Avoid key names which are valid attributes for data types in Python.
Closes #12990. Alternative to #12992 This PR excludes all attributes of the following data types: lists, tuples, dicts, sets, integers, floats, strings and Unicode objects. It is expected that only the attributes of dicts and sets would cause an problem like in #12990.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions
@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ Variable names should be letters, numbers, and underscores. Variables should al
``foo-port``, ``foo port``, ``foo.port`` and ``12`` are not valid variable names.
Easy enough, let's move on.
When you work with more complex data types like dictionaries and sets note that you should avoid keys which are valid attributes for a data type in Python.
As a rule of thump, avoid all key names that start and end with two underscores for example ``__do_not_use__``.
Also avoid any of the following words:
``add``, ``append``, ``as_integer_ratio``, ``bit_length``, ``capitalize``, ``center``, ``clear``, ``conjugate``, ``copy``, ``count``, ``decode``, ``denominator``, ``difference``, ``difference_update``, ``discard``, ``encode``, ``endswith``, ``expandtabs``, ``extend``, ``find``, ``format``, ``fromhex``, ``fromkeys``, ``get``, ``has_key``, ``hex``, ``imag``, ``index``, ``insert``, ``intersection``, ``intersection_update``, ``isalnum``, ``isalpha``, ``isdecimal``, ``isdigit``, ``isdisjoint``, ``is_integer``, ``islower``, ``isnumeric``, ``isspace``, ``issubset``, ``issuperset``, ``istitle``, ``isupper``, ``items``, ``iteritems``, ``iterkeys``, ``itervalues``, ``join``, ``keys``, ``ljust``, ``lower``, ``lstrip``, ``numerator``, ``partition``, ``pop``, ``popitem``, ``real``, ``remove``, ``replace``, ``reverse``, ``rfind``, ``rindex``, ``rjust``, ``rpartition``, ``rsplit``, ``rstrip``, ``setdefault``, ``sort``, ``split``, ``splitlines``, ``startswith``, ``strip``, ``swapcase``, ``symmetric_difference``, ``symmetric_difference_update``, ``title``, ``translate``, ``union``, ``update``, ``upper``, ``values``, ``viewitems``, ``viewkeys``, ``viewvalues``, ``zfill``.
.. _variables_in_inventory:
Add table
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