diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_chocolatey.ps1 b/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_chocolatey.ps1
index 502b0553fd4..af201f6db42 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_chocolatey.ps1
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_chocolatey.ps1
@@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
-# This file is part of Ansible
-# Copyright 2014, Trond Hindenes <trond@hindenes.com>
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Copyright: (c) 2014, Trond Hindenes <trond@hindenes.com>
+# Copyright: (c) 2017, Dag Wieers <dag@wieers.com>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+# As of chocolatey 0.9.10, non-zero success exit codes can be returned
+# See https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/512#issuecomment-214284461
+$successexitcodes = (0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
 $params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
 $check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false
+$verbosity = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_verbosity" -type "int" -default 0
 $package = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -type "str" -failifempty $true
 $force = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "force" -type "bool" -default $false
@@ -30,7 +25,7 @@ $version = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "version" -type "str"
 $source = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "source" -type "str"
 $showlog = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "showlog" -type "bool" -default $false
 $timeout = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "timeout" -type "int" -default 2700 -aliases "execution_timeout"
-$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateset "absent","latest","present","reinstalled"
+$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateset "absent","downgrade","latest","present","reinstalled"
 $installargs = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "install_args" -type "str"
 $packageparams = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "params" -type "str"
 $allowemptychecksums = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "allow_empty_checksums" -type "bool" -default $false
@@ -51,16 +46,13 @@ if ($source) {
 if ($upgrade)
-    Add-DeprecationWarning $result "Parameter upgrade=yes is replaced with state=latest"
+    Add-DeprecationWarning -obj $result -message "Parameter upgrade=yes is replaced with state=latest" -version 2.6
     if ($state -eq "present")
         $state = "latest"
-# As of chocolatey 0.9.10, nonzero success exit codes can be returned
-# See https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/512#issuecomment-214284461
-$successexitcodes = (0,1605,1614,1641,3010)
 Function Chocolatey-Install-Upgrade
@@ -68,7 +60,7 @@ Function Chocolatey-Install-Upgrade
-    $ChocoAlreadyInstalled = get-command choco -ErrorAction 0
+    $ChocoAlreadyInstalled = Get-Command -Name "choco.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
     if ($ChocoAlreadyInstalled -eq $null)
@@ -88,16 +80,18 @@ Function Chocolatey-Install-Upgrade
         $install_output = $wc.DownloadString("https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1") | powershell -
-        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
-        {
+        $result.rc = $LastExitCode
+        $result.stdout = $install_output | Out-String
+        if ($result.rc -ne 0) {
+            # Deprecated below result output in v2.4, remove in v2.6
             $result.choco_bootstrap_output = $install_output
-            Fail-Json $result "Chocolatey bootstrap installation failed."
+            Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Chocolatey bootstrap installation failed."
         $result.changed = $true
-        Add-Warning $result 'Chocolatey was missing from this system, so it was installed during this task run.'
+        Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Chocolatey was missing from this system, so it was installed during this task run."
         # locate the newly installed choco.exe
-        $command = Get-Command -Name "choco.exe"
+        $command = Get-Command -Name "choco.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
         if ($command)
             $path = $command.Path
@@ -126,12 +120,26 @@ Function Chocolatey-Install-Upgrade
         $script:executable = "choco.exe"
-        if ([Version](choco --version) -lt [Version]'0.9.9')
+        if ([Version](choco --version) -lt [Version]'0.10.5')
-            Choco-Upgrade chocolatey
+            Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Chocolatey was older than v0.10.5, so it was upgraded during this task run."
+            $script:options = @( "-dv" )
+            Choco-Upgrade -package chocolatey
+    # set the default verbosity options
+    if ($verbosity -gt 4) {
+        Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Debug output enabled."
+        $script:options = @( "-dv", "--no-progress" )
+    } elseif ($verbosity -gt 3) {
+        $script:options = @( "-v", "--no-progress" )
+#    } elseif ($verbosity -gt 2) {
+#        $script:options = @( "--no-progress" )
+    } else {
+        $script:options = @( "-r", "--no-progress" )
+    }
@@ -140,7 +148,7 @@ Function Choco-IsInstalled
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
+        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
@@ -148,16 +156,23 @@ Function Choco-IsInstalled
         return $true
-    $cmd = "$executable list --local-only --exact $package"
-    $output = invoke-expression $cmd
+    $options = @( "--local-only", "--exact", $package )
-    $result.rc = $LastExitCode
-    if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
-    {
-        $result.choco_error_cmd = $cmd
+    # NOTE: Chocolatey does not use stderr except for help output
+    Try {
+        $output = & $script:executable list $options
+    } Catch {
+        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error checking installation status for package 'package': $($_.Exception.Message)"
+    }
+    if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
+        $result.rc = $LastExitCode
+        $result.command =  "$script:executable list $options"
+        $result.stdout = $output | Out-String
+        # Deprecated below result output in v2.4, remove in v2.6
+        $result.choco_error_cmd = $result.command
         $result.choco_error_log = $output
-        Throw "Error checking installation status for $package"
+        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error checking installation status for $package 'package'"
     If ("$output" -match "(\d+) packages installed.")
