Create GCE resources for use in integration tests.

Takes a prefix as a command-line argument and creates two persistent disks named
${prefix}-base and ${prefix}-extra and a snapshot of the base disk named
${prefix}-snapshot. prefix will be forced to lowercase, to ensure the names are
legal GCE resource names.

import sys
import optparse

import gce_credentials

def parse_args():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
        usage="%s [options] <prefix>" % (sys.argv[0],), description=__doc__)
        action="store", dest="prefix",
        help="String used to prefix GCE resource names (default: %default)")

    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    gce_credentials.check_required(opts, parser)
    if not args:
      parser.error("Missing required argument: name prefix")
    return (opts, args)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    (opts, args) = parse_args()
    gce = gce_credentials.get_gce_driver(opts)
    prefix = args[0].lower()
      base_volume = gce.create_volume(
          size=10, name=prefix+'-base', location='us-central1-a')
      gce.create_volume_snapshot(base_volume, name=prefix+'-snapshot')
          size=10, name=prefix+'-extra', location='us-central1-a')
    except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
        print "\nExiting on user command."