Add hacking/shippable/ script. (#68182)

* Add hacking/shippable/ script.

* Add
This commit is contained in:
Matt Clay 2020-03-11 18:23:35 -07:00 committed by Matt Martz
parent 8715bc400a
commit f18f480a3c
2 changed files with 500 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# Shippable Scripts
## Scripts
This directory contains the following scripts:
- - Download results from Shippable.
- - Report on incidental code coverage using data from Shippable.
- - Start new runs on Shippable.
## Incidental Code Coverage
### Background
Incidental testing and code coverage occurs when a test covers one or more portions of code as an unintentional side-effect of testing another portion of code.
For example, the ``yum`` integration test intentionally tests the ``yum`` Ansible module.
However, in doing so it also uses, and unintentionally tests the ``file`` module as well.
As part of the process of migrating modules and plugins into collections, integration tests were identified that provided exclusive incidental code coverage.
That is, tests which would be migrated out of the repository which covered code which would not be covered by any remaining tests.
These integration test targets were preserved as incidental tests with the ``incidental_`` prefix prior to migration.
The plugins necessary to support these tests were also preserved in the ``test/support/`` directory.
The long-term goal for these incidental tests is to replace them with tests that intentionally cover the relevant code.
As additional intentional tests are added, the exclusive coverage provided by incidental tests will decline, permitting them to be removed without loss of test coverage.
### Reducing Incidental Coverage
Reducing incidental test coverage, and eventually removing incidental tests involves the following process:
1. Run the entire test suite with code coverage enabled.
This is done automatically each day on Shippable.
2. Download code coverage data from Shippable for local analysis.
# download results to ansible/ansible directory under cwd
# substitute the correct run number for the Shippable coverage run you want to download
hacking/shippable/ --all -v
3. Analyze code coverage data to see which portions of the code are covered by each test.
```shell script
# make sure ansible-test is in $PATH
source hacking/env-setup
# run the script using whichever directory results were downloaded into
hacking/shippable/ ansible/ansible/162160
4. Create new intentional tests, or extend existing ones, to cover code that is currently covered by incidental tests.
Reports are created by default in a ``test/results/.tmp/incidental/{hash}/reports/`` directory.
The ``{hash}`` value is based on the input files used to generate the report.
Over time, as the above process is repeated, exclusive incidental code coverage will decline.
When incidental tests no longer provide exclusive coverage they can be removed.
> CAUTION: Only one incidental test should be removed at a time, as doing so may cause another test to gain exclusive incidental coverage.
### Reading Incidental Coverage Reports
Each line of code covered will be included in a report.
The left column contains the line number where the source occurs.
If the coverage is for Python code a comment on the right side will indicate the coverage arcs involved.
Below is an example of a report:
Target: incidental_win_psexec
Source: lib/ansible/executor/ (2 arcs, 3/1141 lines):
705 if 'rc' in result and result['rc'] not in [0, "0"]: ### (here) -> 706
706 result['failed'] = True ### 705 -> (here) ### (here) -> 711
711 if self._task.until: ### 706 -> (here)
The report indicates the test target responsible for the coverage and provides a link to the source on GitHub using the appropriate commit to match the code coverage.
Each file covered in the report indicates the lines affected, and in the case of Python code, arcs.
A link to the source file on GitHub using the appropriate commit is also included.
The left column includes the line number for the source code found to the right.
In the case of Python files, the rightmost comment indicates the coverage arcs involved.
``### (here) -> 706`` for source line 705 indicates that execution flowed from line 705 to line 706.
Multiple outbound line numbers can be present.
``### 706 -> (here)`` for source line 711 indicates that execution flowed from line 706 to line 711.
Multiple inbound line numbers can be present.
In both cases ``(here)`` is simply a reference to the current source line.
Arcs are only available for Python code.
PowerShell code only reports covered line numbers.

hacking/shippable/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
"""CLI tool for reporting on incidental test coverage."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
# noinspection PyCompatibility
import argparse
import glob
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import hashlib
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
import argcomplete
except ImportError:
argcomplete = None
def main():
"""Main program body."""
args = parse_args()
except ApplicationError as ex:
def parse_args():
"""Parse and return args."""
source = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report on incidental test coverage downloaded from Shippable.')
help='path to directory containing test results downloaded from Shippable')
default=os.path.join(source, 'test', 'results', '.tmp', 'incidental'),
help='path to directory where reports should be written')
help='path to git repository containing Ansible source')
help='regex for targets to analyze, default: %(default)s')
help='skip integrity checks, use only for debugging')
help='ignore cached files')
if argcomplete:
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def optional_directory(value):
if not os.path.exists(value):
return value
return directory(value)
def directory(value):
if not os.path.isdir(value):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('"%s" is not a directory' % value)
return value
def regex(value):
return re.compile(value)
except Exception as ex:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('"%s" is not a valid regex: %s' % (value, ex))
def incidental_report(args):
"""Generate incidental coverage report."""
