diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/storage/netapp/na_ontap_volume.py b/lib/ansible/modules/storage/netapp/na_ontap_volume.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..32c217fb49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/storage/netapp/na_ontap_volume.py
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+# (c) 2018, NetApp, Inc
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+
+# (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+                    'status': ['preview'],
+                    'supported_by': 'community'}
+module: na_ontap_volume
+short_description: Manage NetApp ONTAP volumes.
+    - netapp.na_ontap
+version_added: '2.6'
+- Sumit Kumar (sumit4@netapp.com), Suhas Bangalore Shekar (bsuhas@netapp.com)
+- Create or destroy or modify volumes on NetApp ONTAP.
+  state:
+    description:
+    - Whether the specified volume should exist or not.
+    choices: ['present', 'absent']
+    default: 'present'
+  name:
+    description:
+    - The name of the volume to manage.
+    required: true
+  vserver:
+    description:
+    - Name of the vserver to use.
+    required: true
+  new_name:
+    description:
+    - New name of the volume to be renamed.
+  is_infinite:
+    type: bool
+    description:
+      Set True if the volume is an Infinite Volume.
+      Deleting an infinite volume is asynchronous.
+  is_online:
+    type: bool
+    description:
+    - Whether the specified volume is online, or not.
+    default: True
+  aggregate_name:
+    description:
+    - The name of the aggregate the flexvol should exist on.
+    - Required when C(state=present).
+  size:
+    description:
+    - The size of the volume in (size_unit). Required when C(state=present).
+  size_unit:
+    description:
+    - The unit used to interpret the size parameter.
+    choices: ['bytes', 'b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb', 'eb', 'zb', 'yb']
+    default: gb
+  type:
+    description:
+    - The volume type, either read-write (RW) or data-protection (DP).
+  policy:
+    description:
+    - Name of the export policy.
+  junction_path:
+    description:
+    - Junction path of the volume.
+  space_guarantee:
+    description:
+    - Space guarantee style for the volume.
+    choices: ['none', 'volume']
+  percent_snapshot_space:
+    description:
+    - Amount of space reserved for snapshot copies of the volume.
+  volume_security_style:
+    description:
+    - The security style associated with this volume.
+    choices: ['mixed', 'ntfs', 'unified', 'unix']
+    default: 'mixed'
+    - name: Create FlexVol
+      na_ontap_volume:
+        state: present
+        name: ansibleVolume
+        is_infinite: False
+        aggregate_name: aggr1
+        size: 20
+        size_unit: mb
+        junction_path: /ansibleVolume11
+        vserver: ansibleVServer
+        hostname: "{{ netapp_hostname }}"
+        username: "{{ netapp_username }}"
+        password: "{{ netapp_password }}"
+    - name: Make FlexVol offline
+      na_ontap_volume:
+        state: present
+        name: ansibleVolume
+        is_infinite: False
+        is_online: False
+        vserver: ansibleVServer
+        hostname: "{{ netapp_hostname }}"
+        username: "{{ netapp_username }}"
+        password: "{{ netapp_password }}"
+RETURN = """
+import traceback
+import ansible.module_utils.netapp as netapp_utils
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+HAS_NETAPP_LIB = netapp_utils.has_netapp_lib()
+class NetAppOntapVolume(object):
+    '''Class with volume operations'''
+    def __init__(self):
+        '''Initialize module parameters'''
+        self._size_unit_map = dict(
+            bytes=1,
+            b=1,
+            kb=1024,
+            mb=1024 ** 2,
+            gb=1024 ** 3,
+            tb=1024 ** 4,
+            pb=1024 ** 5,
+            eb=1024 ** 6,
+            zb=1024 ** 7,
+            yb=1024 ** 8
+        )
+        self.argument_spec = netapp_utils.na_ontap_host_argument_spec()
+        self.argument_spec.update(dict(
+            state=dict(required=False, choices=[
+                       'present', 'absent'], default='present'),
+            name=dict(required=True, type='str'),
+            vserver=dict(required=True, type='str'),
+            new_name=dict(required=False, type='str'),
+            is_infinite=dict(required=False, type='bool',
+                             default=False),
+            is_online=dict(required=False, type='bool',
+                           default=True),
+            size=dict(type='int', default=None),
+            size_unit=dict(default='gb',
+                           choices=['bytes', 'b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb',
+                                    'pb', 'eb', 'zb', 'yb'], type='str'),
+            aggregate_name=dict(type='str', default=None),
+            type=dict(type='str', default=None),
+            policy=dict(type='str', default=None),
+            junction_path=dict(type='str', default=None),
