diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/network/checkpoint/checkpoint.py b/lib/ansible/module_utils/network/checkpoint/checkpoint.py
index 640b83aaff5..1840f00beca 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/network/checkpoint/checkpoint.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/network/checkpoint/checkpoint.py
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import time
from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection
checkpoint_argument_spec_for_objects = dict(
wait_for_task=dict(type='bool', default=True),
@@ -59,20 +58,24 @@ def send_request(connection, version, url, payload=None):
# get the payload from the user parameters
def is_checkpoint_param(parameter):
- if parameter == 'auto_publish_session' or\
- parameter == 'state' or\
- parameter == 'wait_for_task' or\
+ if parameter == 'auto_publish_session' or \
+ parameter == 'state' or \
+ parameter == 'wait_for_task' or \
parameter == 'version':
return False
return True
# build the payload from the parameters which has value (not None), and they are parameter of checkpoint API as well
-def get_payload_from_parameters(module):
+def get_payload_from_parameters(params):
payload = {}
- for parameter in module.params:
- if module.params[parameter] and is_checkpoint_param(parameter):
- payload[parameter.replace("_", "-")] = module.params[parameter]
+ for parameter in params:
+ parameter_value = params[parameter]
+ if parameter_value and is_checkpoint_param(parameter):
+ if isinstance(parameter_value, dict):
+ payload[parameter.replace("_", "-")] = get_payload_from_parameters(parameter_value)
+ else:
+ payload[parameter.replace("_", "-")] = parameter_value
return payload
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ def handle_publish(module, connection, version):
# handle a command
def api_command(module, command):
- payload = get_payload_from_parameters(module)
+ payload = get_payload_from_parameters(module.params)
connection = Connection(module._socket_path)
# if user insert a specific version, we add it to the url
version = ('v' + module.params['version'] + '/') if module.params.get('version') else ''
@@ -154,10 +157,34 @@ def api_command(module, command):
return result
+# handle api call facts
+def api_call_facts(module, api_call_object, api_call_object_plural_version):
+ payload = get_payload_from_parameters(module.params)
+ connection = Connection(module._socket_path)
+ # if user insert a specific version, we add it to the url
+ version = ('v' + module.params['version'] + '/') if module.params['version'] else ''
+ # if there is neither name nor uid, the API command will be in plural version (e.g. show-hosts instead of show-host)
+ if payload.get("name") is None and payload.get("uid") is None:
+ api_call_object = api_call_object_plural_version
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'show-' + api_call_object, payload)
+ if code != 200:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Checkpoint device returned error {0} with message {1}'.format(code, response))
+ result = {api_call_object: response}
+ return result
# handle api call
def api_call(module, api_call_object):
- payload = get_payload_from_parameters(module)
+ payload = get_payload_from_parameters(module.params)
connection = Connection(module._socket_path)
+ result = {'changed': False, 'checkpoint_session_uid': connection.get_session_uid()}
+ if module.check_mode:
+ return result
# if user insert a specific version, we add it to the url
version = ('v' + module.params['version'] + '/') if module.params.get('version') else ''
@@ -166,25 +193,11 @@ def api_call(module, api_call_object):
# if code is 400 (bad request) or 500 (internal error) - fail
if equals_code == 400 or equals_code == 500:
- result = {'changed': False}
if module.params['state'] == 'present':
- if not module.check_mode:
- if equals_code == 200:
- if not equals_response['equals']:
- code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'set-' + api_call_object, payload)
- if code != 200:
- module.fail_json(msg=response)
- handle_publish(module, connection, version)
- result['changed'] = True
- result[api_call_object] = response
- else:
- # objects are equals and there is no need for set request
- pass
- elif equals_code == 404:
- code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'add-' + api_call_object, payload)
+ if equals_code == 200:
+ if not equals_response['equals']:
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'set-' + api_call_object, payload)
