Windows implementation of lineinfile and related documentation
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 607 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
# Parse the parameters file dropped by the Ansible machinery
$params = Parse-Args $args;
# Initialize defaults for input parameters.
$dest= Get-Attr $params "dest" $FALSE;
$regexp = Get-Attr $params "regexp" $FALSE;
$state = Get-Attr $params "state" "present";
$line = Get-Attr $params "line" $FALSE;
$backrefs = Get-Attr $params "backrefs" "no";
$insertafter = Get-Attr $params "insertafter" $FALSE;
$insertbefore = Get-Attr $params "insertbefore" $FALSE;
$create = Get-Attr $params "create" "no";
$backup = Get-Attr $params "backup" "no";
$validate = Get-Attr $params "validate" $FALSE;
$encoding = Get-Attr $params "encoding" "auto";
$newline = Get-Attr $params "newline" "windows";
# Parse dest / name /destfile param aliases for compatibility with lineinfile
# and fail if at least one spelling of the parameter is not provided.
$dest = Get-Attr $params "dest" $FALSE;
If ($dest -eq $FALSE) {
$dest = Get-Attr $params "name" $FALSE;
If ($dest -eq $FALSE) {
$dest = Get-Attr $params "destfile" $FALSE;
If ($dest -eq $FALSE) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "missing required argument: dest";
# Fail if the destination is not a file
If (Test-Path $dest -pathType container) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "destination is a directory";
# Write lines to a file using the specified line separator and encoding,
# performing validation if a validation command was specified.
function WriteLines($outlines, $dest, $linesep, $encodingobj, $validate) {
$temppath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName();
$joined = $outlines -join $linesep;
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($temppath, $joined, $encodingobj);
If ($validate -ne $FALSE) {
If (!($validate -like "*%s*")) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "validate must contain %s: $validate";
$validate = $validate.Replace("%s", $temppath);
$parts = [System.Collections.ArrayList] $validate.Split(" ");
$cmdname = $parts[0];
$cmdargs = $validate.Substring($cmdname.Length + 1);
$process = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($cmdname, $cmdargs);
If ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
[string] $output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
[string] $error = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
Remove-Item $temppath -force;
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "failed to validate $cmdname $cmdargs with error: $output $error";
# Commit changes to the destination file
$cleandest = $dest.Replace("/", "\");
Move-Item $temppath $cleandest -force;
# Backup the file specified with a date/time filename
function BackupFile($path) {
$backuppath = $path + "." + [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
Copy-Item $path $backuppath;
return $backuppath;
# Implement the functionality for state == 'present'
function Present($dest, $regexp, $line, $insertafter, $insertbefore, $create, $backup, $backrefs, $validate, $encodingobj, $linesep) {
# Note that we have to clean up the dest path because ansible wants to treat / and \ as
# interchangable in windows pathnames, but .NET framework internals do not support that.
$cleandest = $dest.Replace("/", "\");
# Check if destination exists. If it does not exist, either create it if create == "yes"
# was specified or fail with a reasonable error message.
If (!(Test-Path $dest)) {
If ($create -eq "no") {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "Destination $dest does not exist !";
# Create new empty file, using the specified encoding to write correct BOM
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($cleandest, "", $encodingobj);
# Read the dest file lines using the indicated encoding into a mutable ArrayList.
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($cleandest, $encodingobj);
If ($content -eq $null) {
$lines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
Else {
$lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList] $content;
# Compile the regex specified, if provided
$mre = $FALSE;
If ($regexp -ne $FALSE) {
$mre = New-Object Regex $regexp, 'Compiled';
# Compile the regex for insertafter or insertbefore, if provided
$insre = $FALSE;
If ($insertafter -ne $FALSE -and $insertafter -ne "BOF" -and $insertafter -ne "EOF") {
$insre = New-Object Regex $insertafter, 'Compiled';
ElseIf ($insertbefore -ne $FALSE -and $insertbefore -ne "BOF") {
$insre = New-Object Regex $insertbefore, 'Compiled';
# index[0] is the line num where regexp has been found
# index[1] is the line num where insertafter/inserbefore has been found
$index = -1, -1;
$lineno = 0;
# The latest match object and matched line
$matched_line = "";
$m = $FALSE;
# Iterate through the lines in the file looking for matches
Foreach ($cur_line in $lines) {
If ($regexp -ne $FALSE) {
$m = $mre.Match($cur_line);
$match_found = $m.Success;
