Stop appending '/api' to galaxy server url (#63238)
* Stop appending '/api' to configured galaxy server url Since not all galaxy REST api server URLs live at '/api', stop always appending it to the 'url' value loaded from config. * Add note about manually migrated galaxy configs and /api * Add '/api/' to galaxy url and guessing if galaxy API * Fix most unit tests (update to expect /api/) * Fix test_initialise_unknown unit test Since we retry now with an added /api/, mock it as well. * Update fallback default avail_ver to new format
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 65 additions and 50 deletions
@ -38,16 +38,30 @@ def g_connect(versions):
# Determine the type of Galaxy server we are talking to. First try it unauthenticated then with Bearer
# auth for Automation Hub.
n_url = _urljoin(self.api_server, 'api')
n_url = self.api_server
error_context_msg = 'Error when finding available api versions from %s (%s)' % (, n_url)
data = self._call_galaxy(n_url, method='GET', error_context_msg=error_context_msg)
if self.api_server == '' or self.api_server == '':
n_url = ''
data = self._call_galaxy(n_url, method='GET', error_context_msg=error_context_msg)
except (AnsibleError, GalaxyError, ValueError, KeyError):
# Either the URL doesnt exist, or other error. Or the URL exists, but isn't a galaxy API
# root (not JSON, no 'available_versions') so try appending '/api/'
n_url = _urljoin(n_url, '/api/')
# let exceptions here bubble up
data = self._call_galaxy(n_url, method='GET', error_context_msg=error_context_msg)
if 'available_versions' not in data:
raise AnsibleError("Tried to find galaxy API root at %s but no 'available_versions' are available on %s"
% (n_url, self.api_server))
# Default to only supporting v1, if only v1 is returned we also assume that v2 is available even though
# it isn't returned in the available_versions dict.
available_versions = data.get('available_versions', {u'v1': u'/api/v1'})
available_versions = data.get('available_versions', {u'v1': u'v1/'})
if list(available_versions.keys()) == [u'v1']:
available_versions[u'v2'] = u'/api/v2'
available_versions[u'v2'] = u'v2/'
self._available_api_versions = available_versions
display.vvvv("Found API version '%s' with Galaxy server %s (%s)"
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ def get_test_galaxy_api(url, version, token_ins=None, token_value=None):
token_value = token_value or "my token"
token_ins = token_ins or GalaxyToken(token_value)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", url)
api._available_api_versions = {version: '/api/%s' % version}
api._available_api_versions = {version: '%s' % version}
api.token = token_ins
return api
def test_api_no_auth():
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")
actual = {}
api._add_auth_token(actual, "")
assert actual == {}
@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ def test_api_no_auth_but_required():
expected = "No access token or username set. A token can be set with --api-key, with 'ansible-galaxy login', " \
"or set in ansible.cfg."
with pytest.raises(AnsibleError, match=expected):
GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")._add_auth_token({}, "", required=True)
GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")._add_auth_token({}, "", required=True)
def test_api_token_auth():
token = GalaxyToken(token=u"my_token")
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
actual = {}
api._add_auth_token(actual, "", required=True)
assert actual == {'Authorization': 'Token my_token'}
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def test_api_token_auth_with_token_type(monkeypatch):
mock_token_get = MagicMock()
mock_token_get.return_value = 'my_token'
monkeypatch.setattr(token, 'get', mock_token_get)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
actual = {}
api._add_auth_token(actual, "", token_type="Bearer", required=True)
assert actual == {'Authorization': 'Bearer my_token'}
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def test_api_token_auth_with_v3_url(monkeypatch):
mock_token_get = MagicMock()
mock_token_get.return_value = 'my_token'
monkeypatch.setattr(token, 'get', mock_token_get)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
actual = {}
api._add_auth_token(actual, "", required=True)
assert actual == {'Authorization': 'Bearer my_token'}
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def test_api_token_auth_with_v3_url(monkeypatch):
def test_api_token_auth_with_v2_url():
token = GalaxyToken(token=u"my_token")