@@ -168,100 +183,109 @@ Function Choco-IsInstalled
     return $false
 Function Choco-Upgrade
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
-        [string]$package,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
-        [string]$version,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]
-        [string]$source,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)]
-        [bool]$force,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)]
-        [string]$installargs,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=6)]
-        [string]$packageparams,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=7)]
-        [bool]$allowemptychecksums,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=8)]
-        [bool]$ignorechecksums,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=9)]
-        [bool]$ignoredependencies,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=10)]
-        [int]$timeout,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=11)]
-        [bool]$skipscripts
+        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+        [string] $package,
+        [string] $version,
+        [bool] $force,
+        [int] $timeout,
+        [bool] $skipscripts,
+        [string] $source,
+        [string] $installargs,
+        [string] $packageparams,
+        [bool] $allowemptychecksums,
+        [bool] $ignorechecksums,
+        [bool] $ignoredependencies,
+        [bool] $allowdowngrade
     if (-not (Choco-IsInstalled $package))
-        throw "$package is not installed, you cannot upgrade"
+        Fail-Json -obj @{} -message "Package '$package' is not installed, you cannot upgrade"
-    $cmd = "$executable upgrade -dv -y $package -timeout $timeout --failonunfound"
+    $options = @( "-y", $package, "--timeout", "$timeout", "--failonunfound" )
     if ($check_mode)
-        $cmd += " -whatif"
+        $options += "--whatif"
     if ($version)
-        $cmd += " -version $version"
+        $options += "--version", $version
     if ($source)
-        $cmd += " -source $source"
+        $options += "--source", $source
     if ($force)
-        $cmd += " -force"
+        $options += "--force"
     if ($installargs)
-        $cmd += " -installargs '$installargs'"
+        $options += "--installargs", $installargs
     if ($packageparams)
-        $cmd += " -params '$packageparams'"
+        $options += "--params", $packageparams
     if ($allowemptychecksums)
-        $cmd += " --allow-empty-checksums"
+        $options += "--allow-empty-checksums"
     if ($ignorechecksums)
-        $cmd += " --ignore-checksums"
+        $options += "--ignore-checksums"
     if ($ignoredependencies)
-        $cmd += " -ignoredependencies"
+        $options += "--ignoredependencies"
     if ($skipscripts)
-        $cmd += " --skip-scripts"
+        $options += "--skip-scripts"
-    $output = invoke-expression $cmd
+    if ($allowdowngrade)
+    {
+        $options += "--allow-downgrade"
+    }
+    # NOTE: Chocolatey does not use stderr except for help output
+    Try {
+        $output = & $script:executable upgrade $script:options $options
+    } Catch {
+        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error upgrading package '$package': $($_.Exception.Message)"
+    }
     $result.rc = $LastExitCode
-    if ($LastExitCode -notin $successexitcodes)
-    {
-        $result.choco_error_cmd = $cmd
+    if ($result.rc -notin $successexitcodes) {
+        $result.command =  "$script:executable upgrade $script:options $options"
+        $result.stdout = $output | Out-String
+        # Deprecated below result output in v2.4, remove in v2.6
+        $result.choco_error_cmd = $result.command
         $result.choco_error_log = $output
-        Throw "Error installing $package"
+        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error upgrading package '$package'"
+    }
+    if ($verbosity -gt 1) {
+        $result.stdout = $output | Out-String
     if ("$output" -match ' upgraded (\d+)/\d+ package')
@@ -271,48 +295,39 @@ Function Choco-Upgrade
             $result.changed = $true
+    $result.failed = $false
 Function Choco-Install
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
-        [string]$package,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
-        [string]$version,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]
-        [string]$source,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)]
-        [bool]$force,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)]
-        [bool]$upgrade,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=6)]
-        [string]$installargs,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=7)]
-        [string]$packageparams,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=8)]
-        [bool]$allowemptychecksums,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=9)]
-        [bool]$ignorechecksums,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=10)]
-        [bool]$ignoredependencies,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=11)]
-        [int]$timeout,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=12)]
-        [bool]$skipscripts
+        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+        [string] $package,
+        [string] $version,
+        [bool] $force,
+        [int] $timeout,
+        [bool] $skipscripts,
+        [string] $source,
+        [string] $installargs,