+            space_guarantee=dict(choices=['none', 'volume'], default=None),
+            percent_snapshot_space=dict(type='str', default=None),
+            volume_security_style=dict(choices=['mixed',
+                                                'ntfs', 'unified', 'unix'],
+                                       default='mixed')
+        ))
+        self.module = AnsibleModule(
+            argument_spec=self.argument_spec,
+            supports_check_mode=True
+        )
+        parameters = self.module.params
+        # set up state variables
+        self.state = parameters['state']
+        self.name = parameters['name']
+        self.new_name = parameters['new_name']
+        self.is_infinite = parameters['is_infinite']
+        self.is_online = parameters['is_online']
+        self.size_unit = parameters['size_unit']
+        self.vserver = parameters['vserver']
+        self.type = parameters['type']
+        self.policy = parameters['policy']
+        self.junction_path = parameters['junction_path']
+        self.space_guarantee = parameters['space_guarantee']
+        self.percent_snapshot_space = parameters['percent_snapshot_space']
+        self.aggregate_name = parameters['aggregate_name']
+        self.volume_security_style = parameters['volume_security_style']
+        if parameters['size'] is not None:
+            self.size = parameters['size'] * \
+                self._size_unit_map[self.size_unit]
+        else:
+            self.size = None
+        if HAS_NETAPP_LIB is False:
+            self.module.fail_json(
+                msg="the python NetApp-Lib module is required")
+        else:
+            self.server = netapp_utils.setup_na_ontap_zapi(
+                module=self.module, vserver=self.vserver)
+            self.cluster = netapp_utils.setup_na_ontap_zapi(module=self.module)
+    def get_volume(self):
+        """
+        Return details about the volume
+        :param:
+            name : Name of the volume
+        :return: Details about the volume. None if not found.
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        volume_info = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-get-iter')
+        volume_attributes = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-attributes')
+        volume_id_attributes = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement(
+            'volume-id-attributes')
+        volume_id_attributes.add_new_child('name', self.name)
+        volume_attributes.add_child_elem(volume_id_attributes)
+        query = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('query')
+        query.add_child_elem(volume_attributes)
+        volume_info.add_child_elem(query)
+        result = self.server.invoke_successfully(volume_info, True)
+        return_value = None
+        if result.get_child_by_name('num-records') and \
+                int(result.get_child_content('num-records')) >= 1:
+            volume_attributes = result.get_child_by_name(
+                'attributes-list').get_child_by_name(
+                    'volume-attributes')
+            # Get volume's current size
+            volume_space_attributes = volume_attributes.get_child_by_name(
+                'volume-space-attributes')
+            current_size = volume_space_attributes.get_child_content('size')
+            # Get volume's state (online/offline)
+            volume_state_attributes = volume_attributes.get_child_by_name(
+                'volume-state-attributes')
+            current_state = volume_state_attributes.get_child_content('state')
+            volume_id_attributes = volume_attributes.get_child_by_name(
+                'volume-id-attributes')
+            aggregate_name = volume_id_attributes.get_child_content(
+                'containing-aggregate-name')
+            junction_path = volume_id_attributes.get_child_content(
+                'junction-path')
+            volume_type = volume_id_attributes.get_child_content('type')
+            volume_export_attributes = volume_attributes.get_child_by_name(
+                'volume-export-attributes')
+            policy = volume_export_attributes.get_child_content('policy')
+            space_guarantee = volume_space_attributes.get_child_content(
+                'space-guarantee')
+            percent_snapshot_space = volume_space_attributes.get_child_by_name(
+                'percentage-snapshot-reserve')
+            is_online = None
+            if current_state == "online":
+                is_online = True
+            elif current_state == "offline":
+                is_online = False
+            return_value = {
+                'name': self.name,
+                'size': current_size,
+                'is_online': is_online,
+                'aggregate_name': aggregate_name,
+                'policy': policy,
+                'space_guarantee': space_guarantee,
+                'percent_snapshot_space': percent_snapshot_space,
+                'type': volume_type,
+                'junction_path': junction_path
+            }
+        return return_value