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
actual = {}
# Add v3 to random part of URL but response should only see the v2 as the full URI path segment.
api._add_auth_token(actual, "", required=True)
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def test_api_token_auth_with_v2_url():
def test_api_basic_auth_password():
token = BasicAuthToken(username=u"user", password=u"pass")
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
actual = {}
api._add_auth_token(actual, "", required=True)
assert actual == {'Authorization': 'Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz'}
@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ def test_api_basic_auth_password():
def test_api_basic_auth_no_password():
token = BasicAuthToken(username=u"user")
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
actual = {}
api._add_auth_token(actual, "", required=True)
assert actual == {'Authorization': 'Basic dXNlcjo='}
def test_api_dont_override_auth_header():
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")
actual = {'Authorization': 'Custom token'}
api._add_auth_token(actual, "", required=True)
assert actual == {'Authorization': 'Custom token'}
@ -142,20 +142,20 @@ def test_api_dont_override_auth_header():
def test_initialise_galaxy(monkeypatch):
mock_open = MagicMock()
mock_open.side_effect = [
StringIO(u'{"token":"my token"}'),
monkeypatch.setattr(galaxy_api, 'open_url', mock_open)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")
actual = api.authenticate("github_token")
assert len(api.available_api_versions) == 2
assert api.available_api_versions['v1'] == u'/api/v1'
assert api.available_api_versions['v2'] == u'/api/v2'
assert api.available_api_versions['v1'] == u'v1/'
assert api.available_api_versions['v2'] == u'v2/'
assert actual == {u'token': u'my token'}
assert mock_open.call_count == 2
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[1][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[1][2]['data'] == 'github_token=github_token'
@ -163,20 +163,20 @@ def test_initialise_galaxy(monkeypatch):
def test_initialise_galaxy_with_auth(monkeypatch):
mock_open = MagicMock()
mock_open.side_effect = [
StringIO(u'{"token":"my token"}'),
monkeypatch.setattr(galaxy_api, 'open_url', mock_open)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=GalaxyToken(token='my_token'))
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=GalaxyToken(token='my_token'))
actual = api.authenticate("github_token")
assert len(api.available_api_versions) == 2
assert api.available_api_versions['v1'] == u'/api/v1'
assert api.available_api_versions['v2'] == u'/api/v2'
assert api.available_api_versions['v1'] == u'v1/'
assert api.available_api_versions['v2'] == u'v2/'
assert actual == {u'token': u'my token'}
assert mock_open.call_count == 2
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[1][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[1][2]['data'] == 'github_token=github_token'
@ -192,53 +192,54 @@ def test_initialise_automation_hub(monkeypatch):
mock_token_get.return_value = 'my_token'
monkeypatch.setattr(token, 'get', mock_token_get)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=token)
assert len(api.available_api_versions) == 2
assert api.available_api_versions['v2'] == u'v2/'
assert api.available_api_versions['v3'] == u'v3/'
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][2]['headers'] == {'Authorization': 'Bearer my_token'}
def test_initialise_unknown(monkeypatch):
mock_open = MagicMock()
mock_open.side_effect = [
urllib_error.HTTPError('', 500, 'msg', {}, StringIO(u'{"msg":"raw error"}')),
urllib_error.HTTPError('', 500, 'msg', {}, StringIO(u'{"msg":"raw error"}')),
urllib_error.HTTPError('', 500, 'msg', {}, StringIO(u'{"msg":"raw error"}')),
monkeypatch.setattr(galaxy_api, 'open_url', mock_open)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=GalaxyToken(token='my_token'))
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "", token=GalaxyToken(token='my_token'))
expected = "Error when finding available api versions from test (%s/api) (HTTP Code: 500, Message: Unknown " \
expected = "Error when finding available api versions from test (%s) (HTTP Code: 500, Message: Unknown " \
"error returned by Galaxy server.)" % api.api_server
with pytest.raises(GalaxyError, match=re.escape(expected)):
with pytest.raises(AnsibleError, match=re.escape(expected)):
def test_get_available_api_versions(monkeypatch):
mock_open = MagicMock()
mock_open.side_effect = [
monkeypatch.setattr(galaxy_api, 'open_url', mock_open)
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")
api = GalaxyAPI(None, "test", "")
actual = api.available_api_versions
assert len(actual) == 2
assert actual['v1'] == u'/api/v1'
assert actual['v2'] == u'/api/v2'
assert actual['v1'] == u'v1/'
assert actual['v2'] == u'v2/'
assert mock_open.call_count == 1
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == ''
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == ''
def test_publish_collection_missing_file():
fake_path = u'/fake/ÅÑŚÌβŁÈ/path'
expected = to_native("The collection path specified '%s' does not exist." % fake_path)
api = get_test_galaxy_api("", "v2")
api = get_test_galaxy_api("", "v2")
with pytest.raises(AnsibleError, match=expected):
@ -247,7 +248,7 @@ def test_publish_collection_not_a_tarball():
expected = "The collection path specified '{0}' is not a tarball, use 'ansible-galaxy collection build' to " \
"create a proper release artifact."
