+ min_instances: 2
+ max_instances: 5
+ cool_down_period: 37
+ cpu_utilization:
+ target: .39
+ load_balancing_utilization:
+ target: 0.4
+ - pause: seconds=30
+ - name: Delete MIG
+ gce_mig:
+ name: ansible-mig-example
+ zone: us-central1-c
+ state: absent
+ autoscaling:
+ enabled: no
+ name: my-autoscaler
+RETURN = '''
+ description: Zone in which to launch MIG.
+ returned: always
+ type: string
+ sample: "us-central1-b"
+ description: Instance Template to use for VMs. Must exist prior to using with MIG.
+ returned: changed
+ type: string
+ sample: "my-instance-template"
+ description: Name of the Managed Instance Group.
+ returned: changed
+ type: string
+ sample: "my-managed-instance-group"
+ description: Number of VMs in Managed Instance Group.
+ returned: changed
+ type: integer
+ sample: 4
+ description: Names of instances created.
+ returned: When instances are created.
+ type: list
+ sample: ["ansible-mig-new-0k4y", "ansible-mig-new-0zk5", "ansible-mig-new-kp68"]
+ description: Names of instances deleted.
+ returned: When instances are deleted.
+ type: list
+ sample: ["ansible-mig-new-0k4y", "ansible-mig-new-0zk5", "ansible-mig-new-kp68"]
+ description: Names of instances created during resizing.
+ returned: When a resize results in the creation of instances.
+ type: list
+ sample: ["ansible-mig-new-0k4y", "ansible-mig-new-0zk5", "ansible-mig-new-kp68"]
+ description: Names of instances deleted during resizing.
+ returned: When a resize results in the deletion of instances.
+ type: list
+ sample: ["ansible-mig-new-0k4y", "ansible-mig-new-0zk5", "ansible-mig-new-kp68"]
+ description: Names of instances recreated.
+ returned: When instances are recreated.
+ type: list
+ sample: ["ansible-mig-new-0k4y", "ansible-mig-new-0zk5", "ansible-mig-new-kp68"]
+ description: True if Autoscaler was attempted and created. False otherwise.
+ returned: When the creation of an Autoscaler was attempted.
+ type: bool
+ sample: true
+ description: True if an Autoscaler update was attempted and succeeded.
+ False returned if update failed.
+ returned: When the update of an Autoscaler was attempted.
+ type: bool
+ sample: true
+ description: True if an Autoscaler delete attempted and succeeded.
+ False returned if delete failed.
+ returned: When the delete of an Autoscaler was attempted.
+ type: bool
+ sample: true
+import socket
+ import libcloud
+ from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
+ from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
+ from libcloud.common.google import GoogleBaseError, QuotaExceededError, \
+ ResourceExistsError, ResourceInUseError, ResourceNotFoundError
+ from libcloud.compute.drivers.gce import GCEAddress
+ _ = Provider.GCE
+except ImportError:
+ from ast import literal_eval
+ HAS_PYTHON26 = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_PYTHON26 = False
+def _check_params(params, field_list):
+ """
+ Helper to validate params.
+ Use this in function definitions if they require specific fields
+ to be present.
+ :param params: structure that contains the fields
+ :type params: ``dict``
+ :param field_list: list of dict representing the fields
+ [{'name': str, 'required': True/False', 'type': cls}]
+ :type field_list: ``list`` of ``dict``
+ :return True, exits otherwise
+ :rtype: ``bool``
+ """
+ for d in field_list:
+ if not d['name'] in params:
+ if d['required'] is True:
+ return (False, "%s is required and must be of type: %s" %
+ (d['name'], str(d['type'])))
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(params[d['name']], d['type']):
+ return (False,
+ "%s must be of type: %s" % (d['name'], str(d['type'])))
+ return (True, '')
+def _validate_autoscaling_params(params):
+ """
+ Validate that the minimum configuration is present for autoscaling.
