diff --git a/cloud/amazon/redshift.py b/cloud/amazon/redshift.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6c6fdd35d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloud/amazon/redshift.py
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Jens Carl, Hothead Games Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+ - "Jens Carl (@j-carl), Hothead Games Inc."
+module: redshift
+version_added: "2.1"
+short_description: create, delete, or modify an Amazon Redshift instance
+ - Creates, deletes, or modifies amazon Redshift cluster instances.
+ command:
+ description:
+ - Specifies the action to take.
+ required: true
+ choices: [ 'create', 'facts', 'delete', 'modify' ]
+ identifier:
+ description:
+ - Redshift cluster identifier.
+ required: true
+ node_type:
+ description:
+ - The node type of the cluster. Must be specified when command=create.
+ required: false
+ choices: ['dw1.xlarge', 'dw1.8xlarge', 'dw2.large', 'dw2.8xlarge', ]
+ username:
+ description:
+ - Master database username. Used only when command=create.
+ required: false
+ password:
+ description:
+ - Master database password. Used only when command=create.
+ required: false
+ cluster_type:
+ description:
+ - The type of cluster.
+ required: false
+ choices: ['multi-node', 'single-node' ]
+ default: 'single-node'
+ db_name:
+ description:
+ - Name of the database.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ availability_zone:
+ description:
+ - availability zone in which to launch cluster
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['zone', 'aws_zone']
+ number_of_nodes:
+ description:
+ - Number of nodes. Only used when cluster_type=multi-node.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ cluster_subnet_group_name:
+ description:
+ - which subnet to place the cluster
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['subnet']
+ cluster_security_groups:
+ description:
+ - in which security group the cluster belongs
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ aliases: ['security_groups']
+ vpc_security_group_ids:
+ description:
+ - VPC security group
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['vpc_security_groups']
+ default: null
+ preferred_maintenance_window:
+ description:
+ - maintenance window
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['maintance_window', 'maint_window']
+ default: null
+ cluster_parameter_group_name:
+ description:
+ - name of the cluster parameter group
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['param_group_name']
+ default: null
+ automated_snapshot_retention_period:
+ description:
+ - period when the snapshot take place
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['retention_period']
+ default: null
+ port:
+ description:
+ - which port the cluster is listining
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ cluster_version:
+ description:
+ - which version the cluster should have
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['version']
+ choices: ['1.0']
+ default: null
+ allow_version_upgrade:
+ description:
+ - flag to determinate if upgrade of version is possible
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['version_upgrade']
+ default: null
+ number_of_nodes:
+ description:
+ - number of the nodes the cluster should run
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ publicly_accessible:
+ description:
+ - if the cluster is accessible publicly or not
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ encrypted:
+ description:
+ - if the cluster is encrypted or not
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ elastic_ip:
+ description:
+ - if the cluster has an elastic IP or not
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ new_cluster_identifier:
+ description:
+ - Only used when command=modify.
+ required: false
+ aliases: ['new_identifier']
+ default: null
+ wait:
+ description:
+ - When command=create, modify or restore then wait for the database to enter the 'available' state. When command=delete wait for the database to be terminated.
+ required: false
+ default: "no"
+ choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
+ wait_timeout:
+ description:
+ - how long before wait gives up, in seconds
+ default: 300
+requirements: [ 'boto' ]
+extends_documentation_fragment: aws
+# Basic cluster provisioning example
+- redshift: >
+ command=create
+ node_type=dw1.xlarge
+ identifier=new_cluster
+ username=cluster_admin
+ password=1nsecure
+RETURN = '''
+ description: dictionary containing all the cluster information
+ returned: success
+ type: dictionary
+ contains:
+ identifier:
+ description: Id of the cluster.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: "new_redshift_cluster"
+ create_time:
+ description: Time of the cluster creation as timestamp.