+        [string] $packageparams,
+        [bool] $allowemptychecksums,
+        [bool] $ignorechecksums,
+        [bool] $ignoredependencies,
+        [bool] $allowdowngrade
     if (Choco-IsInstalled $package)
-        if ($state -eq "latest")
+        if ($state -in ("downgrade", "latest"))
-            Choco-Upgrade -package $package -version $version -source $source -force $force `
-                -installargs $installargs -packageparams $packageparams `
-                -allowemptychecksums $allowemptychecksums -ignorechecksums $ignorechecksums `
-                -ignoredependencies $ignoredependencies -timeout $timeout
+            Choco-Upgrade -package $package -version $version -force $force -timeout $timeout `
+                -skipscripts $skipscripts -source $source -installargs $installargs `
+                -packageparams $packageparams -allowemptychecksums $allowemptychecksums `
+                -ignorechecksums $ignorechecksums -ignoredependencies $ignoredependencies `
+                -allowdowngrade $allowdowngrade
         elseif (-not $force)
@@ -321,69 +336,82 @@ Function Choco-Install
-    $cmd = "$executable install -dv -y $package -timeout $timeout --failonunfound"
+    $options = @( "-y", $package, "--timeout", "$timeout", "--failonunfound" )
     if ($check_mode)
-        $cmd += " -whatif"
+        $options += "--whatif"
     if ($version)
-        $cmd += " -version $version"
+        $options += "--version", $version
     if ($source)
-        $cmd += " -source $source"
+        $options += "--source", $source
     if ($force)
-        $cmd += " -force"
+        $options += "--force"
     if ($installargs)
-        $cmd += " -installargs '$installargs'"
+        $options += "--installargs", $installargs
     if ($packageparams)
-        $cmd += " -params '$packageparams'"
+        $options += "--params", $packageparams
     if ($allowemptychecksums)
-        $cmd += " --allow-empty-checksums"
+        $options += "--allow-empty-checksums"
     if ($ignorechecksums)
-        $cmd += " --ignore-checksums"
+        $options += "--ignore-checksums"
     if ($ignoredependencies)
-        $cmd += " -ignoredependencies"
+        $options += "--ignoredependencies"
     if ($skipscripts)
-        $cmd += " --skip-scripts"
+        $options += "--skip-scripts"
-    $results = invoke-expression $cmd
+    # NOTE: Chocolatey does not use stderr except for help output
+    Try {
+        $output = & $script:executable install $script:options $options
+    } Catch {
+        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error installing package '$package': $($_.Exception.Message)"
+    }
     $result.rc = $LastExitCode
-    if ($LastExitCode -notin $successexitcodes)
-    {
-        $result.choco_error_cmd = $cmd
+    if ($result.rc -notin $successexitcodes) {
+        $result.command =  "$script:executable install $script:options $options"
+        $result.stdout = $output | Out-String
+        # Deprecated below result output in v2.4, remove in v2.6
+        $result.choco_error_cmd = $result.command
         $result.choco_error_log = $output
-        Throw "Error installing $package"
+        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error installing package '$package'"
+    }
+    if ($verbosity -gt 1) {
+        $result.stdout = $output | Out-String
     $result.changed = $true
+    $result.failed = $false
 Function Choco-Uninstall
@@ -391,17 +419,12 @@ Function Choco-Uninstall
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
-        [string]$package,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
-        [string]$version,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]
-        [bool]$force,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)]
-        [int]$timeout,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)]
-        [bool]$skipscripts
+        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+        [string] $package,
+        [string] $version,
+        [bool] $force,
+        [int] $timeout,
+        [bool] $skipscripts
     if (-not (Choco-IsInstalled $package))
@@ -409,57 +432,68 @@ Function Choco-Uninstall
-    $cmd = "$executable uninstall -dv -y $package -timeout $timeout"
+    $options = @( "-y", $package, "--timeout", "$timeout" )
     if ($check_mode)
-        $cmd += " -whatif"
+        $options += "--whatif"
     if ($version)
-        $cmd += " -version $version"
+        $options += "--version", $version
     if ($force)
-        $cmd += " -force"
+        $options += "--force"
     if ($packageparams)
-        $cmd += " -params '$packageparams'"
+        $options += "--params", $packageparams
     if ($skipscripts)
-        $cmd += " --skip-scripts"
+        $options += "--skip-scripts"
-    $results = invoke-expression $cmd
+    # NOTE: Chocolatey does not use stderr except for help output
+    Try {
+        $output = & $script:executable uninstall $script:options $options
+    } Catch {
+        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error uninstalling package '$package': $($_.Exception.Message)"
+    }
     $result.rc = $LastExitCode
-    if ($LastExitCode -notin $successexitcodes)
-    {
-        $result.choco_error_cmd = $cmd
+    if ($result.rc -notin $successexitcodes) {
+        $result.command =  "$script:executable uninstall $script:options $options"
+        $result.stdout = $output | Out-String