+ :param params: Ansible dictionary containing autoscaling configuration
+ It is expected that autoscaling config will be found at the
+ key 'autoscaling'.
+ :type params: ``dict``
+ :return: Tuple containing a boolean and a string. True if autoscaler
+ is valid, False otherwise, plus str for message.
+ :rtype: ``(``bool``, ``str``)``
+ """
+ if not params['autoscaling']:
+ # It's optional, so if not set at all, it's valid.
+ return (True, '')
+ if not isinstance(params['autoscaling'], dict):
+ return (False,
+ 'autoscaling: configuration expected to be a dictionary.')
+ # check first-level required fields
+ as_req_fields = [
+ {'name': 'name', 'required': True, 'type': str},
+ {'name': 'enabled', 'required': True, 'type': bool},
+ {'name': 'policy', 'required': True, 'type': dict}
+ ] # yapf: disable
+ (as_req_valid, as_req_msg) = _check_params(params['autoscaling'],
+ as_req_fields)
+ if not as_req_valid:
+ return (False, as_req_msg)
+ # check policy configuration
+ as_policy_fields = [
+ {'name': 'max_instances', 'required': True, 'type': int},
+ {'name': 'min_instances', 'required': False, 'type': int},
+ {'name': 'cool_down_period', 'required': False, 'type': int}
+ ] # yapf: disable
+ (as_policy_valid, as_policy_msg) = _check_params(
+ params['autoscaling']['policy'], as_policy_fields)
+ if not as_policy_valid:
+ return (False, as_policy_msg)
+ # TODO(supertom): check utilization fields
+ return (True, '')
+def _get_instance_list(mig, field='name', filter_list=['NONE']):
+ """
+ Helper to grab field from instances response.
+ :param mig: Managed Instance Group Object from libcloud.
+ :type mig: :class: `GCEInstanceGroupManager`
+ :param field: Field name in list_managed_instances response. Defaults
+ to 'name'.
+ :type field: ``str``
+ :param filter_list: list of 'currentAction' strings to filter on. Only
+ items that match a currentAction in this list will
+ be returned. Default is "['NONE']".
+ :type filter_list: ``list`` of ``str``
+ :return: List of strings from list_managed_instances response.
+ :rtype: ``list``
+ """
+ return [x[field] for x in mig.list_managed_instances()
+ if x['currentAction'] in filter_list]
+def _gen_gce_as_policy(as_params):
+ """
+ Take Autoscaler params and generate GCE-compatible policy.
+ :param as_params: Dictionary in Ansible-playbook format
+ containing policy arguments.
+ :type as_params: ``dict``
+ :return: GCE-compatible policy dictionary
+ :rtype: ``dict``
+ """
+ asp_data = {}
+ asp_data['maxNumReplicas'] = as_params['max_instances']
+ if 'min_instances' in as_params:
+ asp_data['minNumReplicas'] = as_params['min_instances']
+ if 'cool_down_period' in as_params:
+ asp_data['coolDownPeriodSec'] = as_params['cool_down_period']
+ if 'cpu_utilization' in as_params and 'target' in as_params[
+ 'cpu_utilization']:
+ asp_data['cpuUtilization'] = {'utilizationTarget':
+ as_params['cpu_utilization']['target']}
+ if 'load_balancing_utilization' in as_params and 'target' in as_params[
+ 'load_balancing_utilization']:
+ asp_data['loadBalancingUtilization'] = {
+ 'utilizationTarget':
+ as_params['load_balancing_utilization']['target']
+ }
+ return asp_data
+def create_autoscaler(gce, mig, params):
+ """
+ Create a new Autoscaler for a MIG.
+ :param gce: An initialized GCE driver object.
+ :type gce: :class: `GCENodeDriver`
+ :param mig: An initialized GCEInstanceGroupManager.
+ :type mig: :class: `GCEInstanceGroupManager`
+ :param params: Dictionary of autoscaling parameters.