if code != 200:
@@ -192,24 +205,213 @@ def api_call(module, api_call_object):
result['changed'] = True
result[api_call_object] = response
+ else:
+ # objects are equals and there is no need for set request
+ pass
+ elif equals_code == 404:
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'add-' + api_call_object, payload)
+ if code != 200:
+ module.fail_json(msg=response)
+ handle_publish(module, connection, version)
+ result['changed'] = True
+ result[api_call_object] = response
elif module.params['state'] == 'absent':
- if not module.check_mode:
- if equals_code == 200:
- code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'delete-' + api_call_object, payload)
+ if equals_code == 200:
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'delete-' + api_call_object, payload)
+ if code != 200:
+ module.fail_json(msg=response)
+ handle_publish(module, connection, version)
+ result['changed'] = True
+ elif equals_code == 404:
+ # no need to delete because object dose not exist
+ pass
+ return result
+# get the position in integer format
+def get_number_from_position(payload, connection, version):
+ if 'position' in payload:
+ position = payload['position']
+ else:
+ return None
+ # This code relevant if we will decide to support 'top' and 'bottom' in position
+ # position_number = None
+ # # if position is not int, convert it to int. There are several cases: "top"
+ # if position == 'top':
+ # position_number = 1
+ # elif position == 'bottom':
+ # payload_for_show_access_rulebase = {'name': payload['layer'], 'limit': 0}
+ # code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'show-access-rulebase', payload_for_show_access_rulebase)
+ # position_number = response['total']
+ # elif isinstance(position, str):
+ # # here position is a number in format str (e.g. "5" and not 5)
+ # position_number = int(position)
+ # else:
+ # # here position suppose to be int
+ # position_number = position
+ #
+ # return position_number
+ return int(position)
+# is the param position (if the user inserted it) equals between the object and the user input
+def is_equals_with_position_param(payload, connection, version, api_call_object):
+ position_number = get_number_from_position(payload, connection, version)
+ # if there is no position param, then it's equals in vacuous truth
+ if position_number is None:
+ return True
+ payload_for_show_access_rulebase = {'name': payload['layer'], 'offset': position_number - 1, 'limit': 1}
+ rulebase_command = 'show-' + api_call_object.split('-')[0] + '-rulebase'
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, rulebase_command, payload_for_show_access_rulebase)
+ # if true, it means there is no rule in the position that the user inserted, so I return false, and when we will try to set
+ # the rule, the API server will get throw relevant error
+ if response['total'] < position_number:
+ return False
+ rule = response['rulebase'][0]
+ while 'rulebase' in rule:
+ rule = rule['rulebase'][0]
+ # if the names of the exist rule and the user input rule are equals, then it's means that their positions are equals so I
+ # return True. and there is no way that there is another rule with this name cause otherwise the 'equals' command would fail
+ if rule['name'] == payload['name']:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+# get copy of the payload without some of the params
+def get_copy_payload_without_some_params(payload, params_to_remove):
+ copy_payload = dict(payload)
+ for param in params_to_remove:
+ if param in copy_payload:
+ del copy_payload[param]
+ return copy_payload
+# get copy of the payload with only some of the params
+def get_copy_payload_with_some_params(payload, params_to_insert):
+ copy_payload = {}
+ for param in params_to_insert:
+ if param in payload:
+ copy_payload[param] = payload[param]
+ return copy_payload
+# is equals with all the params including action and position
+def is_equals_with_all_params(payload, connection, version, api_call_object, is_access_rule):
+ if is_access_rule and 'action' in payload:
+ payload_for_show = get_copy_payload_with_some_params(payload, ['name', 'uid', 'layer'])
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'show-' + api_call_object, payload_for_show)
+ exist_action = response['action']['name']
+ if exist_action != payload['action']:
+ return False
+ if not is_equals_with_position_param(payload, connection, version, api_call_object):
+ return False
+ return True
