Much like we currently have *setup* register the variable `module_setup`, we would like other facts-modules register their own namespace. This means that:
- *network_facts* registers `module_network`
- *hpilo_facts* registers `module_hw`
- *vsphere_facts* registers `module_hw`
In retrospect, it would have made more sense to have `setup` register `module_ansible` instead as the setup module uses the `ansible_` namesepace.
Having the `module_` namespace allows us to check whether a certain namespace has already been loaded so we can avoid running the facts module a second time using only_if.
- action: network_facts host=${ansible_hostname_short}
only_if: is_unset('$module_network')
This module gathers facts from a VMWare vSphere guest by querying vSphere. The facts include OS, network info (vlan, macaddress) and system info (cpu, memory, uuid) information. Useful information for provisioning and management.