+ :type params: ``dict``
+ :return: Tuple with changed stats.
+ :rtype: tuple in the format of (bool, list)
+ """
+ changed = False
+ as_policy = _gen_gce_as_policy(params['policy'])
+ autoscaler = gce.ex_create_autoscaler(name=params['name'], zone=mig.zone,
+ instance_group=mig, policy=as_policy)
+ if autoscaler:
+ changed = True
+ return changed
+def update_autoscaler(gce, autoscaler, params):
+ """
+ Update an Autoscaler.
+ Takes an existing Autoscaler object, and updates it with
+ the supplied params before calling libcloud's update method.
+ :param gce: An initialized GCE driver object.
+ :type gce: :class: `GCENodeDriver`
+ :param autoscaler: An initialized GCEAutoscaler.
+ :type autoscaler: :class: `GCEAutoscaler`
+ :param params: Dictionary of autoscaling parameters.
+ :type params: ``dict``
+ :return: True if changes, False otherwise.
+ :rtype: ``bool``
+ """
+ as_policy = _gen_gce_as_policy(params['policy'])
+ if autoscaler.policy != as_policy:
+ autoscaler.policy = as_policy
+ autoscaler = gce.ex_update_autoscaler(autoscaler)
+ if autoscaler:
+ return True
+ return False
+def delete_autoscaler(autoscaler):
+ """
+ Delete an Autoscaler. Does not affect MIG.
+ :param mig: Managed Instance Group Object from Libcloud.
+ :type mig: :class: `GCEInstanceGroupManager`
+ :return: Tuple with changed stats and a list of affected instances.
+ :rtype: tuple in the format of (bool, list)
+ """
+ changed = False
+ if autoscaler.destroy():
+ changed = True
+ return changed
+def get_autoscaler(gce, name, zone):
+ """
+ Get an Autoscaler from GCE.
+ If the Autoscaler is not found, None is found.
+ :param gce: An initialized GCE driver object.
+ :type gce: :class: `GCENodeDriver`
+ :param name: Name of the Autoscaler.
+ :type name: ``str``
+ :param zone: Zone that the Autoscaler is located in.
+ :type zone: ``str``
+ :return: A GCEAutoscaler object or None.
+ :rtype: :class: `GCEAutoscaler` or None
+ """
+ try:
+ # Does the Autoscaler already exist?
+ return gce.ex_get_autoscaler(name, zone)
+ except ResourceNotFoundError:
+ return None
+def create_mig(gce, params):
+ """
+ Create a new Managed Instance Group.
+ :param gce: An initialized GCE driver object.
+ :type gce: :class: `GCENodeDriver`
+ :param params: Dictionary of parameters needed by the module.
+ :type params: ``dict``
+ :return: Tuple with changed stats and a list of affected instances.
+ :rtype: tuple in the format of (bool, list)
+ """
+ changed = False
+ return_data = []
+ actions_filter = ['CREATING']
+ mig = gce.ex_create_instancegroupmanager(
+ name=params['name'], size=params['size'], template=params['template'],
+ zone=params['zone'])
+ if mig:
+ changed = True
+ return_data = _get_instance_list(mig, filter_list=actions_filter)
+ return (changed, return_data)
+def delete_mig(mig):
+ """
+ Delete a Managed Instance Group. All VMs in that MIG are also deleted."
+ :param mig: Managed Instance Group Object from Libcloud.
+ :type mig: :class: `GCEInstanceGroupManager`
+ :return: Tuple with changed stats and a list of affected instances.
+ :rtype: tuple in the format of (bool, list)
+ """
+ changed = False
+ return_data = []
+ actions_filter = ['NONE', 'CREATING', 'RECREATING', 'DELETING',
+ instance_names = _get_instance_list(mig, filter_list=actions_filter)
+ if mig.destroy():
+ changed = True
+ return_data = instance_names
+ return (changed, return_data)
+def recreate_instances_in_mig(mig):
+ """
+ Recreate the instances for a Managed Instance Group.