+# handle api call for rule
+def api_call_for_rule(module, api_call_object):
+ is_access_rule = True if 'access' in api_call_object else False
+ payload = get_payload_from_parameters(module.params)
+ connection = Connection(module._socket_path)
+ result = {'changed': False, 'checkpoint_session_uid': connection.get_session_uid()}
+ if module.check_mode:
+ return result
+ # if user insert a specific version, we add it to the url
+ version = ('v' + module.params['version'] + '/') if module.params.get('version') else ''
+ if is_access_rule:
+ copy_payload_without_some_params = get_copy_payload_without_some_params(payload, ['action', 'position'])
+ else:
+ copy_payload_without_some_params = get_copy_payload_without_some_params(payload, ['position'])
+ payload_for_equals = {'type': api_call_object, 'params': copy_payload_without_some_params}
+ equals_code, equals_response = send_request(connection, version, 'equals', payload_for_equals)
+ # if code is 400 (bad request) or 500 (internal error) - fail
+ if equals_code == 400 or equals_code == 500:
+ module.fail_json(msg=equals_response)
+ if module.params['state'] == 'present':
+ if equals_code == 200:
+ if equals_response['equals']:
+ if not is_equals_with_all_params(payload, connection, version, api_call_object, is_access_rule):
+ equals_response['equals'] = False
+ if not equals_response['equals']:
+ # if user insert param 'position' and needed to use the 'set' command, change the param name to 'new-position'
+ if 'position' in payload:
+ payload['new-position'] = payload['position']
+ del payload['position']
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'set-' + api_call_object, payload)
if code != 200:
handle_publish(module, connection, version)
result['changed'] = True
- elif equals_code == 404:
- # no need to delete because object dose not exist
+ result[api_call_object] = response
+ else:
+ # objects are equals and there is no need for set request
+ elif equals_code == 404:
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'add-' + api_call_object, payload)
+ if code != 200:
+ module.fail_json(msg=response)
+ handle_publish(module, connection, version)
+ result['changed'] = True
+ result[api_call_object] = response
+ elif module.params['state'] == 'absent':
+ if equals_code == 200:
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'delete-' + api_call_object, payload)
+ if code != 200:
+ module.fail_json(msg=response)
+ handle_publish(module, connection, version)
+ result['changed'] = True
+ elif equals_code == 404:
+ # no need to delete because object dose not exist
+ pass
- result['checkpoint_session_uid'] = connection.get_session_uid()
return result
+# handle api call facts for rule
+def api_call_facts_for_rule(module, api_call_object, api_call_object_plural_version):
+ payload = get_payload_from_parameters(module.params)
+ connection = Connection(module._socket_path)
+ # if user insert a specific version, we add it to the url
+ version = ('v' + module.params['version'] + '/') if module.params['version'] else ''
+ # if there is neither name nor uid, the API command will be in plural version (e.g. show-hosts instead of show-host)
+ if payload.get("layer") is None:
+ api_call_object = api_call_object_plural_version
+ code, response = send_request(connection, version, 'show-' + api_call_object, payload)
+ if code != 200:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Checkpoint device returned error {0} with message {1}'.format(code, response))
+ result = {api_call_object: response}
+ return result
+# The code from here till EOF will be deprecated when Rikis' modules will be deprecated
checkpoint_argument_spec = dict(auto_publish_session=dict(type='bool', default=True),
policy_package=dict(type='str', default='standard'),
auto_install_policy=dict(type='bool', default=True),
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/cp_network.py b/lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/cp_network.py
index e2de41e986f..f3f62796a4d 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/cp_network.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/cp_network.py
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ options:
- Object name.
type: str
+ required: True
- IPv4 or IPv6 network address. If both addresses are required use subnet4 and subnet6 fields explicitly.
@@ -71,7 +72,40 @@ options:
- NAT settings.
- type: dict
+ type: list
+ suboptions:
+ auto_rule:
+ description:
+ - Whether to add automatic address translation rules.