ct = CoverageTool()
git = Git(os.path.abspath(args.source))
coverage_data = CoverageData(os.path.abspath(args.result))
try:[coverage_data.result_sha, '--'])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise ApplicationError('%s: commit not found: %s\n'
'make sure your source repository is up-to-date' % (git.path, coverage_data.result_sha))
if coverage_data.status_code != 30:
check_failed(args, 'results from Shippable indicate tests did not pass (status code: %d)\n'
're-run until passing, then download the latest results and re-run the report using those results' % coverage_data.status_code)
if coverage_data.missing_jobs or coverage_data.extra_jobs:
check_failed(args, 'unexpected results from Shippable -- missing jobs: %s, extra jobs: %s\n'
'make sure the tests were successfull and the all results were downloaded\n' % (
sorted(coverage_data.missing_jobs), sorted(coverage_data.extra_jobs)))
if not coverage_data.paths:
raise ApplicationError('no coverage data found\n'
'make sure the downloaded results are from a code coverage run on Shippable')
# generate a unique subdirectory in the output directory based on the input files being used
path_hash = hashlib.sha256(b'\n'.join(p.encode() for p in coverage_data.paths)).hexdigest()
output_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.output, path_hash))
data_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'data')
reports_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'reports')
for path in [data_path, reports_path]:
if not os.path.exists(path):
# combine coverage results into a single file
combined_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'combined.json')
cached(combined_path, args.use_cache,
lambda: ct.combine(coverage_data.paths, combined_path))
with open(combined_path) as combined_file:
combined = json.load(combined_file)
# identify integration test targets to analyze
target_names = sorted(combined['targets'])
incidental_target_names = [target for target in target_names if, target)]
if not incidental_target_names:
raise ApplicationError('no targets to analyze')
# exclude test support plugins from analysis
# also exclude six, which for an unknown reason reports bogus coverage lines (indicating coverage of comments)
exclude_path = '^(test/support/|lib/ansible/module_utils/six/)'
# process coverage for each target and then generate a report
# save sources for generating a summary report at the end
summary = {}
for target_name in incidental_target_names:
only_target_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'only-%s.json' % target_name)
cached(only_target_path, args.use_cache,
lambda: ct.filter(combined_path, only_target_path, include_targets=[target_name], exclude_path=exclude_path))
without_target_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'without-%s.json' % target_name)
cached(without_target_path, args.use_cache,
lambda: ct.filter(combined_path, without_target_path, exclude_targets=[target_name], exclude_path=exclude_path))
exclusive_target_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'exclusive-%s.json' % target_name)
cached(exclusive_target_path, args.use_cache,
lambda: ct.missing(only_target_path, without_target_path, exclusive_target_path, only_gaps=True))
exclusive_expanded_target_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'exclusive-expanded-%s.json' % target_name)
cached(exclusive_expanded_target_path, args.use_cache,
lambda: ct.expand(exclusive_target_path, exclusive_expanded_target_path))
summary[target_name] = sources = collect_sources(exclusive_expanded_target_path, git, coverage_data)
txt_report_path = os.path.join(reports_path, '%s.txt' % target_name)
cached(txt_report_path, args.use_cache,
lambda: generate_report(sources, txt_report_path, coverage_data, target_name))
# provide a summary report of results
for target_name in incidental_target_names:
sources = summary[target_name]
print('%s: %d arcs, %d lines, %d files' % (
sum(len(s.covered_arcs) for s in sources),
sum(len(s.covered_lines) for s in sources),
sys.stderr.write('NOTE: This report shows only coverage exclusive to the reported targets. '
'As targets are removed, exclusive coverage on the remaining targets will increase.\n')
class CoverageData:
def __init__(self, result_path):
with open(os.path.join(result_path, 'run.json')) as run_file:
run = json.load(run_file)
self.org_name = run['subscriptionOrgName']
self.project_name = run['projectName']
self.result_sha = run['commitSha']
self.status_code = run['statusCode']
self.github_base_url = '' % (self.org_name, self.project_name, self.result_sha)
# locate available results
self.paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(result_path, '*', 'test', 'testresults', 'coverage-analyze-targets.json')))