+    def create_volume(self):
+        '''Create ONTAP volume'''
+        if self.aggregate_name is None:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg='Error provisioning volume %s: \
+                                  aggregate_name is required'
+                                  % self.name)
+        options = {'volume': self.name,
+                   'containing-aggr-name': self.aggregate_name,
+                   'size': str(self.size)}
+        if self.percent_snapshot_space is not None:
+            options['percentage-snapshot-reserve'] = self.percent_snapshot_space
+        if self.type is not None:
+            options['volume-type'] = self.type
+        if self.policy is not None:
+            options['export-policy'] = self.policy
+        if self.junction_path is not None:
+            options['junction-path'] = self.junction_path
+        if self.space_guarantee is not None:
+            options['space-reserve'] = self.space_guarantee
+        if self.volume_security_style is not None:
+            options['volume-security-style'] = self.volume_security_style
+        volume_create = netapp_utils.zapi\
+            .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                'volume-create', **options)
+        try:
+            self.server.invoke_successfully(volume_create,
+                                            enable_tunneling=True)
+            self.ems_log_event("create")
+        except netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError as error:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg='Error provisioning volume %s \
+                                  of size %s: %s'
+                                  % (self.name, self.size, to_native(error)),
+                                  exception=traceback.format_exc())
+    def delete_volume(self):
+        '''Delete ONTAP volume'''
+        if self.is_infinite:
+            volume_delete = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                    'volume-destroy-async', **{'volume-name': self.name})
+        else:
+            volume_delete = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                    'volume-destroy', **{'name': self.name,
+                                         'unmount-and-offline': 'true'})
+        try:
+            self.server.invoke_successfully(volume_delete,
+                                            enable_tunneling=True)
+            self.ems_log_event("delete")
+        except netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError as error:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg='Error deleting volume %s: %s'
+                                  % (self.name, to_native(error)),
+                                  exception=traceback.format_exc())
+    def move_volume(self):
+        '''Move volume from source aggregate to destination aggregate'''
+        volume_move = netapp_utils.zapi\
+            .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                'volume-move-start', **{'source-volume': self.name,
+                                        'vserver': self.vserver,
+                                        'dest-aggr': self.aggregate_name})
+        try:
+            self.cluster.invoke_successfully(volume_move,
+                                             enable_tunneling=True)
+            self.ems_log_event("move")
+        except netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError as error:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg='Error moving volume %s: %s'
+                                  % (self.name, to_native(error)),
+                                  exception=traceback.format_exc())
+    def rename_volume(self):
+        """
+        Rename the volume.
+        Note: 'is_infinite' needs to be set to True in order to rename an
+        Infinite Volume.
+        """
+        if self.is_infinite:
+            volume_rename = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                    'volume-rename-async',
+                    **{'volume-name': self.name, 'new-volume-name': str(
+                        self.new_name)})
+        else:
+            volume_rename = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                    'volume-rename', **{'volume': self.name,
+                                        'new-volume-name': str(self.new_name)})
+        try:
+            self.server.invoke_successfully(volume_rename,
+                                            enable_tunneling=True)
+            self.ems_log_event("rename")
+        except netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError as error:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg='Error renaming volume %s: %s'
+                                  % (self.name, to_native(error)),
+                                  exception=traceback.format_exc())
+    def resize_volume(self):
+        """
+        Re-size the volume.
+        Note: 'is_infinite' needs to be set to True in order to rename an
+        Infinite Volume.
+        """
+        if self.is_infinite:
+            volume_resize = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                    'volume-size-async',
+                    **{'volume-name': self.name, 'new-size': str(
+                        self.size)})
+        else:
+            volume_resize = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                    'volume-size', **{'volume': self.name, 'new-size': str(
+                        self.size)})
+        try:
+            self.server.invoke_successfully(volume_resize,
+                                            enable_tunneling=True)
+            self.ems_log_event("resize")
+        except netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError as error:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg='Error re-sizing volume %s: %s'
+                                  % (self.name, to_native(error)),
+                                  exception=traceback.format_exc())
+    def change_volume_state(self):
+        """
+        Change volume's state (offline/online).
+        """
+        state_requested = None
+        if self.is_online:
+            # Requested state is 'online'.
+            state_requested = "online"
+            if self.is_infinite:
+                volume_change_state = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                    .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                        'volume-online-async',
+                        **{'volume-name': self.name})
+            else:
+                volume_change_state = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                    .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                        'volume-online',
+                        **{'name': self.name})
+        else:
+            # Requested state is 'offline'.
+            state_requested = "offline"
+            volume_unmount = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                    'volume-unmount', **{'volume-name': self.name})
+            if self.is_infinite:
+                volume_change_state = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                    .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                        'volume-offline-async',
+                        **{'volume-name': self.name})
+            else:
+                volume_change_state = netapp_utils.zapi\
+                    .NaElement.create_node_with_children(
+                        'volume-offline',
+                        **{'name': self.name})
+        try:
+            if state_requested == "offline":
+                self.server.invoke_successfully(volume_unmount,
+                                                enable_tunneling=True)
+            self.server.invoke_successfully(volume_change_state,
+                                            enable_tunneling=True)
+            self.ems_log_event("change")
+        except netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError as error:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg='Error changing the state of \
+                                  volume %s to %s: %s'
+                                  % (self.name, state_requested,
+                                     to_native(error)),
+                                  exception=traceback.format_exc())
+    def volume_modify(self):
+        """
+        modify volume parameter 'policy'
+        """
+        vol_mod_iter = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-modify-iter')
+        attributes = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('attributes')
+        vol_mod_attributes = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-attributes')
+        if self.policy is not None:
+            vol_export_attributes = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement(
+                'volume-export-attributes')
+            vol_export_attributes.add_new_child('policy', self.policy)
+            vol_mod_attributes.add_child_elem(vol_export_attributes)
+        if self.space_guarantee is not None:
+            vol_space_attributes = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement(
+                'volume-space-attributes')
+            vol_space_attributes.add_new_child(
+                'space-guarantee', self.space_guarantee)
+            vol_mod_attributes.add_child_elem(vol_space_attributes)
+        attributes.add_child_elem(vol_mod_attributes)
+        query = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('query')
+        vol_query_attributes = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-attributes')
+        vol_id_attributes = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-id-attributes')
+        vol_id_attributes.add_new_child('name', self.name)
+        vol_query_attributes.add_child_elem(vol_id_attributes)
+        query.add_child_elem(vol_query_attributes)
+        vol_mod_iter.add_child_elem(attributes)
+        vol_mod_iter.add_child_elem(query)
+        try:
+            self.server.invoke_successfully(vol_mod_iter,
+                                            enable_tunneling=True)
+            self.ems_log_event("modify")
+        except netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError as error:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg='Error modifying volume %s: %s'
+                                  % (self.name, to_native(error)),
+                                  exception=traceback.format_exc())
+    def apply(self):
+        '''Call create/modify/delete operations'''
+        changed = False
+        volume_exists = False
+        rename_volume = False
+        resize_volume = False
+        move_volume = False
+        modify_volume = False
+        state_change = False
+        volume_detail = self.get_volume()
+        if volume_detail:
+            volume_exists = True
+            if self.state == 'absent':
+                changed = True
+            elif self.state == 'present':
+                if self.aggregate_name is not None and \
+                        volume_detail['aggregate_name'] != self.aggregate_name:
+                    move_volume = True
+                    changed = True
+                if self.size is not None and \
+                        str(volume_detail['size']) != str(self.size):
+                    resize_volume = True
+                    changed = True
+                if (volume_detail['is_online'] is not None) and \
+                        (volume_detail['is_online'] != self.is_online):
+                    state_change = True
+                    changed = True
+                if self.new_name is not None and \
+                        self.name != self.new_name:
+                    rename_volume = True
+                    changed = True
+                if self.policy is not None and \
+                        self.policy != volume_detail['policy']:
+                    modify_volume = True
+                    changed = True
+                if self.space_guarantee is not None and \
+                        self.space_guarantee != volume_detail['space_guarantee']:
+                    modify_volume = True
+                    changed = True
+        else:
+            if self.state == 'present':
+                changed = True
+        if changed:
+            if self.module.check_mode:
+                pass
+            else:
+                if self.state == 'present':
+                    if not volume_exists:
+                        self.create_volume()
+                    else:
+                        if resize_volume:
+                            self.resize_volume()
+                        if state_change:
+                            self.change_volume_state()
+                        if modify_volume:
+                            self.volume_modify()
+                        # Ensure re-naming is the last change made.