+ returned: success
+ type: float
+ sample: 1430158536.308
+ status:
+ description: Stutus of the cluster.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: "available"
+ db_name:
+ description: Name of the database.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: "new_db_name"
+ availability_zone:
+ description: Amazon availability zone where the cluster is located.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: "us-east-1b"
+ maintenance_window:
+ description: Time frame when maintenance/upgrade are done.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: "sun:09:30-sun:10:00"
+ private_ip_address:
+ description: Private IP address of the main node.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: ""
+ public_ip_address:
+ description: Public IP address of the main node.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: ""
+ port:
+ description: Port of the cluster.
+ returned: success
+ type: int
+ sample: 5439
+ url:
+ description: FQDN of the main cluster node.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: "new-redshift_cluster.jfkdjfdkj.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com"
+import time
+ import boto
+ from boto import redshift
+ HAS_BOTO = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_BOTO = False
+def _collect_facts(resource):
+ """Transfrom cluster information to dict."""
+ facts = {
+ 'identifier' : resource['ClusterIdentifier'],
+ 'create_time' : resource['ClusterCreateTime'],
+ 'status' : resource['ClusterStatus'],
+ 'username' : resource['MasterUsername'],
+ 'db_name' : resource['DBName'],
+ 'availability_zone' : resource['AvailabilityZone'],
+ 'maintenance_window': resource['PreferredMaintenanceWindow'],
+ }
+ for node in resource['ClusterNodes']:
+ if node['NodeRole'] in ('SHARED', 'LEADER'):
+ facts['private_ip_address'] = node['PrivateIPAddress']
+ break
+ return facts
+def create_cluster(module, redshift):
+ """
+ Create a new cluster
+ module: AnsibleModule object
+ redshift: authenticated redshift connection object
+ Returns:
+ """
+ identifier = module.params.get('identifier')
+ node_type = module.params.get('node_type')
+ username = module.params.get('username')
+ password = module.params.get('password')
+ wait = module.params.get('wait')
+ wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout')
+ changed = True
+ # Package up the optional parameters
+ params = {}
+ for p in ('db_name', 'cluster_type', 'cluster_security_groups',
+ 'vpc_security_group_ids', 'cluster_subnet_group_name',
+ 'availability_zone', 'preferred_maintenance_window',
+ 'cluster_parameter_group_name',
+ 'automated_snapshot_retention_period', 'port',
+ 'cluster_version', 'allow_version_upgrade',
+ 'number_of_nodes', 'publicly_accessible',
+ 'encrypted', 'elastic_ip'):
+ if module.params.get( p ):
+ params[ p ] = module.params.get( p )
+ try:
+ redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ changed = False
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ try:
+ redshift.create_cluster(identifier, node_type, username, password, **params)
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ try:
+ resource = redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ if wait:
+ try:
+ wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
+ time.sleep(5)
+ while wait_timeout > time.time() and resource['ClusterStatus'] != 'available':
+ time.sleep(5)
+ if wait_timeout <= time.time():
+ module.fail_json(msg = "Timeout waiting for resource %s" % resource.id)
+ resource = redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ return(changed, _collect_facts(resource))
+def describe_cluster(module, redshift):
+ """
+ Collect data about the cluster.
+ module: Ansible module object
+ redshift: authenticated redshift connection object
+ """
+ identifier = module.params.get('identifier')
+ try:
+ resource = redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ return(True, _collect_facts(resource))
+def delete_cluster(module, redshift):
+ """
+ Delete a cluster.
+ module: Ansible module object
+ redshift: authenticated redshift connection object
+ """
+ identifier = module.params.get('identifier')
+ wait = module.params.get('wait')
+ wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout')
+ try:
+ redshift.delete_custer( identifier )
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ if wait:
+ try:
+ wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
+ resource = redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ while wait_timeout > time.time() and resource['ClusterStatus'] != 'deleting':
+ time.sleep(5)
+ if wait_timeout <= time.time():
+ module.fail_json(msg = "Timeout waiting for resource %s" % resource.id)
+ resource = redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ return(True, {})
+def modify_cluster(module, redshift):
+ """
+ Modify an existing cluster.