+ type: bool
+ ip_address:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 or IPv6 address. If both addresses are required use ipv4-address and ipv6-address fields
+ explicitly. This parameter is not required in case "method" parameter is "hide" and "hide-behind" parameter
+ is "gateway".
+ type: str
+ ipv4_address:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 address.
+ type: str
+ ipv6_address:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 address.
+ type: str
+ hide_behind:
+ description:
+ - Hide behind method. This parameter is not required in case "method" parameter is "static".
+ type: str
+ choices: ['gateway', 'ip-address']
+ install_on:
+ description:
+ - Which gateway should apply the NAT translation.
+ type: str
+ method:
+ description:
+ - NAT translation method.
+ type: str
+ choices: ['hide', 'static']
- Collection of tag identifiers.
@@ -80,27 +114,26 @@ options:
- Allow broadcast address inclusion.
type: str
- choices:
- - disallow
- - allow
+ choices: ['disallow', 'allow']
- Color of the object. Should be one of existing colors.
- choices: ['aquamarine', 'black', 'blue', 'crete blue', 'burlywood', 'cyan', 'dark green', 'khaki', 'orchid',
- 'dark orange', 'dark sea green', 'pink', 'turquoise', 'dark blue', 'firebrick', 'brown', 'forest green',
- 'gold', 'dark gold', 'gray', 'dark gray', 'light green', 'lemon chiffon', 'coral', 'sea green',
- 'sky blue', 'magenta', 'purple', 'slate blue', 'violet red', 'navy blue', 'olive', 'orange', 'red',
- 'sienna', 'yellow']
+ type: str
+ choices: ['aquamarine', 'black', 'blue', 'crete blue', 'burlywood', 'cyan', 'dark green', 'khaki',
+ 'orchid', 'dark orange', 'dark sea green', 'pink', 'turquoise', 'dark blue', 'firebrick', 'brown',
+ 'forest green', 'gold', 'dark gold', 'gray', 'dark gray', 'light green', 'lemon chiffon', 'coral',
+ 'sea green', 'sky blue', 'magenta', 'purple', 'slate blue', 'violet red', 'navy blue', 'olive', 'orange',
+ 'red', 'sienna', 'yellow']
- Comments string.
type: str
- - The level of detail for some of the fields in the response can vary from showing only the UID value of the
- object to a fully detailed representation of the object.
+ - The level of detail for some of the fields in the response can vary from showing only the UID value of
+ the object to a fully detailed representation of the object.
type: str
- choices: [uid, standard, full]
+ choices: ['uid', 'standard', 'full']
- Collection of group identifiers.
@@ -111,13 +144,9 @@ options:
type: bool
- - Apply changes ignoring errors. You won't be able to publish such a changes. If ignore-warnings flag was omitted
- - warnings will also be ignored.
+ - Apply changes ignoring errors. You won't be able to publish such a changes. If ignore-warnings flag was
+ omitted - warnings will also be ignored.
type: bool
- uid:
- description:
- - Object unique identifier.
- type: str
- New name of the object.