+                        if rename_volume:
+                            self.rename_volume()
+                        # Ensure volume move  is the very last change made.
+                        if move_volume:
+                            self.move_volume()
+                elif self.state == 'absent':
+                    self.delete_volume()
+        self.module.exit_json(changed=changed)
+    def ems_log_event(self, state):
+        '''Autosupport log event'''
+        if state == 'create':
+            message = "A Volume has been created, size: " + \
+                str(self.size) + str(self.size_unit)
+        elif state == 'delete':
+            message = "A Volume has been deleted"
+        elif state == 'move':
+            message = "A Volume has been moved"
+        elif state == 'rename':
+            message = "A Volume has been renamed"
+        elif state == 'resize':
+            message = "A Volume has been resized to: " + \
+                str(self.size) + str(self.size_unit)
+        elif state == 'change':
+            message = "A Volume state has been changed"
+        else:
+            message = "na_ontap_volume has been called"
+        netapp_utils.ems_log_event(
+            "na_ontap_volume", self.server, event=message)
+def main():
+    '''Apply volume operations from playbook'''
+    obj = NetAppOntapVolume()
+    obj.apply()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/storage/netapp/na_ontap_volume_clone.py b/lib/ansible/modules/storage/netapp/na_ontap_volume_clone.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8bcdc636e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/storage/netapp/na_ontap_volume_clone.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# (c) 2018, NetApp, Inc
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+                    'status': ['preview'],
+                    'supported_by': 'community'}
+module: na_ontap_volume_clone
+short_description: Manage NetApp Ontap volume clones.
+    - netapp.na_ontap
+version_added: '2.6'
+author: Chris Archibald (carchi@netapp.com), Kevin Hutton (khutton@netapp.com)
+- Create NetApp Ontap volume clones.
+  state:
+    description:
+    - Whether volume clone should be created.
+    choices: ['present']
+    default: 'present'
+  parent_volume:
+    description:
+    - The parent volume of the volume clone being created.
+    required: true
+  volume:
+    description:
+    - The name of the volume clone being created.
+    required: true
+  vserver:
+    description:
+    - Vserver in which the volume clone should be created.
+    required: true
+  parent_snapshot:
+    description:
+    - Parent snapshot in which volume clone is created off.
+  parent_vserver:
+    description:
+    - Vserver of parent volume in which clone is created off.
+  qos_policy_group_name:
+    description:
+    - The qos-policy-group-name which should be set for volume clone.
+  space_reserve:
+    description:
+    - The space_reserve setting which should be used for the volume clone.
+    choices: ['volume', 'none']
+  volume_type:
+    description:
+    - The volume-type setting which should be used for the volume clone.
+    choices: ['rw', 'dp']
+    - name: create volume clone
+      na_ontap_volume_clone:
+        state=present
+        username=admin
+        password=netapp1!
