diff --git a/test/integration/targets/setup_zabbix/defaults/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/setup_zabbix/defaults/main.yml
index 0a1664754bb..d6437a75685 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/setup_zabbix/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/setup_zabbix/defaults/main.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ db_name: 'zabbix'
 db_user: 'zabbix'
 db_password: 'fLhijUs3PgekNhwJ'
-zabbix_version: 4.0
+zabbix_version: 4.4
 zabbix_apt_repository: 'deb http://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/{{ zabbix_version }}/{{ ansible_distribution.lower() }}/ {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main'
 zabbix_apt_repository_key: 'http://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix-official-repo.key'
     - zabbix-server-mysql
     - zabbix-frontend-php
+    - zabbix-apache-conf
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/zabbix_host/tasks/zabbix_host_doc.yml b/test/integration/targets/zabbix_host/tasks/zabbix_host_doc.yml
index dfdd2001c61..40f702bb451 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/zabbix_host/tasks/zabbix_host_doc.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/zabbix_host/tasks/zabbix_host_doc.yml
@@ -43,6 +43,16 @@
         dns: ""
         port: "12345"
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$EXAMPLEMACRO}'
+        value: ExampleMacroValue
+      - macro: EXAMPLEMACRO2
+        value: ExampleMacroValue2
+        description: Example desc that work only with Zabbix 4.4 and higher
+    tags:
+      - tag: ExampleHostsTag
+      - tag: ExampleHostsTag2
+        value: ExampleTagValue
   register: zabbix_host1
 - name: Update an existing host's tls settings
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/zabbix_host/tasks/zabbix_host_tests.yml b/test/integration/targets/zabbix_host/tasks/zabbix_host_tests.yml
index 62f0cb5189c..63be018988d 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/zabbix_host/tasks/zabbix_host_tests.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/zabbix_host/tasks/zabbix_host_tests.yml
@@ -48,6 +48,15 @@
     tls_psk_identity: test
     tls_connect: 2
     tls_psk: 123456789abcdef123456789abcdef12
+    macros:
+      - macro: MACRO1
+        value: test1
+      - macro: '{$MACRO2}'
+        value: test2
+    tags:
+      - tag: Tag1
+      - tag: Tag2
+        value: test2
   register: zabbix_host1
 - name: expect to succeed and that things changed
@@ -103,6 +112,15 @@
     tls_psk_identity: test
     tls_connect: 2
     tls_psk: 123456789abcdef123456789abcdef12
+    macros:
+      - macro: MACRO1
+        value: test1
+      - macro: '{$MACRO2}'
+        value: test2
+    tags:
+      - tag: Tag1
+      - tag: Tag2
+        value: test2
   register: zabbix_host1
 - name: updating with same values should be idempotent
@@ -832,6 +850,296 @@
           - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: add new set of user macros to the host"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$NEWMACRO1}'
+        value: test123
+      - macro: NEWMACRO2
+        value: abc
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: add new set of user macros to the host (again - lowercase)"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$newmacro1}'
+        value: test123
+      - macro: newmacro2
+        value: abc
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have not changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is not changed"
+- name: "test: update one of the user macros present on the host"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$NEWMACRO1}'
+        value: test1234
+      - macro: NEWMACRO2
+        value: abc
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: update one of the user macros with description"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$NEWMACRO1}'
+        value: test1234
+        description: Example Description
+      - macro: NEWMACRO2
+        value: abc
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: update one of the user macros with description (again)"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$NEWMACRO1}'
+        value: test1234
+        description: Example Description
+      - macro: NEWMACRO2
+        value: abc
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have not changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is not changed"
+- name: "test: update one of the user macros by removing description"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$NEWMACRO1}'
+        value: test1234
+      - macro: NEWMACRO2
+        value: abc
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: add user macro while keeping previous ones with force=no"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    force: no
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$NEWMACRO3}'
+        value: testing
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: add the same user macros (again)"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros:
+      - macro: '{$NEWMACRO1}'
+        value: test1234
+      - macro: NEWMACRO2
+        value: abc
+      - macro: '{$NEWMACRO3}'
+        value: testing
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have not changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is not changed"
+- name: "test: wipe out all of the user macros"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros: []
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: wipe out all of the user macros (again)"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    macros: []
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have not changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is not changed"
+- name: "test: add new set of tags to the host"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    tags:
+      - tag: NEWTAG1
+      - tag: NewTag2
+        value: abc
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: add new set of tags to the host (again)"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    tags:
+      - tag: NEWTAG1
+      - tag: NewTag2
+        value: abc
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have not changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is not changed"
+- name: "test: update one of the tags present on the host"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    tags:
+      - tag: NEWTAG1
+      - tag: NewTag2
+        value: abcd
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: add tag while keeping previous ones with force=no"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    force: no
+    tags:
+      - tag: newtag3
+        value: testing
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: add the same tags (again)"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    tags:
+      - tag: NEWTAG1
+      - tag: NewTag2
+        value: abcd
+      - tag: newtag3
+        value: testing
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have not changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is not changed"
+- name: "test: wipe out all of the tags"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    tags: []
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is changed"
+- name: "test: wipe out all of the tags (again)"
+  zabbix_host:
+    server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
+    login_user: "{{ zabbix_login_user }}"
+    login_password: "{{ zabbix_login_password }}"
+    host_name: ExampleHost
+    tags: []
+  register: zabbix_host1
+- name: expect to succeed and that things have not changed
+  assert:
+      that:
+          - "zabbix_host1 is not changed"
 - name: "test: attempt to delete host created earlier"
     server_url: "{{ zabbix_server_url }}"
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/zabbix_template/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/zabbix_template/tasks/main.yml
index 00f2a0333f4..ccabc31d9af 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/zabbix_template/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/zabbix_template/tasks/main.yml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
         - 'Templates'
         - 'Template App Zabbix Proxy'
-        - 'Template App Zabbix Agent'
+        - 'Template Module Zabbix agent'
       state: present
     register: update_zabbix_template_result
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
         - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.groups.0.name == 'Linux servers'
         - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.groups.1.name == 'Templates'
-        - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.templates.0.name == 'Template App Zabbix Agent'
-        - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.templates.1.name == 'Template App Zabbix Proxy'
+        - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.templates.0.name == 'Template App Zabbix Proxy'
+        - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.templates.1.name == 'Template Module Zabbix agent'
   - name: Add macros to Zabbix template.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
         - 'Templates'
         - 'Template App Zabbix Proxy'
-        - 'Template App Zabbix Agent'
+        - 'Template Module Zabbix agent'
         - macro: '{$EXAMPLE_MACRO1}'
           value: 1000
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
         - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.groups.0.name == 'Linux servers'
         - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.groups.1.name == 'Templates'
-        - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.templates.0.name == 'Template App Zabbix Agent'
-        - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.templates.1.name == 'Template App Zabbix Proxy'
+        - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.templates.0.name == 'Template App Zabbix Proxy'
+        - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.templates.1.name == 'Template Module Zabbix agent'
         - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.macros.0.macro == '{$EXAMPLE_MACRO1}'
         - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.macros.0.value == '1000'
         - gather_template_result.template_json.zabbix_export.templates.0.macros.1.macro == '{$EXAMPLE_MACRO2}'