+ :param mig: Managed Instance Group Object from libcloud.
+ :type mig: :class: `GCEInstanceGroupManager`
+ :return: Tuple with changed stats and a list of affected instances.
+ :rtype: tuple in the format of (bool, list)
+ """
+ changed = False
+ return_data = []
+ actions_filter = ['RECREATING']
+ if mig.recreate_instances():
+ changed = True
+ return_data = _get_instance_list(mig, filter_list=actions_filter)
+ return (changed, return_data)
+def resize_mig(mig, size):
+ """
+ Resize a Managed Instance Group.
+ Based on the size provided, GCE will automatically create and delete
+ VMs as needed.
+ :param mig: Managed Instance Group Object from libcloud.
+ :type mig: :class: `GCEInstanceGroupManager`
+ :return: Tuple with changed stats and a list of affected instances.
+ :rtype: tuple in the format of (bool, list)
+ """
+ changed = False
+ return_data = []
+ actions_filter = ['CREATING', 'DELETING']
+ if mig.resize(size):
+ changed = True
+ return_data = _get_instance_list(mig, filter_list=actions_filter)
+ return (changed, return_data)
+def get_mig(gce, name, zone):
+ """
+ Get a Managed Instance Group from GCE.
+ If the MIG is not found, None is found.
+ :param gce: An initialized GCE driver object.
+ :type gce: :class: `GCENodeDriver`
+ :param name: Name of the Managed Instance Group.
+ :type name: ``str``
+ :param zone: Zone that the Managed Instance Group is located in.
+ :type zone: ``str``
+ :return: A GCEInstanceGroupManager object or None.
+ :rtype: :class: `GCEInstanceGroupManager` or None
+ """
+ try:
+ # Does the MIG already exist?
+ return gce.ex_get_instancegroupmanager(name=name, zone=zone)
+ except ResourceNotFoundError:
+ return None
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict(
+ name=dict(required=True),
+ template=dict(),
+ recreate_instances=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ # Do not set a default size here. For Create and some update
+ # operations, it is required and should be explicitly set.
+ # Below, we set it to the existing value if it has not been set.
+ size=dict(type='int'),
+ state=dict(choices=['absent', 'present'], default='present'),
+ zone=dict(required=True),
+ autoscaling=dict(type='dict', default=None),
+ service_account_email=dict(),
+ service_account_permissions=dict(type='list'),
+ pem_file=dict(),
+ credentials_file=dict(),
+ project_id=dict(), ), )
+ if not HAS_PYTHON26:
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg="GCE module requires python's 'ast' module, python v2.6+")
+ if not HAS_LIBCLOUD:
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg='libcloud with GCE Managed Instance Group support (1.1+) required for this module.')
+ params = {}
+ params['state'] = module.params.get('state')
+ params['zone'] = module.params.get('zone')
+ params['name'] = module.params.get('name')
+ params['size'] = module.params.get('size')
+ params['template'] = module.params.get('template')
+ params['recreate_instances'] = module.params.get('recreate_instances')
+ params['autoscaling'] = module.params.get('autoscaling', None)
+ (valid_autoscaling, as_msg) = _validate_autoscaling_params(params)
+ if not valid_autoscaling:
+ module.fail_json(msg=as_msg, changed=False)
+ gce = gce_connect(module)
+ changed = False
+ json_output = {'state': params['state'], 'zone': params['zone']}
+ mig = get_mig(gce, params['name'], params['zone'])
+ if not mig:
+ if params['state'] == 'absent':
+ # Doesn't exist in GCE, and state==absent.
