* Move var_blending test inventory into test.
* Remove Amazon specific inventory entry for tests.
* Remove Azure specific inventory entry for tests.
* Move var_precedence test inventory into test.
* Move unicode test inventory into test.
* Remove unused inventory entry.
* Move gathering_facts test inventory into test.
* Move delegate_to test inventory into test.
* Clean up inventory for binary_modules test.
* Clean up integration test inventory.
* Update Shippable integration test groups.
* Update integration test group aliases.
* Rebalance AWS and Azure tests with extra group.
* Rebalance Windows tests with another group.
* show specific undefined var errors on -v in debug
allows users to get more specific information about undefined errors
as they might be looking at a complex data structure and need to find
the specific leaf that has the issue
* now tests works at all verbosity levels
* updated to unicode objects