The use of the `hostvars[esxi1].ansible_host` was attempt to use
different hostname and IP address. But it's actually the source of
more problems.
VMware expects to be able to resolvable the host name. This means, that
if someone wants to run the test-suite, s/he needs to use a DNS or
update the `/etc/hosts` files on the different hosts.
Refactoring of the following roles to make use of the new
`prepare_vmware_tests` role.
- `vmware_inventory`
- `vmware_local_role_facts`
- `vmware_local_role_manager`
- `vmware_local_user_facts`
- `vmware_local_user_manager`
- `vmware_maintenancemode`
- `vmware_portgroup_facts`
- `vmware_resource_pool`
- `vmware_resource_pool_facts`
This patch depends on:
Original PR: