win_updates rewrite for 2.0

uses scheduled job to run under a local token (required for WU client)
supports check mode
no external PS module deps
This commit is contained in:
nitzmahone 2015-08-21 09:49:36 -07:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent ae84177514
commit bf59d1cc1e
2 changed files with 491 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# This file is part of Ansible
# Copyright 2014, Trond Hindenes <>
# Copyright 2015, Matt Davis <>
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -19,68 +19,400 @@
function Write-Log
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$FormatEnumerationLimit = -1 # prevent out-string et al from truncating collection dumps
$date = get-date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zz'
<# Most of the Windows Update Agent API will not run under a remote token,
which a remote WinRM session always has. win_updates uses the Task Scheduler
to run the bulk of the update functionality under a local token. Powershell's
Scheduled-Job capability provides a decent abstraction over the Task Scheduler
and handles marshaling Powershell args in and output/errors/etc back. The
module schedules a single job that executes all interactions with the Update
Agent API, then waits for completion. A significant amount of hassle is
involved to ensure that only one of these jobs is running at a time, and to
clean up the various error conditions that can occur. #>
Write-Host "$date $message"
# define the ScriptBlock that will be passed to Register-ScheduledJob
$job_body = {
Out-File -InputObject "$date $message" -FilePath $global:LoggingFile -Append
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$FormatEnumerationLimit = -1 # prevent out-string et al from truncating collection dumps
# set this as a global for the Write-DebugLog function
$log_path = $boundparms['log_path']
Write-DebugLog "Scheduled job started with boundparms $($boundparms | out-string) and unboundargs $($unboundargs | out-string)"
# FUTURE: elevate this to module arg validation once we have it
Function MapCategoryNameToGuid {
Param([string] $category_name)
$category_guid = switch -exact ($category_name) {
# as documented by TechNet @
"Application" {"5C9376AB-8CE6-464A-B136-22113DD69801"}
"Connectors" {"434DE588-ED14-48F5-8EED-A15E09A991F6"}
"CriticalUpdates" {"E6CF1350-C01B-414D-A61F-263D14D133B4"}
"DefinitionUpdates" {"E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B"}
"DeveloperKits" {"E140075D-8433-45C3-AD87-E72345B36078"}
"FeaturePacks" {"B54E7D24-7ADD-428F-8B75-90A396FA584F"}
"Guidance" {"9511D615-35B2-47BB-927F-F73D8E9260BB"}
"SecurityUpdates" {"0FA1201D-4330-4FA8-8AE9-B877473B6441"}
"ServicePacks" {"68C5B0A3-D1A6-4553-AE49-01D3A7827828"}
"Tools" {"B4832BD8-E735-4761-8DAF-37F882276DAB"}
"UpdateRollups" {"28BC880E-0592-4CBF-8F95-C79B17911D5F"}
"Updates" {"CD5FFD1E-E932-4E3A-BF74-18BF0B1BBD83"}
default { throw "Unknown category_name $category_name, must be one of (Application,Connectors,CriticalUpdates,DefinitionUpdates,DeveloperKits,FeaturePacks,Guidance,SecurityUpdates,ServicePacks,Tools,UpdateRollups,Updates)" }
return $category_guid
Function DoWindowsUpdate {
[ValidateSet("installed", "searched")]
$is_check_mode = $($state -eq "searched") -or $_ansible_check_mode
$category_guids = $category_names | % { MapCategoryNameToGUID $_ }
$update_status = @{ changed = $false }
Write-DebugLog "Creating Windows Update session..."
$session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
Write-DebugLog "Create Windows Update searcher..."
$searcher = $session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
# OR is only allowed at the top-level, so we have to repeat base criteria inside
# FUTURE: change this to client-side filtered?
$criteriabase = "IsInstalled = 0"
$criteria_list = $category_guids | % { "($criteriabase AND CategoryIDs contains '$_')" }
$criteria = [string]::Join(" OR ", $criteria_list)
Write-DebugLog "Search criteria: $criteria"
Write-DebugLog "Searching for updates to install in category IDs $category_guids..."
$searchresult = $searcher.Search($criteria)
Write-DebugLog "Creating update collection..."
$updates_to_install = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
Write-DebugLog "Found $($searchresult.Updates.Count) updates"
$update_status.updates = @{ }
# FUTURE: add further filtering options
foreach($update in $searchresult.Updates) {
if(-Not $update.EulaAccepted) {
Write-DebugLog "Accepting EULA for $($update.Identity.UpdateID)"
Write-DebugLog "Adding update $($update.Identity.UpdateID) - $($update.Title)"
$res = $updates_to_install.Add($update)
$update_status.updates[$update.Identity.UpdateID] = @{
title = $update.Title
# TODO: pluck the first KB out (since most have just one)?
kb = $update.KBArticleIDs
id = $update.Identity.UpdateID
installed = $false
Write-DebugLog "Calculating pre-install reboot requirement..."
# calculate this early for check mode, and to see if we should allow updates to continue
$sysinfo = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo
$update_status.reboot_required = $sysinfo.RebootRequired
$update_status.found_update_count = $updates_to_install.Count
$update_status.installed_update_count = 0
# bail out here for check mode
if($is_check_mode -eq $true) {
Write-DebugLog "Check mode; exiting..."
Write-DebugLog "Return value: $($update_status | out-string)"
if($updates_to_install.Count -gt 0) { $update_status.changed = $true }
return $update_status
if($updates_to_install.Count -gt 0) {
if($update_status.reboot_required) {
throw "A reboot is required before more updates can be installed."
else {
Write-DebugLog "No reboot is pending..."
Write-DebugLog "Downloading updates..."
foreach($update in $updates_to_install) {
if($update.IsDownloaded) {
Write-DebugLog "Update $($update.Identity.UpdateID) already downloaded, skipping..."
Write-DebugLog "Creating downloader object..."
$dl = $session.CreateUpdateDownloader()
Write-DebugLog "Creating download collection..."
$dl.Updates = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
Write-DebugLog "Adding update $($update.Identity.UpdateID)"
$res = $dl.Updates.Add($update)
Write-DebugLog "Downloading update $($update.Identity.UpdateID)..."
$download_result = $dl.Download()
# FUTURE: configurable download retry
if($download_result.ResultCode -ne 2) { # OperationResultCode orcSucceeded
throw "Failed to download update $($update.Identity.UpdateID)"
if($updates_to_install.Count -lt 1 ) { return $update_status }
Write-DebugLog "Installing updates..."
# install as a batch so the reboot manager will suppress intermediate reboots
Write-DebugLog "Creating installer object..."
$inst = $session.CreateUpdateInstaller()
Write-DebugLog "Creating install collection..."
$inst.Updates = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
foreach($update in $updates_to_install) {
Write-DebugLog "Adding update $($update.Identity.UpdateID)"
$res = $inst.Updates.Add($update)
# FUTURE: use BeginInstall w/ progress reporting so we can at least log intermediate install results
Write-DebugLog "Installing updates..."
$install_result = $inst.Install()
$update_success_count = 0
$update_fail_count = 0
# WU result API requires us to index in to get the install results
$update_index = 0
foreach($update in $updates_to_install) {
$update_result = $install_result.GetUpdateResult($update_index)
$update_resultcode = $update_result.ResultCode
$update_hresult = $update_result.HResult
$update_dict = $update_status.updates[$update.Identity.UpdateID]
if($update_resultcode -eq 2) { # OperationResultCode orcSucceeded
$update_dict.installed = $true
Write-DebugLog "Update $($update.Identity.UpdateID) succeeded"
else {
$update_dict.installed = $false
$update_dict.failed = $true
$update_dict.failure_hresult_code = $update_hresult
Write-DebugLog "Update $($update.Identity.UpdateID) failed resultcode $update_hresult hresult $update_hresult"
if($update_fail_count -gt 0) {
$update_status.failed = $true
$update_status.msg="Failed to install one or more updates"
else { $update_status.changed = $true }
Write-DebugLog "Performing post-install reboot requirement check..."
# recalculate reboot status after installs
$sysinfo = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo
$update_status.reboot_required = $sysinfo.RebootRequired
$update_status.installed_update_count = $update_success_count
$update_status.failed_update_count = $update_fail_count
Write-DebugLog "Return value: $($update_status | out-string)"
return $update_status
Try {
# job system adds a bunch of cruft to top-level dict, so we have to send a sub-dict
return @{ job_output = DoWindowsUpdate @boundparms }
Catch {
$excep = $_
Write-DebugLog "Fatal exception: $($excep.Exception.Message) at $($excep.ScriptStackTrace)"
return @{ job_output = @{ failed=$true;error=$excep.Exception.Message;location=$excep.ScriptStackTrace } }
$params = Parse-Args $args;
$result = New-Object PSObject;
Set-Attr $result "changed" $false;
Function DestroyScheduledJob {
Param([string] $job_name)
# find a scheduled job with the same name (should normally fail)
$schedjob = Get-ScheduledJob -Name $job_name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# nuke it if it's there
If($schedjob -ne $null) {
Write-DebugLog "ScheduledJob $job_name exists, ensuring it's not running..."
# can't manage jobs across sessions, so we have to resort to the Task Scheduler script object to kill running jobs
$schedserv = New-Object -ComObject Schedule.Service
Write-DebugLog "Connecting to scheduler service..."
Write-DebugLog "Getting running tasks named $job_name"
$running_tasks = @($schedserv.GetRunningTasks(0) | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $job_name })
Foreach($task_to_stop in $running_tasks) {
Write-DebugLog "Stopping running task $($task_to_stop.InstanceId)..."
<# FUTURE: add a global waithandle for this to release any other waiters. Wait-Job
and/or polling will block forever, since the killed job object in the parent
session doesn't know it's been killed :( #>
Unregister-ScheduledJob -Name $job_name
if(($params.logPath).Length -gt 0) {
$global:LoggingFile = $params.logPath
} else {
$global:LoggingFile = "c:\ansible-playbook.log"
if ($params.category) {
$category = $params.category
} else {
$category = "critical"
$installed_prior = get-wulist -isinstalled | foreach { $_.KBArticleIDs }
set-attr $result "updates_already_present" $installed_prior
Function RunAsScheduledJob {
Param([scriptblock] $job_body, [string] $job_name, [scriptblock] $job_init, [Object[]] $job_arg_list=@())
write-log "Looking for updates in '$category'"
set-attr $result "updates_category" $category
$to_install = get-wulist -category $category
$installed = @()
foreach ($u in $to_install) {
$kb = $u.KBArticleIDs
write-log "Installing $kb - $($u.Title)"
$install_result = get-wuinstall -KBArticleID $u.KBArticleIDs -acceptall -ignorereboot
Set-Attr $result "updates_installed_KB$kb" $u.Title
$installed += $kb
write-log "Installed: $($installed.count)"
set-attr $result "updates_installed" $installed
set-attr $result "updates_installed_count" $installed.count
$result.changed = $installed.count -gt 0
DestroyScheduledJob -job_name $job_name
$installed_afterwards = get-wulist -isinstalled | foreach { $_.KBArticleIDs }
set-attr $result "updates_installed_afterwards" $installed_afterwards
$rsj_args = @{
ScriptBlock = $job_body
Name = $job_name
ArgumentList = $job_arg_list
ErrorAction = "Stop"
ScheduledJobOption = @{ RunElevated=$True }
$reboot_needed = Get-WURebootStatus
write-log $reboot_needed
if ($reboot_needed -match "not") {
write-log "Reboot not required"
} else {
write-log "Reboot required"
Set-Attr $result "updates_reboot_needed" $true
$result.changed = $true
if($job_init) { $rsj_args.InitializationScript = $job_init }
Write-DebugLog "Registering scheduled job with args $($rsj_args | Out-String -Width 300)"
$schedjob = Register-ScheduledJob @rsj_args
# RunAsTask isn't available in PS3- fall back to a 2s future trigger
if($schedjob.RunAsTask) {
Write-DebugLog "Starting scheduled job (PS4 method)"
else {
Write-DebugLog "Starting scheduled job (PS3 method)"
Add-JobTrigger -inputobject $schedjob -trigger $(New-JobTrigger -once -at $(Get-Date).AddSeconds(2))
$sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$job = $null
Write-DebugLog "Waiting for job completion..."
# Wait-Job can fail for a few seconds until the scheduled task starts- poll for it...
while ($job -eq $null) {
start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
if($sw.ElapsedMilliseconds -ge 30000) { # tasks scheduled right after boot on 2008R2 can take awhile to start...
Throw "Timed out waiting for scheduled task to start"
# FUTURE: configurable timeout so we don't block forever?
# FUTURE: add a global WaitHandle in case another instance kills our job, so we don't block forever
$job = Wait-Job -Name $schedjob.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
# NB: output from scheduled jobs is delayed after completion (including the sub-objects after the primary Output object is available)
While (($job.Output -eq $null -or $job.Output.job_output -eq $null) -and $sw.ElapsedMilliseconds -lt 15000) {
Write-DebugLog "Waiting for job output to be non-null..."
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
# NB: fallthru on both timeout and success
$ret = @{
ErrorOutput = $job.Error
WarningOutput = $job.Warning
VerboseOutput = $job.Verbose
DebugOutput = $job.Debug
If ($job.Output -eq $null -or $job.Output.job_output -eq $null) {
$ret.Output = @{failed = $true; msg = "job output was lost"}
Else {
$ret.Output = $job.Output.job_output # sub-object returned, can only be accessed as a property for some reason
Try { # this shouldn't be fatal, but can fail with both Powershell errors and COM Exceptions, hence the dual error-handling...
