Some adjustments to be able to run the test-suite properly:
- Starts with the ESXi out of the cluster to be able to deploy the
VM on a proper host consistently
- Ensure the resource pool exists
- The resource pool is called `DC0_C0_RP1`, not `Resources`
- Avoid an exception if we try to move a non existing VM.
Put the test in the zuul/vmware/vcenter_2esxi group.
In the VMware tests, we call the datastores `ds1` and `ds2`. The first
one is read-only, the second is read-write and can be used to deploy
VMs. The naming convention was not clear enough and source of a lot
confusion and mistake.
We now have two better names:
- ro_datastore, which is ... read-only
- rw_datastore, the one that we can use to deploy new VM.
Use an alias to access the datastore host. This way, it's easier
to use an existing NFS server.
We can also disable the `write` access on the iso datastore.
Add a new file to record the variables that are shared with the two
scenarios (real_lab and vcsim).
The goal is to reduce the the amount of boilerplate configuration from
a user perspective.
- In order to keep the integration with `ansible-test`, we prefer to avoid any
interaction with the Ansible inventory file.
- split up the prepare_vmware_tests/defaults/main.yml in two
configuration files: one for vcsim and one for a real environment
- remove all the access to hostvars
- directly interact with the ESXi to mount/umount the datastore
- record the virtual machine folder in the environment configuration
- vmware_guest_move: Use