Much like we currently have *setup* register the variable `module_setup`, we would like other facts-modules register their own namespace. This means that:
- *network_facts* registers `module_network`
- *hpilo_facts* registers `module_hw`
- *vsphere_facts* registers `module_hw`
In retrospect, it would have made more sense to have `setup` register `module_ansible` instead as the setup module uses the `ansible_` namesepace.
Having the `module_` namespace allows us to check whether a certain namespace has already been loaded so we can avoid running the facts module a second time using only_if.
- action: network_facts host=${ansible_hostname_short}
only_if: is_unset('$module_network')
This module gathers facts from the hardware interface by querying HP iLO. The facts include network info (vlan, macaddress) and system info (cpu, memory, uuid) information. Useful information for provisioning and management.
This module was previously named ilo_facts and mentioned in #1080, #1085, #1125 and #1217.