@@ -130,10 +159,10 @@ EXAMPLES = """
name: New Network 3
- auto-rule: true
- hide-behind: ip-address
- install-on: All
- ip-address:
+ auto_rule: true
+ hide_behind: ip-address
+ install_on: All
+ ip_address:
method: static
state: present
@@ -141,17 +170,17 @@ EXAMPLES = """
- name: set-network
- name : New Network 1
- new-name : New Network 2
- color : green
- subnet :
- mask-length : 16
- groups : New Group 1
+ color: green
+ groups: New Group 1
+ mask_length: 16
+ name: New Network 1
+ new_name: New Network 2
state: present
+ subnet:
- name: delete-network
- name : New Network 2
+ name: New Network 2
state: absent
@@ -168,7 +197,7 @@ from ansible.module_utils.network.checkpoint.checkpoint import checkpoint_argume
def main():
argument_spec = dict(
- name=dict(type='str'),
+ name=dict(type='str', required=True),
@@ -176,29 +205,34 @@ def main():
- nat_settings=dict(type='dict'),
+ nat_settings=dict(type='list', options=dict(
+ auto_rule=dict(type='bool'),
+ ip_address=dict(type='str'),
+ ipv4_address=dict(type='str'),
+ ipv6_address=dict(type='str'),
+ hide_behind=dict(type='str', choices=['gateway', 'ip-address']),
+ install_on=dict(type='str'),
+ method=dict(type='str', choices=['hide', 'static'])
+ )),
broadcast=dict(type='str', choices=['disallow', 'allow']),
- color=dict(type='str', choices=['aquamarine', 'black', 'blue', 'crete blue', 'burlywood', 'cyan', 'dark green',
- 'khaki', 'orchid', 'dark orange', 'dark sea green', 'pink', 'turquoise',
- 'dark blue', 'firebrick', 'brown', 'forest green', 'gold', 'dark gold', 'gray',
- 'dark gray', 'light green', 'lemon chiffon', 'coral', 'sea green', 'sky blue',
- 'magenta', 'purple', 'slate blue', 'violet red', 'navy blue', 'olive', 'orange',
- 'red', 'sienna', 'yellow']),
+ color=dict(type='str', choices=['aquamarine', 'black', 'blue',
+ 'crete blue', 'burlywood', 'cyan', 'dark green', 'khaki', 'orchid',
+ 'dark orange', 'dark sea green', 'pink', 'turquoise', 'dark blue', 'firebrick',
+ 'brown', 'forest green', 'gold', 'dark gold', 'gray', 'dark gray',
+ 'light green', 'lemon chiffon', 'coral', 'sea green', 'sky blue', 'magenta',
+ 'purple', 'slate blue', 'violet red', 'navy blue', 'olive', 'orange', 'red',
+ 'sienna', 'yellow']),
details_level=dict(type='str', choices=['uid', 'standard', 'full']),
- uid=dict(type='str'),
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, required_one_of=[['name', 'uid']],
- mutually_exclusive=[['name', 'uid']],
- supports_check_mode=True)
+ module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True)
api_call_object = 'network'
result = api_call(module, api_call_object)
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/cp_network_facts.py b/lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/cp_network_facts.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..81e9b51f3cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/cp_network_facts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Ansible module to manage CheckPoint Firewall (c) 2019
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see .
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+ 'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'community'}
+module: cp_network_facts
+short_description: Get network objects facts on Checkpoint over Web Services API
+ - Get network objects facts on Checkpoint devices.
+ All operations are performed over Web Services API.
+ This module handles both operations, get a specific object and get several objects.
+ For getting a specific object use the parameter 'name'.
+version_added: "2.9"
+author: "Or Soffer (@chkp-orso)"
+ name:
+ description:
+ - Object name.
+ type: str
+ details_level:
+ description:
+ - The level of detail for some of the fields in the response can vary from showing only the UID value of
+ the object to a fully detailed representation of the object.
+ type: str
+ choices: ['uid', 'standard', 'full']
+ limit:
+ description:
+ - No more than that many results will be returned.
+ type: int
+ offset:
+ description:
+ - Skip that many results before beginning to return them.
+ type: int
+ order:
+ description:
+ - Sorts results by the given field. By default the results are sorted in the ascending order by name.
+ type: list
+ show_membership:
+ description:
+ - Indicates whether to calculate and show "groups" field for every object in reply.
+ type: bool
+extends_documentation_fragment: checkpoint_facts
+- name: show-network
+ cp_network_facts:
+ name: New Network 1
+- name: show-networks
+ cp_network_facts:
+ details_level: standard
+ limit: 50
+ offset: 0
+RETURN = """
+ description: The checkpoint object facts.