If ($match_found) {
$matched_line = $cur_line;
Else {
$match_found = $line -ceq $cur_line;
If ($match_found) {
$index[0] = $lineno;
ElseIf ($insre -ne $FALSE -and $insre.Match($cur_line).Success) {
If ($insertafter -ne $FALSE) {
$index[1] = $lineno + 1;
If ($insertbefore -ne $FALSE) {
$index[1] = $lineno;
$lineno = $lineno + 1;
$changed = $FALSE;
$msg = "";
If ($index[0] -ne -1) {
If ($backrefs -ne "no") {
$new_line = [regex]::Replace($matched_line, $regexp, $line);
Else {
$new_line = $line;
If ($lines[$index[0]] -cne $new_line) {
$lines[$index[0]] = $new_line;
$msg = "line replaced";
$changed = $TRUE;
ElseIf ($backrefs -ne "no") {
# No matches - no-op
ElseIf ($insertbefore -eq "BOF" -or $insertafter -eq "BOF") {
$lines.Insert(0, $line);
$msg = "line added";
$changed = $TRUE;
ElseIf ($insertafter -eq "EOF" -or $index[1] -eq -1) {
$msg = "line added";
$changed = $TRUE;
Else {
$lines.Insert($index[1], $line);
$msg = "line added";
$changed = $TRUE;
# Write backup file if backup == "yes"
$backupdest = "";
If ($changed -eq $TRUE -and $backup -eq "yes") {
$backupdest = BackupFile $dest;
# Write changes to the destination file if changes were made
If ($changed) {
WriteLines $lines $dest $linesep $encodingobj $validate;
$encodingstr = $encodingobj.WebName;
# Return result information
$result = New-Object psobject @{
changed = $changed
msg = $msg
backup = $backupdest
encoding = $encodingstr
Exit-Json $result;
# Implement the functionality for state == 'absent'
function Absent($dest, $regexp, $line, $backup, $validate, $encodingobj, $linesep) {
# Check if destination exists. If it does not exist, fail with a reasonable error message.
If (!(Test-Path $dest)) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "Destination $dest does not exist !";
# Read the dest file lines using the indicated encoding into a mutable ArrayList. Note
# that we have to clean up the dest path because ansible wants to treat / and \ as
# interchangeable in windows pathnames, but .NET framework internals do not support that.
$cleandest = $dest.Replace("/", "\");
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($cleandest, $encodingobj);
If ($content -eq $null) {
$lines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
Else {
$lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList] $content;
# Initialize message to be returned on success
$msg = "";
# Compile the regex specified, if provided
$cre = $FALSE;
If ($regexp -ne $FALSE) {
$cre = New-Object Regex $regexp, 'Compiled';
$found = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
$left = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
$changed = $FALSE;
Foreach ($cur_line in $lines) {
If ($cre -ne $FALSE) {
$m = $cre.Match($cur_line);
$match_found = $m.Success;
Else {
$match_found = $line -ceq $cur_line;
If ($match_found) {
$changed = $TRUE;
Else {
# Write backup file if backup == "yes"
$backupdest = "";
If ($changed -eq $TRUE -and $backup -eq "yes") {
$backupdest = BackupFile $dest;
# Write changes to the destination file if changes were made
If ($changed) {
WriteLines $left $dest $linesep $encodingobj $validate;
# Return result information
$fcount = $found.Count;
$msg = "$fcount line(s) removed";
$encodingstr = $encodingobj.WebName;
$result = New-Object psobject @{
changed = $changed
msg = $msg
backup = $backupdest
found = $fcount
encoding = $encodingstr
Exit-Json $result;
# Default to windows line separator - probably most common
$linesep = "`r`n";
If ($newline -ne "windows") {
$linesep = "`n";
# Fix any CR/LF literals in the line argument. PS will not recognize either backslash
# or backtick literals in the incoming string argument without this bit of black magic.
If ($line -ne $FALSE) {
$line = $line.Replace("\r", "`r");
$line = $line.Replace("\n", "`n");
# Figure out the proper encoding to use for reading / writing the target file.
# The default encoding is UTF-8 without BOM
$encodingobj = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding] $FALSE;
# If an explicit encoding is specified, use that instead
If ($encoding -ne "auto") {
$encodingobj = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($encoding);
# Otherwise see if we can determine the current encoding of the target file.
# If the file doesn't exist yet (create == 'yes') we use the default or
# explicitly specified encoding set above.
Elseif (Test-Path $dest) {
# Get a sorted list of encodings with preambles, longest first
$max_preamble_len = 0;
$sortedlist = New-Object System.Collections.SortedList;
Foreach ($encodinginfo in [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncodings()) {
$encoding = $encodinginfo.GetEncoding();
$plen = $encoding.GetPreamble().Length;
If ($plen -gt $max_preamble_len) {
$max_preamble_len = $plen;
If ($plen -gt 0) {
$sortedlist.Add(-($plen * 1000000 + $encoding.CodePage), $encoding);
# Get the first N bytes from the file, where N is the max preamble length we saw
[Byte[]]$bom = Get-Content -Encoding Byte -ReadCount $max_preamble_len -TotalCount $max_preamble_len -Path $dest;