api = get_test_galaxy_api("", "v2")
api = get_test_galaxy_api("", "v2")
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=u'ÅÑŚÌβŁÈ') as temp_file:
@ -257,9 +258,9 @@ def test_publish_collection_not_a_tarball():
def test_publish_collection_unsupported_version():
expected = "Galaxy action publish_collection requires API versions 'v2, v3' but only 'v1' are available on test " \
api = get_test_galaxy_api("", "v1")
api = get_test_galaxy_api("", "v1")
with pytest.raises(AnsibleError, match=expected):
@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ def test_publish_collection_unsupported_version():
('v3', 'artifacts/collections'),
def test_publish_collection(api_version, collection_url, collection_artifact, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api("", api_version)
api = get_test_galaxy_api("", api_version)
mock_call = MagicMock()
mock_call.return_value = {'task': 'http://task.url/'}
@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ def test_publish_collection(api_version, collection_url, collection_artifact, mo
u'Message: Rändom(?) quantum improbability. Code: quantum_improbability)')
def test_publish_failure(api_version, collection_url, response, expected, collection_artifact, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version)
expected_url = '%s/api/%s/%s' % (api.api_server, api_version, collection_url)
@ -336,7 +337,7 @@ def test_publish_failure(api_version, collection_url, response, expected, collec
('v3', 'Bearer', KeycloakToken(auth_url='https://api.test/')),
def test_wait_import_task(api_version, token_type, token_ins, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
import_uri = '' % api_version
if token_ins:
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ def test_wait_import_task(api_version, token_type, token_ins, monkeypatch):
('v3', 'Bearer', KeycloakToken(auth_url='https://api.test/')),
def test_wait_import_task_multiple_requests(api_version, token_type, token_ins, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
import_uri = '' % api_version
if token_ins:
@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ def test_wait_import_task_multiple_requests(api_version, token_type, token_ins,
('v3', 'Bearer', KeycloakToken(auth_url='https://api.test/')),
def test_wait_import_task_with_failure(api_version, token_type, token_ins, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
import_uri = '' % api_version
if token_ins:
@ -484,7 +485,7 @@ def test_wait_import_task_with_failure(api_version, token_type, token_ins, monke
('v3', 'Bearer', KeycloakToken(auth_url='https://api.test/')),
def test_wait_import_task_with_failure_no_error(api_version, token_type, token_ins, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
import_uri = '' % api_version
if token_ins:
@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ def test_wait_import_task_with_failure_no_error(api_version, token_type, token_i
('v3', 'Bearer', KeycloakToken(auth_url='https://api.test/')),
def test_wait_import_task_timeout(api_version, token_type, token_ins, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
import_uri = '' % api_version
if token_ins:
@ -609,7 +610,7 @@ def test_wait_import_task_timeout(api_version, token_type, token_ins, monkeypatc
('v3', 'Bearer', 'v1.0.0', KeycloakToken(auth_url='https://api.test/api/automation-hub/')),
def test_get_collection_version_metadata_no_version(api_version, token_type, version, token_ins, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
if token_ins:
mock_token_get = MagicMock()
@ -648,7 +649,7 @@ def test_get_collection_version_metadata_no_version(api_version, token_type, ver
assert actual.dependencies == {}
assert mock_open.call_count == 1
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == '%s/api/%s/collections/namespace/collection/versions/%s' \
assert mock_open.mock_calls[0][1][0] == '%s%s/collections/namespace/collection/versions/%s' \
% (api.api_server, api_version, version)
# v2 calls dont need auth, so no authz header or token_type
@ -690,7 +691,7 @@ def test_get_collection_version_metadata_no_version(api_version, token_type, ver
def test_get_collection_versions(api_version, token_type, token_ins, response, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
if token_ins:
mock_token_get = MagicMock()
@ -816,7 +817,7 @@ def test_get_collection_versions(api_version, token_type, token_ins, response, m
def test_get_collection_versions_pagination(api_version, token_type, token_ins, responses, monkeypatch):
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
api = get_test_galaxy_api('', api_version, token_ins=token_ins)
if token_ins:
mock_token_get = MagicMock()
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