+        # Deprecated below result output in v2.4, remove in v2.6
+        $result.choco_error_cmd = $result.command
         $result.choco_error_log = $output
-        Throw "Error uninstalling $package"
+        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error uninstalling package '$package'"
+    }
+    if ($verbosity -gt 1) {
+        $result.stdout = $output | Out-String
     $result.changed = $true
+    $result.failed = $false
 Function Choco-ConfigureProxy
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
-        [string]$proxy_url,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
-        [string]$proxy_username,
-        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]
-        [string]$proxy_password
+        [string] $proxy_url,
+        [string] $proxy_username,
+        [string] $proxy_password
     $hash = @{
         proxy = $proxy_url
@@ -469,11 +503,11 @@ Function Choco-ConfigureProxy
     foreach ($h in $hash.GetEnumerator()) {
         if ($($h.Value))
-          $cmd = "$executable config set $($h.Name) $($h.Value)"
+            $cmd = "$executable config set $($h.Name) $($h.Value)"
-          $cmd = "$executable config unset $($h.Name)"
+            $cmd = "$executable config unset $($h.Name)"
         $results = Invoke-Expression $cmd
         if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
@@ -490,37 +524,26 @@ Function Choco-ConfigureProxy
-    Chocolatey-Install-Upgrade
-    Choco-ConfigureProxy
-    if ($state -eq "present" -or $state -eq "latest")
-    {
-        Choco-Install -package $package -version $version -source $source -force $force `
-            -installargs $installargs -packageparams $packageparams `
-            -allowemptychecksums $allowemptychecksums -ignorechecksums $ignorechecksums `
-            -ignoredependencies $ignoredependencies -timeout $timeout -skipscripts $skipscripts
-    }
-    elseif ($state -eq "absent")
-    {
-        Choco-Uninstall -package $package -version $version -force $force -timeout $timeout `
-            -skipscripts $skipscripts
-    }
-    elseif ($state -eq "reinstalled")
-    {
-        Choco-Uninstall -package $package -version $version -force $force -timeout $timeout
-        Choco-Install -package $package -version $version -source $source -force $force `
-            -installargs $installargs -packageparams $packageparams `
-            -allowemptychecksums $allowemptychecksums -ignorechecksums $ignorechecksums `
-            -ignoredependencies $ignoredependencies -timeout $timeout -skipscripts $skipscripts
-    }
+if ($state -in ("absent", "reinstalled")) {
+    Choco-Uninstall -package $package -version $version -force $force -timeout $timeout `
+        -skipscripts $skipscripts
-    Exit-Json $result
-    Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message
+if ($state -in ("downgrade", "latest", "present", "reinstalled")) {
+    Choco-Install -package $package -version $version -force $force -timeout $timeout `
+        -skipscripts $skipscripts -source $source -installargs $installargs `
+        -packageparams $packageparams -allowemptychecksums $allowemptychecksums `
+        -ignorechecksums $ignorechecksums -ignoredependencies $ignoredependencies `
+        -allowdowngrade ($state -eq "downgrade")
+Exit-Json -obj $result
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_chocolatey.py b/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_chocolatey.py
index 381fcf5fa80..0d135e128e3 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_chocolatey.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_chocolatey.py
@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ DOCUMENTATION = r'''
 module: win_chocolatey
 version_added: "1.9"
-short_description: Installs packages using chocolatey
+short_description: Manage packages using chocolatey
-    - Installs packages using Chocolatey (U(http://chocolatey.org/)).
+    - Manage packages using Chocolatey (U(http://chocolatey.org/)).
     - If Chocolatey is missing from the system, the module will install it.
     - List of packages can be found at U(http://chocolatey.org/packages).
+- chocolatey >= 0.10.5 (will be upgraded if older)
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ options:
       - State of the package on the system.
       - absent
+      - downgrade
       - latest
       - present
       - reinstalled
@@ -122,6 +125,10 @@ notes:
 - Provide the C(version) parameter value as a string (e.g. C('6.1')), otherwise it
   is considered to be a floating-point number and depending on the locale could
   become C(6,1), which will cause a failure.
+- When using verbosity 2 or less (C(-vv)) the C(stdout) output will be restricted.
+- When using verbosity 4 (C(-vvvv)) the C(stdout) output will be more verbose.
+- When using verbosity 5 (C(-vvvvv)) the C(stdout) output will include debug output.
+- This module will install or upgrade Chocolatey when needed.
 - Trond Hindenes (@trondhindenes)
 - Peter Mounce (@petemounce)
@@ -164,19 +171,19 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
 - name: install multiple packages
-    name: "{{ item }}"
+    name: '{{ item }}'
     state: absent
-    - pscx
-    - windirstat
+  - pscx
+  - windirstat
 - name: uninstall multiple packages
-    name: "{{ item }}"
+    name: '{{ item }}'
     state: absent
-    - pscx
-    - windirstat
+  - pscx
+  - windirstat
 - name: Install curl using proxy