# Iterate through the sorted encodings, looking for a full match.
$found = $FALSE;
Foreach ($encoding in $sortedlist.GetValueList()) {
$preamble = $encoding.GetPreamble();
If ($preamble) {
Foreach ($i in 0..$preamble.Length) {
If ($preamble[$i] -ne $bom[$i]) {
Elseif ($i + 1 -eq $preamble.Length) {
$encodingobj = $encoding;
$found = $TRUE;
If ($found) {
# Main dispatch - based on the value of 'state', perform argument validation and
# call the appropriate handler function.
If ($state -eq "present") {
If ( $backrefs -ne "no" -and $regexp -eq $FALSE ) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "regexp= is required with backrefs=true";
If ($line -eq $FALSE) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "line= is required with state=present";
If ($insertbefore -eq $FALSE -and $insertafter -eq $FALSE) {
$insertafter = "EOF";
Present $dest $regexp $line $insertafter $insertbefore $create $backup $backrefs $validate $encodingobj $linesep;
Else {
If ($regex -eq $FALSE -and $line -eq $FALSE) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "one of line= or regexp= is required with state=absent";
Absent $dest $regexp $line $backup $validate $encodingobj $linesep;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
module: win_lineinfile
author: Brian Lloyd (
short_description: Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an
existing line using a back-referenced regular expression.
- This module will search a file for a line, and ensure that it is present or absent.
- This is primarily useful when you want to change a single line in
a file only.
version_added: "2.0"
required: true
aliases: [ name, destfile ]
- The path of the file to modify.
required: false
- The regular expression to look for in every line of the file. For
C(state=present), the pattern to replace if found; only the last line
found will be replaced. For C(state=absent), the pattern of the line
to remove. Uses .NET compatible regular expressions; see
required: false
choices: [ present, absent ]
default: "present"
- Whether the line should be there or not.
required: false
- Required for C(state=present). The line to insert/replace into the
file. If C(backrefs) is set, may contain backreferences that will get
expanded with the C(regexp) capture groups if the regexp matches.
required: false
default: "no"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
- Used with C(state=present). If set, line can contain backreferences
(both positional and named) that will get populated if the C(regexp)
matches. This flag changes the operation of the module slightly;
C(insertbefore) and C(insertafter) will be ignored, and if the C(regexp)
doesn't match anywhere in the file, the file will be left unchanged.
If the C(regexp) does match, the last matching line will be replaced by
the expanded line parameter.
required: false
default: EOF
- Used with C(state=present). If specified, the line will be inserted
after the last match of specified regular expression. A special value is
available; C(EOF) for inserting the line at the end of the file.
If specified regular expresion has no matches, EOF will be used instead.
May not be used with C(backrefs).
choices: [ 'EOF', '*regex*' ]
required: false
version_added: "1.1"
- Used with C(state=present). If specified, the line will be inserted
before the last match of specified regular expression. A value is
available; C(BOF) for inserting the line at the beginning of the file.
If specified regular expresion has no matches, the line will be
inserted at the end of the file. May not be used with C(backrefs).
choices: [ 'BOF', '*regex*' ]
required: false
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
default: "no"
- Used with C(state=present). If specified, the file will be created
if it does not already exist. By default it will fail if the file
is missing.
required: false
default: "no"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
- Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can
get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly.
required: false
- validation to run before copying into place.
Use %s in the command to indicate the current file to validate.
The command is passed securely so shell features like
expansion and pipes won't work.
required: false
default: None
required: false
default: "auto"
- Specifies the encoding of the source text file to operate on (and thus what the
output encoding will be). The default of C(auto) will cause the module to auto-detect
the encoding of the source file and ensure that the modified file is written with the
same encoding.
An explicit encoding can be passed as a string that is a valid value to pass to
the .NET framework System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding() method - see
This is mostly useful with C(create=yes) if you want to create a new file with a specific
encoding. If C(create=yes) is specified without a specific encoding, the default encoding
(UTF-8, no BOM) will be used.
required: false
- Specifies the line separator style to use for the modified file. This defaults
to the windows line separator (\r\n). Note that the indicated line separator
will be used for file output regardless of the original line seperator that
appears in the input file.
choices: [ "windows", "unix" ]
default: "windows"
- win_lineinfile: dest=C:\\temp\\example.conf regexp=^name= line="name=JohnDoe"
- win_lineinfile: dest=C:\\temp\\example.conf state=absent regexp="^name="
- win_lineinfile: dest=C:\\temp\\example.conf regexp='^127\.0\.0\.1' line=' localhost'
- win_lineinfile: dest=C:\\temp\\httpd.conf regexp="^Listen " insertafter="^#Listen " line="Listen 8080"
- win_lineinfile: dest=C:\\temp\\services regexp="^# port for http" insertbefore="^www.*80/tcp" line="# port for http by default"
# Create file if it doesnt exist with a specific encoding
- win_lineinfile: dest=C:\\temp\\utf16.txt create="yes" encoding="utf-16" line="This is a utf-16 encoded file"
# Add a line to a file and ensure the resulting file uses unix line separators
- win_lineinfile: dest=C:\\temp\\testfile.txt line="Line added to file" newline="unix"
Add table
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