Creates a VMware vSwitch
We have an end-to-end playbook that performs bare metal provisioning and
configuration of vSphere.
The playbooks/tasks and results from that testing is what will be listed
in this PR.
If there are any questions please let either @jcpowermac or @mtnbikenc
Tested with version
$ ansible-playbook --version
ansible-playbook 1.9.2
configured module search path = None
Associated tasks used for testing below
- name: Add a temporary vSwitch
module: vmware_vswitch
hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
username: "{{ esxi_username }}"
password: "{{ site_passwd }}"
switch_name: temp_vswitch
nic_name: "{{ vss_vmnic }}"
mtu: 9000
Verbose testing output and results
TASK: [Configure ESXi hostname and DNS servers]
<> REMOTE_MODULE vmware_dns_config password=VALUE_HIDDEN
hostname=foundation-esxi-01 change_hostname_to=cscesxtmp001
domainname=lordbusiness.local dns_servers=,
<> REMOTE_MODULE vmware_dns_config password=VALUE_HIDDEN
hostname=foundation-esxi-02 change_hostname_to=cscesxtmp002
domainname=lordbusiness.local dns_servers=,
<> REMOTE_MODULE vmware_dns_config password=VALUE_HIDDEN
hostname=foundation-esxi-03 change_hostname_to=cscesxtmp003
domainname=lordbusiness.local dns_servers=,
changed: [foundation-esxi-01 ->] => {"changed": true}
changed: [foundation-esxi-03 ->] => {"changed": true}
changed: [foundation-esxi-02 ->] => {"changed": true}
Right now even if you pass in an empty tags list to the module (either with
an empty string or null) it will erroneously think the tags list have changed
and re-apply the tags on every run
pkgin searches for packages such as 'emacs' can return multiple matches,
the first of which is not guaranteed to match. So, iterate through
found packages until we have an appropriate match. Should we *not* find
a match, then return False indicating match failure.