+        hostname=
+        vserver=vs_hack
+        parent_volume=normal_volume
+        volume=clone_volume_7
+        space_reserve=none
+        parent_snapshot=backup1
+RETURN = """
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+import ansible.module_utils.netapp as netapp_utils
+HAS_NETAPP_LIB = netapp_utils.has_netapp_lib()
+class NetAppOntapVolumeClone(object):
+    """
+        Creates a volume clone
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+            Initialize the NetAppOntapVolumeClone class
+        """
+        self.argument_spec = netapp_utils.na_ontap_host_argument_spec()
+        self.argument_spec.update(dict(
+            state=dict(required=False, choices=['present'], default='present'),
+            parent_volume=dict(required=True, type='str'),
+            volume=dict(required=True, type='str'),
+            vserver=dict(required=True, type='str'),
+            parent_snapshot=dict(required=False, type='str', default=None),
+            parent_vserver=dict(required=False, type='str', default=None),
+            qos_policy_group_name=dict(required=False, type='str', default=None),
+            space_reserve=dict(required=False, choices=['volume', 'none'], default=None),
+            volume_type=dict(required=False, choices=['rw', 'dp']),
+        ))
+        self.module = AnsibleModule(
+            argument_spec=self.argument_spec,
+            supports_check_mode=True
+        )
+        parameters = self.module.params
+        # set up state variables
+        self.state = parameters['state']
+        self.parent_snapshot = parameters['parent_snapshot']
+        self.parent_volume = parameters['parent_volume']
+        self.parent_vserver = parameters['parent_vserver']
+        self.qos_policy_group_name = parameters['qos_policy_group_name']
+        self.space_reserve = parameters['space_reserve']
+        self.volume = parameters['volume']
+        self.volume_type = parameters['volume_type']
+        self.vserver = parameters['vserver']
+        if HAS_NETAPP_LIB is False:
+            self.module.fail_json(msg="the python NetApp-Lib module is required")
+        else:
+            self.server = netapp_utils.setup_na_ontap_zapi(module=self.module, vserver=self.vserver)
+        return
+    def create_volume_clone(self):
+        """
+        Creates a new volume clone
+        """
+        clone_obj = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-clone-create')
+        clone_obj.add_new_child("parent-volume", self.parent_volume)
+        clone_obj.add_new_child("volume", self.volume)
+        if self.qos_policy_group_name:
+            clone_obj.add_new_child("qos-policy-group-name", self.qos_policy_group_name)
+        if self.space_reserve:
+            clone_obj.add_new_child("space-reserve", self.space_reserve)
+        if self.parent_snapshot:
+            clone_obj.add_new_child("parent-snapshot", self.parent_snapshot)
+        if self.parent_vserver:
+            clone_obj.add_new_child("parent-vserver", self.parent_vserver)
+        if self.volume_type:
+            clone_obj.add_new_child("volume-type", self.volume_type)
+        self.server.invoke_successfully(clone_obj, True)
+    def does_volume_clone_exists(self):
+        clone_obj = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-clone-get')
+        clone_obj.add_new_child("volume", self.volume)
+        attributes_obj = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('desired-attributes')
+        info_obj = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('volume-clone-info')
+        clone_obj.add_child_elem(attributes_obj)
+        attributes_obj.add_child_elem(info_obj)
+        attributes_obj.add_new_child("volume", self.volume)
+        attributes_obj.add_new_child("vserver", self.vserver)
+        attributes_obj.add_new_child("parent-volume", self.parent_volume)
+        try:
+            self.server.invoke_successfully(clone_obj, True)
+        except:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def apply(self):
+        """
+        Run Module based on play book
+        """
+        changed = False
+        netapp_utils.ems_log_event("na_ontap_volume_clone", self.server)
+        existing_volume_clone = self.does_volume_clone_exists()
+        if existing_volume_clone is False:  # create clone
+            changed = True
+        if changed:
+            if self.module.check_mode:
+                pass
+            else:
+                self.create_volume_clone()
+        self.module.exit_json(changed=changed)
+def main():
+    """
+    Creates the NetApp Ontap Volume Clone object and runs the correct play task
+    """
+    obj = NetAppOntapVolumeClone()
+    obj.apply()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()