* ec2_instance/ec2_instance_info : Fixup sanity test errors
* Move ec2_instance integration tests to use aws_defaults
* Search for the AMI instead of hardcoding an AMI
* Make our VPC CIDR variable
* Remove AZ assumptions - no guarantees about specific AZs being available
* Make sure we terminate instances when we're done with them.
* Add a 10 second pause for IAM roles to become available before using them
* Wait on instance changes by default
* Switch out t2 instances for t3 they're cheaper and have more CPU available
* Pull t3.nano instance info a little earlier
* rework vpc_name and vpc_cidr a little
* Mark ec2_instance tests unsupported for now, they take too long
Also moved environment setup and environment cleanup to separate task
Added CI group
Updated c4.large instances to t3.nano, use ENA enabled AMI
Updated AMIs with Amazon Linux AMI
Updated us-east-1 AMI id
Specify EBS size
typo, volume_size
Removed 'state: running', updated AMI with amz ami
Also added several wait: false to speed things up
Check for instance state, correctly
Accept pending as valid state
tags_and_vpc_settings do not wait for instance to complete
wait for termination protected instance
Updated IAM role name to match with policy
Skip env cleanup when in CI
Do not wait instance in external_resource_attach
ENI remove is done in env_cleanup/CI
wait some time for instance_profile instnace to be up
Updated ebs_optimized_images
Corrected task name
Added aws_cleanup var in cloud-config-aws
typo in runme
default aws_cleanup to true