+ module: Ansible module object
+ redshift: authenticated redshift connection object
+ """
+ identifier = module.params.get('identifier')
+ wait = module.params.get('wait')
+ wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout')
+ # Package up the optional parameters
+ params = {}
+ for p in ('cluster_type', 'cluster_security_groups',
+ 'vpc_security_group_ids', 'cluster_subnet_group_name',
+ 'availability_zone', 'preferred_maintenance_window',
+ 'cluster_parameter_group_name',
+ 'automated_snapshot_retention_period', 'port', 'cluster_version',
+ 'allow_version_upgrade', 'number_of_nodes', 'new_cluster_identifier'):
+ if module.params.get(p):
+ params[p] = module.params.get(p)
+ try:
+ redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ changed = False
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ try:
+ redshift.modify_cluster(identifier, **params)
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ try:
+ resource = redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ if wait:
+ try:
+ wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
+ time.sleep(5)
+ while wait_timeout > time.time() and resource['ClusterStatus'] != 'available':
+ time.sleep(5)
+ if wait_timeout <= time.time():
+ module.fail_json(msg = "Timeout waiting for resource %s" % resource.id)
+ resource = redshift.describe_clusters(identifier)['DescribeClustersResponse']['DescribeClustersResult']['Clusters'][0]
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ # https://github.com/boto/boto/issues/2776 is fixed.
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ return(True, _collect_facts(resource))
+def main():
+ argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(dict(
+ command = dict(choices=['create', 'facts', 'delete', 'modify'], required=True),
+ identifier = dict(required=True),
+ node_type = dict(choices=['dw1.xlarge', 'dw1.8xlarge', 'dw2.large', 'dw2.8xlarge', ], required=False),
+ username = dict(required=False),
+ password = dict(no_log=True, required=False),
+ db_name = dict(require=False),
+ cluster_type = dict(choices=['multi-node', 'single-node', ], default='single-node'),
+ cluster_security_groups = dict(aliases=['security_groups'], type='list'),
+ vpc_security_group_ids = dict(aliases=['vpc_security_groups'], type='list'),
+ cluster_subnet_group_name = dict(aliases=['subnet']),
+ availability_zone = dict(aliases=['aws_zone', 'zone']),
+ preferred_maintenance_window = dict(aliases=['maintance_window', 'maint_window']),
+ cluster_parameter_group_name = dict(aliases=['param_group_name']),
+ automated_snapshot_retention_period = dict(aliases=['retention_period']),
+ port = dict(type='int'),
+ cluster_version = dict(aliases=['version'], choices=['1.0']),
+ allow_version_upgrade = dict(aliases=['version_upgrade'], type='bool'),
+ number_of_nodes = dict(type='int'),
+ publicly_accessible = dict(type='bool'),
+ encrypted = dict(type='bool'),
+ elastic_ip = dict(required=False),
+ new_cluster_identifier = dict(aliases=['new_identifier']),
+ wait = dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ wait_timeout = dict(default=300),
+ )
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ )
+ if not HAS_BOTO:
+ module.fail_json(msg='boto v2.9.0+ required for this module')
+ command = module.params.get('command')
+ region, ec2_url, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module)
+ if not region:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str("region not specified and unable to determine region from EC2_REGION."))
+ # connect to the rds endpoint
+ try:
+ conn = connect_to_aws(boto.redshift, region, **aws_connect_params)
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ changed = True
+ if command == 'create':
+ (changed, cluster) = create_cluster(module, conn)
+ elif command == 'facts':
+ (changed, cluster) = describe_cluster(module, conn)
+ elif command == 'delete':
+ (changed, cluster) = delete_cluster(module, conn)
+ elif command == 'modify':
+ (changed, cluster) = modify_cluster(module, conn)
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, cluster=cluster)
+# import module snippets
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
+from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import *
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/cloud/amazon/redshift_subnet_group.py b/cloud/amazon/redshift_subnet_group.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..acd3330c1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloud/amazon/redshift_subnet_group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Jens Carl, Hothead Games Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+ - "Jens Carl (@j-carl), Hothead Games Inc."
+module: redshift_subnet_group
+version_added: "2.1"
+short_description: mange Redshift cluster subnet groups
+ - Create, modifies, and deletes Redshift cluster subnet groups.