+ changed = False
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg="Cannot delete unknown managed instance group: %s" %
+ (params['name']))
+ else:
+ # Create MIG
+ req_create_fields = [
+ {'name': 'template', 'required': True, 'type': str},
+ {'name': 'size', 'required': True, 'type': int}
+ ] # yapf: disable
+ (valid_create_fields, valid_create_msg) = _check_params(
+ params, req_create_fields)
+ if not valid_create_fields:
+ module.fail_json(msg=valid_create_msg, changed=False)
+ (changed, json_output['created_instances']) = create_mig(gce,
+ params)
+ if params['autoscaling'] and params['autoscaling'][
+ 'enabled'] is True:
+ # Fetch newly-created MIG and create Autoscaler for it.
+ mig = get_mig(gce, params['name'], params['zone'])
+ if not mig:
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg='Unable to fetch created MIG %s to create \
+ autoscaler in zone: %s' % (
+ params['name'], params['zone']), changed=False)
+ if not create_autoscaler(gce, mig, params['autoscaling']):
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg='Unable to fetch MIG %s to create autoscaler \
+ in zone: %s' % (params['name'], params['zone']),
+ changed=False)
+ json_output['created_autoscaler'] = True
+ elif params['state'] == 'absent':
+ # Delete MIG
+ # First, check and remove the autoscaler, if present.
+ # Note: multiple autoscalers can be associated to a single MIG. We
+ # only handle the one that is named, but we might want to think about this.
+ if params['autoscaling']:
+ autoscaler = get_autoscaler(gce, params['autoscaling']['name'],
+ params['zone'])
+ if not autoscaler:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to fetch autoscaler %s to delete \
+ in zone: %s' % (params['autoscaling']['name'], params['zone']),
+ changed=False)
+ changed = delete_autoscaler(autoscaler)
+ json_output['deleted_autoscaler'] = changed
+ # Now, delete the MIG.
+ (changed, json_output['deleted_instances']) = delete_mig(mig)
+ else:
+ # Update MIG
+ # If we're going to update a MIG, we need a size and template values.
+ # If not specified, we use the values from the existing MIG.
+ if not params['size']:
+ params['size'] = mig.size
+ if not params['template']:
+ params['template'] = mig.template.name
+ if params['template'] != mig.template.name:
+ # Update Instance Template.
+ new_template = gce.ex_get_instancetemplate(params['template'])
+ mig.set_instancetemplate(new_template)
+ json_output['updated_instancetemplate'] = True
+ changed = True
+ if params['recreate_instances'] is True:
+ # Recreate Instances.
+ (changed, json_output['recreated_instances']
+ ) = recreate_instances_in_mig(mig)
+ if params['size'] != mig.size:
+ # Resize MIG.
+ keystr = 'created' if params['size'] > mig.size else 'deleted'
+ (changed, json_output['resize_%s_instances' %
+ (keystr)]) = resize_mig(mig, params['size'])
+ # Update Autoscaler
+ if params['autoscaling']:
+ autoscaler = get_autoscaler(gce, params['autoscaling']['name'],
+ params['zone'])
+ if not autoscaler:
+ # Try to create autoscaler.
+ # Note: this isn't perfect, if the autoscaler name has changed
+ # we wouldn't know that here.
+ if not create_autoscaler(gce, mig, params['autoscaling']):
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg='Unable to create autoscaler %s for existing MIG %s\
+ in zone: %s' % (params['autoscaling']['name'],
+ params['name'], params['zone']),
+ changed=False)
+ json_output['created_autoscaler'] = True
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ if params['autoscaling']['enabled'] is False:
+ # Delete autoscaler
+ changed = delete_autoscaler(autoscaler)
+ json_output['delete_autoscaler'] = changed
+ else:
+ # Update policy, etc.
+ changed = update_autoscaler(gce, autoscaler,
+ params['autoscaling'])
+ json_output['updated_autoscaler'] = changed
+ json_output['changed'] = changed
+ json_output.update(params)
+ module.exit_json(**json_output)
+# import module snippets
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
+from ansible.module_utils.gce import *
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()