Unregister-ScheduledJob -Name $job_name -Force -ErrorAction Continue
Catch {
Write-DebugLog "Error unregistering job after execution: $($_.Exception.ToString()) $($_.ScriptStackTrace)"
return $ret
Set-Attr $result "updates_success" "true"
Exit-Json $result;
Function Log-Forensics {
Write-DebugLog "Arguments: $job_args | out-string"
Write-DebugLog "OS Version: $([environment]::OSVersion.Version | out-string)"
Write-DebugLog "Running as user: $([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)"
# FUTURE: log auth method (kerb, password, etc)
# code shared between the scheduled job and the host script
$common_inject = {
# FUTURE: capture all to a list, dump on error
Function Write-DebugLog {
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
$date_str = Get-Date -Format u
$msg = "$date_str $msg"
Write-Debug $msg
if($log_path -ne $null) {
Add-Content $log_path $msg
# source the common code into the current scope so we can call it
. $common_inject
$parsed_args = Parse-Args $args $true
# grr, why use PSCustomObject for args instead of just native hashtable?
$ | foreach -begin {$job_args=@{}} -process {$job_args."$($_.Name)" = $_.Value} -end {$job_args}
# set the log_path for the global log function we injected earlier
$log_path = $job_args.log_path
Write-DebugLog "Starting scheduled job with args: $($job_args | Out-String -Width 300)"
# pass the common code as job_init so it'll be injected into the scheduled job script
$sjo = RunAsScheduledJob -job_init $common_inject -job_body $job_body -job_name ansible-win-updates -job_arg_list $job_args
Write-DebugLog "Scheduled job completed with output: $($sjo.Output | Out-String -Width 300)"
Exit-Json $sjo.Output

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2014, Peter Mounce <>
# (c) 2015, Matt Davis <>
# This file is part of Ansible
@ -24,34 +24,114 @@
module: win_updates
version_added: "1.8"
short_description: Lists / Installs windows updates
version_added: "2.0"
short_description: Download and install Windows updates
- Installs windows updates using PSWindowsUpdate (
- PSWindowsUpdate needs to be installed first - use win_chocolatey.
- Searches, downloads, and installs Windows updates synchronously by automating the Windows Update client
- Which category to install updates from
required: false
default: critical
- critical
- security
- (anything that is a valid update category)
default: critical
aliases: []
- Where to log command output to
required: false
default: c:\\ansible-playbook.log
aliases: []
author: "Peter Mounce (@petemounce)"
- A scalar or list of categories to install updates from
required: false
default: ["CriticalUpdates","SecurityUpdates","UpdateRollups"]
- Application
- Connectors
- CriticalUpdates
- DefinitionUpdates
- DeveloperKits
- FeaturePacks
- Guidance
- SecurityUpdates
- ServicePacks
- Tools
- UpdateRollups
- Updates
- Controls whether found updates are returned as a list or actually installed.
- This module also supports Ansible check mode, which has the same effect as setting state=searched
required: false
default: installed
- installed
- searched
- If set, win_updates will append update progress to the specified file. The directory must already exist.
required: false
author: "Matt Davis (@mattdavispdx)"
- win_updates must be run by a user with membership in the local Administrators group
- win_updates will use the default update service configured for the machine (Windows Update, Microsoft Update, WSUS, etc)
- win_updates does not manage reboots, but will signal when a reboot is required with the reboot_required return value.
- win_updates can take a significant amount of time to complete (hours, in some cases). Performance depends on many factors, including OS version, number of updates, system load, and update server load.
# Install updates from security category
category: security
# Install all security, critical, and rollup updates
category_names: ['SecurityUpdates','CriticalUpdates','UpdateRollups']
# Install only security updates
win_updates: category_names=SecurityUpdates
# Search-only, return list of found updates (if any), log to c:\ansible_wu.txt
win_updates: category_names=SecurityUpdates status=searched log_path=c:/ansible_wu.txt
RETURN = '''
description: True when the target server requires a reboot to complete updates (no further updates can be installed until after a reboot)
returned: success
type: boolean
sample: True
description: List of updates that were found/installed
returned: success
type: dictionary
description: Display name
returned: always
type: string
sample: "Security Update for Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB3004365)"
description: A list of KB article IDs that apply to the update
returned: always
type: list of strings
sample: [ '3004365' ]
description: Internal Windows Update GUID
returned: always
type: string (guid)
sample: "fb95c1c8-de23-4089-ae29-fd3351d55421"
description: Was the update successfully installed
returned: always
type: boolean
sample: True
description: The HRESULT code from a failed update
returned: on install failure
type: boolean
sample: 2147942402
description: The number of updates found needing to be applied
returned: success
type: int
sample: 3
description: The number of updates successfully installed
returned: success
type: int
sample: 2
description: The number of updates that failed to install
returned: always
type: int
sample: 0