# make sure the test matrix is complete
matrix_include = run['cleanRunYml']['matrix']['include']
matrix_jobs = list((idx, dict(tuple(item.split('=', 1)) for item in value['env'])) for idx, value in enumerate(matrix_include, start=1))
sanity_job_numbers = set(idx for idx, env in matrix_jobs if env['T'].startswith('sanity/'))
units_job_numbers = set(idx for idx, env in matrix_jobs if env['T'].startswith('units/'))
expected_job_numbers = set(idx for idx, env in matrix_jobs)
actual_job_numbers = set(int(os.path.relpath(path, result_path).split(os.path.sep)[0]) for path in self.paths)
self.missing_jobs = expected_job_numbers - actual_job_numbers - sanity_job_numbers - units_job_numbers
self.extra_jobs = actual_job_numbers - expected_job_numbers - sanity_job_numbers - units_job_numbers
class Git:
def __init__(self, path):
self.git = 'git'
self.path = path
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise ApplicationError('%s: not a git repository' % path)
def show(self, args=None):
return['show'] + (args or []))
def run(self, command):
return subprocess.check_output([self.git] + command, cwd=self.path)
class CoverageTool:
def __init__(self):
self.analyze_cmd = ['ansible-test', 'coverage', 'analyze', 'targets']
def combine(self, input_paths, output_path):
subprocess.check_call(self.analyze_cmd + ['combine'] + input_paths + [output_path])
def filter(self, input_path, output_path, include_targets=None, exclude_targets=None, exclude_path=None):
args = []
if include_targets:
for target in include_targets:
args.extend(['--include-target', target])
if exclude_targets:
for target in exclude_targets:
args.extend(['--exclude-target', target])
if exclude_path:
args.extend(['--exclude-path', exclude_path])
subprocess.check_call(self.analyze_cmd + ['filter', input_path, output_path] + args)
def missing(self, from_path, to_path, output_path, only_gaps=False):
args = []
if only_gaps:
subprocess.check_call(self.analyze_cmd + ['missing', from_path, to_path, output_path] + args)
def expand(self, input_path, output_path):
subprocess.check_call(self.analyze_cmd + ['expand', input_path, output_path])
class SourceFile:
def __init__(self, path, source, coverage_data, coverage_points):
self.path = path
self.lines = source.decode().splitlines()
self.coverage_data = coverage_data
self.coverage_points = coverage_points
self.github_url = coverage_data.github_base_url + path
is_arcs = ':' in dict(coverage_points).popitem()[0]
if is_arcs:
parse = parse_arc
parse = int
self.covered_points = set(parse(v) for v in coverage_points)
self.covered_arcs = self.covered_points if is_arcs else None
self.covered_lines = set(abs(p[0]) for p in self.covered_points) | set(abs(p[1]) for p in self.covered_points)
def collect_sources(data_path, git, coverage_data):
with open(data_path) as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
sources = []
for path_coverage in data.values():
for path, path_data in path_coverage.items():
sources.append(SourceFile(path,['%s:%s' % (coverage_data.result_sha, path)]), coverage_data, path_data))
return sources
def generate_report(sources, report_path, coverage_data, target_name):
output = [
'Target: %s' % target_name,
'GitHub: %stest/integration/targets/%s' % (coverage_data.github_base_url, target_name),
for source in sources:
if source.covered_arcs:
'Source: %s (%d arcs, %d/%d lines):' % (source.path, len(source.covered_arcs), len(source.covered_lines), len(source.lines)),
'GitHub: %s' % source.github_url,
'Source: %s (%d/%d lines):' % (source.path, len(source.covered_lines), len(source.lines)),
'GitHub: %s' % source.github_url,
last_line_no = 0
for line_no, line in enumerate(source.lines, start=1):
if line_no not in source.covered_lines:
if last_line_no and last_line_no != line_no - 1:
notes = ''
if source.covered_arcs:
from_lines = sorted(p[0] for p in source.covered_points if abs(p[1]) == line_no)
to_lines = sorted(p[1] for p in source.covered_points if abs(p[0]) == line_no)
if from_lines:
notes += ' ### %s -> (here)' % ', '.join(str(from_line) for from_line in from_lines)
if to_lines:
notes += ' ### (here) -> %s' % ', '.join(str(to_line) for to_line in to_lines)
output.append('%4d %s%s' % (line_no, line, notes))
last_line_no = line_no
with open(report_path, 'w') as report_file:
report_file.write('\n'.join(output) + '\n')
def parse_arc(value):
return tuple(int(v) for v in value.split(':'))
def cached(path, use_cache, func):
if os.path.exists(path) and use_cache:
sys.stderr.write('%s: cached\n' % path)
sys.stderr.write('%s: generating ... ' % path)
def check_failed(args, message):
if args.skip_checks:
sys.stderr.write('WARNING: %s\n' % message)
raise ApplicationError(message)
class ApplicationError(Exception):
if __name__ == '__main__':