#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, serge van Ginderachter # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: bigip_monitor_tcp short_description: "Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors" description: - "Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors via iControl SOAP API" version_added: "1.4" author: - Serge van Ginderachter (@srvg) - Tim Rupp (@caphrim007) notes: - "Requires BIG-IP software version >= 11" - "F5 developed module 'bigsuds' required (see http://devcentral.f5.com)" - "Best run as a local_action in your playbook" - "Monitor API documentation: https://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/iControl.LocalLB__Monitor.ashx" requirements: - bigsuds options: state: description: - Monitor state required: false default: 'present' choices: - present - absent name: description: - Monitor name required: true default: null aliases: - monitor partition: description: - Partition for the monitor required: false default: 'Common' type: description: - The template type of this monitor template required: false default: 'tcp' choices: - TTYPE_TCP - TTYPE_TCP_ECHO - TTYPE_TCP_HALF_OPEN parent: description: - The parent template of this monitor template required: false default: 'tcp' choices: - tcp - tcp_echo - tcp_half_open parent_partition: description: - Partition for the parent monitor required: false default: 'Common' send: description: - The send string for the monitor call required: true default: none receive: description: - The receive string for the monitor call required: true default: none ip: description: - IP address part of the ipport definition. The default API setting is "". required: false default: none port: description: - Port address part op the ipport definition. The default API setting is 0. required: false default: none interval: description: - The interval specifying how frequently the monitor instance of this template will run. By default, this interval is used for up and down states. The default API setting is 5. required: false default: none timeout: description: - The number of seconds in which the node or service must respond to the monitor request. If the target responds within the set time period, it is considered up. If the target does not respond within the set time period, it is considered down. You can change this number to any number you want, however, it should be 3 times the interval number of seconds plus 1 second. The default API setting is 16. required: false default: none time_until_up: description: - Specifies the amount of time in seconds after the first successful response before a node will be marked up. A value of 0 will cause a node to be marked up immediately after a valid response is received from the node. The default API setting is 0. required: false default: none extends_documentation_fragment: f5 ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create TCP Monitor bigip_monitor_tcp: state: "present" server: "lb.mydomain.com" user: "admin" password: "secret" name: "my_tcp_monitor" type: "tcp" send: "tcp string to send" receive: "tcp string to receive" delegate_to: localhost - name: Create TCP half open Monitor bigip_monitor_tcp: state: "present" server: "lb.mydomain.com" user: "admin" password: "secret" name: "my_tcp_monitor" type: "tcp" send: "tcp string to send" receive: "http string to receive" delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove TCP Monitor bigip_monitor_tcp: state: "absent" server: "lb.mydomain.com" user: "admin" password: "secret" name: "my_tcp_monitor" ''' TEMPLATE_TYPE = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'TTYPE_TCP' TEMPLATE_TYPE_CHOICES = ['tcp', 'tcp_echo', 'tcp_half_open'] DEFAULT_PARENT = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_CHOICE = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE.replace('TTYPE_', '').lower() def check_monitor_exists(module, api, monitor, parent): # hack to determine if monitor exists result = False try: ttype = api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_template_type(template_names=[monitor])[0] parent2 = api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_parent_template(template_names=[monitor])[0] if ttype == TEMPLATE_TYPE and parent == parent2: result = True else: module.fail_json(msg='Monitor already exists, but has a different type (%s) or parent(%s)' % (ttype, parent)) except bigsuds.OperationFailed as e: if "was not found" in str(e): result = False else: # genuine exception raise return result def create_monitor(api, monitor, template_attributes): try: api.LocalLB.Monitor.create_template( templates=[{ 'template_name': monitor, 'template_type': TEMPLATE_TYPE }], template_attributes=[template_attributes] ) except bigsuds.OperationFailed as e: if "already exists" in str(e): return False else: # genuine exception raise return True def delete_monitor(api, monitor): try: api.LocalLB.Monitor.delete_template(template_names=[monitor]) except bigsuds.OperationFailed as e: # maybe it was deleted since we checked if "was not found" in str(e): return False else: # genuine exception raise return True def check_string_property(api, monitor, str_property): try: template_prop = api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_template_string_property( [monitor], [str_property['type']] )[0] return str_property == template_prop except bigsuds.OperationFailed as e: # happens in check mode if not created yet if "was not found" in str(e): return True else: # genuine exception raise def set_string_property(api, monitor, str_property): api.LocalLB.Monitor.set_template_string_property( template_names=[monitor], values=[str_property] ) def check_integer_property(api, monitor, int_property): try: return int_property == api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_template_integer_property( [monitor], [int_property['type']] )[0] except bigsuds.OperationFailed as e: # happens in check mode if not created yet if "was not found" in str(e): return True else: # genuine exception raise def set_integer_property(api, monitor, int_property): api.LocalLB.Monitor.set_template_integer_property( template_names=[monitor], values=[int_property] ) def update_monitor_properties(api, module, monitor, template_string_properties, template_integer_properties): changed = False for str_property in template_string_properties: if str_property['value'] is not None and not check_string_property(api, monitor, str_property): if not module.check_mode: set_string_property(api, monitor, str_property) changed = True for int_property in template_integer_properties: if int_property['value'] is not None and not check_integer_property(api, monitor, int_property): if not module.check_mode: set_integer_property(api, monitor, int_property) changed = True return changed def get_ipport(api, monitor): return api.LocalLB.Monitor.get_template_destination(template_names=[monitor])[0] def set_ipport(api, monitor, ipport): try: api.LocalLB.Monitor.set_template_destination( template_names=[monitor], destinations=[ipport] ) return True, "" except bigsuds.OperationFailed as e: if "Cannot modify the address type of monitor" in str(e): return False, "Cannot modify the address type of monitor if already assigned to a pool." else: # genuine exception raise def main(): argument_spec = f5_argument_spec() meta_args = dict( name=dict(required=True), type=dict(default=DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_CHOICE, choices=TEMPLATE_TYPE_CHOICES), parent=dict(default=DEFAULT_PARENT), parent_partition=dict(default='Common'), send=dict(required=False), receive=dict(required=False), ip=dict(required=False), port=dict(required=False, type='int'), interval=dict(required=False, type='int'), timeout=dict(required=False, type='int'), time_until_up=dict(required=False, type='int', default=0) ) argument_spec.update(meta_args) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True ) if module.params['validate_certs']: import ssl if not hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'): module.fail_json(msg='bigsuds does not support verifying certificates with python < 2.7.9. Either update python or set validate_certs=False on the task') server = module.params['server'] server_port = module.params['server_port'] user = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password'] state = module.params['state'] partition = module.params['partition'] validate_certs = module.params['validate_certs'] parent_partition = module.params['parent_partition'] name = module.params['name'] type = 'TTYPE_' + module.params['type'].upper() parent = fq_name(parent_partition, module.params['parent']) monitor = fq_name(partition, name) send = module.params['send'] receive = module.params['receive'] ip = module.params['ip'] port = module.params['port'] interval = module.params['interval'] timeout = module.params['timeout'] time_until_up = module.params['time_until_up'] # tcp monitor has multiple types, so overrule global TEMPLATE_TYPE TEMPLATE_TYPE = type # end monitor specific stuff api = bigip_api(server, user, password, validate_certs, port=server_port) monitor_exists = check_monitor_exists(module, api, monitor, parent) # ipport is a special setting if monitor_exists: # make sure to not update current settings if not asked cur_ipport = get_ipport(api, monitor) if ip is None: ip = cur_ipport['ipport']['address'] if port is None: port = cur_ipport['ipport']['port'] else: # use API defaults if not defined to create it if interval is None: interval = 5 if timeout is None: timeout = 16 if ip is None: ip = '' if port is None: port = 0 if send is None: send = '' if receive is None: receive = '' # define and set address type if ip == '' and port == 0: address_type = 'ATYPE_STAR_ADDRESS_STAR_PORT' elif ip == '' and port != 0: address_type = 'ATYPE_STAR_ADDRESS_EXPLICIT_PORT' elif ip != '' and port != 0: address_type = 'ATYPE_EXPLICIT_ADDRESS_EXPLICIT_PORT' else: address_type = 'ATYPE_UNSET' ipport = { 'address_type': address_type, 'ipport': { 'address': ip, 'port': port } } template_attributes = { 'parent_template': parent, 'interval': interval, 'timeout': timeout, 'dest_ipport': ipport, 'is_read_only': False, 'is_directly_usable': True } # monitor specific stuff if type == 'TTYPE_TCP': template_string_properties = [ { 'type': 'STYPE_SEND', 'value': send }, { 'type': 'STYPE_RECEIVE', 'value': receive } ] else: template_string_properties = [] template_integer_properties = [ { 'type': 'ITYPE_INTERVAL', 'value': interval }, { 'type': 'ITYPE_TIMEOUT', 'value': timeout }, { 'type': 'ITYPE_TIME_UNTIL_UP', 'value': time_until_up } ] # main logic, monitor generic try: result = {'changed': False} # default if state == 'absent': if monitor_exists: if not module.check_mode: # possible race condition if same task # on other node deleted it first result['changed'] |= delete_monitor(api, monitor) else: result['changed'] |= True else: # check for monitor itself if not monitor_exists: if not module.check_mode: # again, check changed status here b/c race conditions # if other task already created it result['changed'] |= create_monitor(api, monitor, template_attributes) else: result['changed'] |= True # check for monitor parameters # whether it already existed, or was just created, now update # the update functions need to check for check mode but # cannot update settings if it doesn't exist which happens in check mode result['changed'] |= update_monitor_properties(api, module, monitor, template_string_properties, template_integer_properties) # we just have to update the ipport if monitor already exists and it's different if monitor_exists and cur_ipport != ipport: set_ipport(api, monitor, ipport) result['changed'] |= True # else: monitor doesn't exist (check mode) or ipport is already ok except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="received exception: %s" % e) module.exit_json(**result) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.f5 import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()