+ returned: always.
+ type: dict
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.network.checkpoint.checkpoint import checkpoint_argument_spec_for_facts, api_call_facts
+def main():
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ name=dict(type='str'),
+ details_level=dict(type='str', choices=['uid', 'standard', 'full']),
+ limit=dict(type='int'),
+ offset=dict(type='int'),
+ order=dict(type='list'),
+ show_membership=dict(type='bool')
+ )
+ argument_spec.update(checkpoint_argument_spec_for_facts)
+ module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec)
+ api_call_object = "network"
+ api_call_object_plural_version = "networks"
+ result = api_call_facts(module, api_call_object, api_call_object_plural_version)
+ module.exit_json(ansible_facts=result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/checkpoint_facts.py b/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/checkpoint_facts.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..90afb52a059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/checkpoint_facts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2019, Or Soffer
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+class ModuleDocFragment(object):
+ # Standard files documentation fragment
+ version:
+ description:
+ - Version of checkpoint. If not given one, the latest version taken.
+ type: str
diff --git a/test/sanity/ignore.txt b/test/sanity/ignore.txt
index 0b3d3161f2a..ca7184da84e 100644
--- a/test/sanity/ignore.txt
+++ b/test/sanity/ignore.txt
@@ -2866,7 +2866,6 @@ lib/ansible/modules/network/bigswitch/bigmon_policy.py validate-modules:E326
lib/ansible/modules/network/bigswitch/bigmon_policy.py validate-modules:E337
lib/ansible/modules/network/bigswitch/bigmon_policy.py validate-modules:E338
lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/checkpoint_object_facts.py validate-modules:E337
-lib/ansible/modules/network/checkpoint/cp_network.py validate-modules:E337
lib/ansible/modules/network/cli/cli_command.py validate-modules:E337
lib/ansible/modules/network/cli/cli_config.py validate-modules:E337
lib/ansible/modules/network/cli/cli_config.py validate-modules:E338
diff --git a/test/units/modules/network/checkpoint/test_cp_network.py b/test/units/modules/network/checkpoint/test_cp_network.py
index d53d918e492..1cd7c091ab3 100644
--- a/test/units/modules/network/checkpoint/test_cp_network.py
+++ b/test/units/modules/network/checkpoint/test_cp_network.py
@@ -25,20 +25,19 @@ from ansible.module_utils import basic
from ansible.module_utils.network.checkpoint.checkpoint import api_call
from ansible.modules.network.checkpoint import cp_network
-OBJECT = {'name': 'test_network', 'nat_settings': {'auto-rule': True,
- 'hide-behind': 'ip-address',
- 'ip-address': ''},
+OBJECT = {'name': 'test_network', 'nat_settings': [{'auto_rule': True,
+ 'hide_behind': 'ip-address',
+ 'ip_address': ''}],
'subnet': '', 'subnet_mask': '', 'state': 'present'}
-CREATE_PAYLOAD = {'name': 'test_network', 'nat_settings': {'auto-rule': True,
- 'hide-behind': 'ip-address',
- 'ip-address': ''},
+CREATE_PAYLOAD = {'name': 'test_network', 'nat_settings': [{'auto_rule': True,
+ 'hide_behind': 'ip-address',
+ 'ip_address': ''}],
'subnet': '', 'subnet_mask': '', 'state': 'present'}
-UPDATE_PAYLOAD = {'name': 'test_new_network', 'nat_settings': {'auto-rule': True,
- 'hide-behind': 'ip-address',
- 'ip-address': ''},
+UPDATE_PAYLOAD = {'name': 'test_new_network', 'nat_settings': [{'auto_rule': True,
+ 'hide_behind': 'ip-address',
+ 'ip_address': ''}],
'subnet': '', 'subnet_mask': '', 'state': 'present'}
DELETE_PAYLOAD = {'name': 'test_new_network', 'state': 'absent'}