* DNF Handle Empty AppStream stream definition
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <admiller@redhat.com>
* Switch Fedora dnf test target modularity to stratis
In Fedora 29, the metadata was not properly set for a default stream
for ripgrep even though there is a profile called "default", however
that's an arbitrary string and the module maintainer must set the
default stream (which it never was for the ripgrep module, thus
failing the "empty stream" install test)
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <admiller@redhat.com>
Currently, it is not possible to delete specific versions of an ec2 launch template. The module docs incorrectly suggest that there is a `version` param to the module that can be used to do that. This patch aims to correct that error.
- Docs Pull Request
+label: docsite_pr
* yum - only instantiate YumBase once
Previously, this code was re-instantiating the `YumBase` object
many times which is unnecessary and slow. However, we must do it
twice in the `state: absent` case because the `yumSack` and
`rpmSack` data of the previously instantiated object becomes
invalid and is no longer useful post transaction when we verify
that the package removal did in fact take place. Also, this patch
removes the repetitive re-processing of enable/disable of repos in
various places.
Here's a display of the speed increase against a RHEL7 host:
- hosts: rhel7
remote_user: root
- name: Install generic packages
state: present
- iptraf-ng
- screen
- erlang
- name: Remove generic packages
state: absent
- iptraf-ng
- screen
- erlang
Before this patch:
real 0m52.728s
user 0m5.645s
sys 0m0.482s
After this patch:
real 0m17.139s
user 0m3.238s
sys 0m0.277s
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <admiller@redhat.com>
* add changelog
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <admiller@redhat.com>
- xenserver module_util: XenAPI lib import error message handling is now
ported to missing_required_lib(). Updated unit tests.
- xenserver_guest, xenserver_guest_info, xenserver_guest_powerstate modules:
docs are updated to reflect recent changes in availability of XenAPI lib
on PyPI.
- xenserver_guest, xenserver_guest_info, xenserver_guest_powerstate modules:
docs are updated to reflect recent Citrix rebranding of XenServer. Broken
URLs to external resources are fixed.
- xenserver_guest, xenserver_guest_info, xenserver_guest_powerstate modules:
more tested platforms are mentioned in docs.
* Added missing param to lambda module to pass it through to boto3
* Allow updating of runtime, because there is no reason why not
* Updated version_added to 2.10 to make tests green again
* Updated RETURN docs of Lambda module
* Added tests to aws_lambda test-suite.
Use a separate variable for the boolean test rather than having the same variable sometimes be a boolean and sometimes be a regular expression match object
Add integration tests to cover this scenario
* s3_bucket: Allow empty encryption_key_id with aws:kms to use KMS master key
* Add idempotency check and cleanup example, dont require encryption_key_id
* Make iam_user not fail on user deletion.
- Use guard clause on already absent user
- Refactor, use variable instead nested dict
- Ensure needed prerequisites for boto3 delete_user successfully
- Use AnsibleAWSModule on iam_user.
- Fix fail_json_aws calls
* Add s-hertel comments to PR
* ec2_instance/ec2_instance_info : Fixup sanity test errors
* Move ec2_instance integration tests to use aws_defaults
* Search for the AMI instead of hardcoding an AMI
* Make our VPC CIDR variable
* Remove AZ assumptions - no guarantees about specific AZs being available
* Make sure we terminate instances when we're done with them.
* Add a 10 second pause for IAM roles to become available before using them
* Wait on instance changes by default
* Switch out t2 instances for t3 they're cheaper and have more CPU available
* Pull t3.nano instance info a little earlier
* rework vpc_name and vpc_cidr a little
* Mark ec2_instance tests unsupported for now, they take too long
Currently, attach an attached volume from OpenStack VM’s returns only
argument data. It is better to return full data as attaching a detached
In my use case, I need the extra data to mount and format the volume.
Added support for --hex-blob option to mysql_db module.
This option is for dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation (for example, 'abc' becomes 0x616263).
The affected data types are BINARY, VARBINARY, the BLOB types, and BIT.
* AH servers include automation-hub as part of the server configuration.
So we don't need to add it here.
* Update unittests for the fix to galaxy wait_import_task
* Added a parameter (wait_for_ip_address_timeout) to allow a longer timeout than the default.
* Removed the wait_for_vm_ip function in this module as one in module_utils is already being used elsewhere.