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Specifies whether the subnet should be present or absent.
+ default: 'present'
+ choices: ['present', 'absent' ]
+ group_name:
+ description:
+ - Cluster subnet group name.
+ required: true
+ aliases: ['name']
+ group_description:
+ description:
+ - Database subnet group description.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ aliases: ['description']
+ group_subnets:
+ description:
+ - List of subnet IDs that make up the cluster subnet group.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ aliases: ['subnets']
+requirements: [ 'boto' ]
+extends_documentation_fragment: aws
+# Create a Redshift subnet group
+- local_action:
+ module: redshift_subnet_group
+ state: present
+ group_name: redshift-subnet
+ group_description: Redshift subnet
+ group_subnets:
+ - 'subnet-aaaaa'
+ - 'subnet-bbbbb'
+# Remove subnet group
+redshift_subnet_group: >
+ state: absent
+ group_name: redshift-subnet
+RETURN = '''
+ description: dictionary containing all Redshift subnet group information
+ returned: success
+ type: dictionary
+ contains:
+ name:
+ description: name of the Redshift subnet group
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: "redshift_subnet_group_name"
+ vpc_id:
+ description: Id of the VPC where the subnet is located
+ returned: success
+ type: stering
+ sample: "vpc-aabb1122"
+ import boto
+ import boto.redshift
+ HAS_BOTO = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_BOTO = False
+def main():
+ argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(dict(
+ state=dict(required=True, choices=['present', 'absent']),
+ group_name=dict(required=True, aliases=['name']),
+ group_description=dict(required=False, aliases=['description']),
+ group_subnets=dict(required=False, aliases=['subnets'], type='list'),
+ ))
+ module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec)
+ if not HAS_BOTO:
+ module.fail_json(msg='boto v2.9.0+ required for this module')
+ state = module.params.get('state')
+ group_name = module.params.get('group_name')
+ group_description = module.params.get('group_description')
+ group_subnets = module.params.get('group_subnets')
+ if state == 'present':
+ for required in ('group_name', 'group_description', 'group_subnets'):
+ if not module.params.get(required):
+ module.fail_json(msg=str("parameter %s required for state='present'" % required))
+ else:
+ for not_allowed in ('group_description', 'group_subnets'):
+ if module.params.get(not_allowed):
+ module.fail_json(msg=str("parameter %s not allowed for state='absent'" % not_allowed))
+ region, ec2_url, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module)
+ if not region:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str("region not specified and unable to determine region from EC2_REGION."))
+ # Connect to the Redshift endpoint.
+ try:
+ conn = connect_to_aws(boto.redshift, region, **aws_connect_params)
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ try:
+ changed = False
+ exists = False
+ group = None
+ try:
+ matching_groups = conn.describe_cluster_subnet_groups(group_name, max_records=100)
+ exists = len(matching_groups) > 0
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ if e.body['Error']['Code'] != 'ClusterSubnetGroupNotFoundFault':
+ #if e.code != 'ClusterSubnetGroupNotFoundFault':
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ if state == 'absent':
+ if exists:
+ conn.delete_cluster_subnet_group(group_name)
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ if not exists:
+ new_group = conn.create_cluster_subnet_group(group_name, group_description, group_subnets)
+ group = {
+ 'name': new_group['CreateClusterSubnetGroupResponse']['CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult']
+ ['ClusterSubnetGroup']['ClusterSubnetGroupName'],
+ 'vpc_id': new_group['CreateClusterSubnetGroupResponse']['CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult']
+ ['ClusterSubnetGroup']['VpcId'],
+ }
+ else:
+ changed_group = conn.modify_cluster_subnet_group(group_name, group_subnets, description=group_description)
+ group = {
+ 'name': changed_group['ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResponse']['ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult']
+ ['ClusterSubnetGroup']['ClusterSubnetGroupName'],
+ 'vpc_id': changed_group['ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResponse']['ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult']
+ ['ClusterSubnetGroup']['VpcId'],
+ }
+ changed = True
+ except boto.exception.JSONResponseError, e:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, group=group)
+# import module snippets
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
+from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import *
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()