--- - debug: msg: "START iosxr_static_routes round trip integration tests on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" - block: - include_tasks: _remove_config.yaml - name: Apply the provided configuration (base config) iosxr_static_routes: config: - address_families: - afi: ipv4 safi: unicast routes: - dest: next_hops: - forward_router_address: admin_distance: 105 track: ip_sla_2 - vrf: DEV_SITE address_families: - afi: ipv6 safi: unicast routes: - dest: 2001:db8:3000::/36 next_hops: - forward_router_address: 2001:db8:2000:2::2 interface: FastEthernet0/0/0/11 description: PROD1 state: merged register: base_config - name: Gather interfaces facts iosxr_facts: gather_subset: - "!all" - "!min" gather_network_resources: - static_routes - name: Apply the provided configuration (config to be reverted) iosxr_static_routes: config: - vrf: TEST_SITE address_families: - afi: ipv4 safi: unicast routes: - dest: next_hops: - forward_router_address: interface: FastEthernet0/0/0/3 description: "DEV_MOVED" dest_vrf: dev_moved state: overridden register: result - name: Assert that changes were applied assert: that: "{{ round_trip['after'] | symmetric_difference(result['after']) |length == 0 }}" - name: Revert back to base config using facts round trip iosxr_static_routes: config: "{{ ansible_facts['network_resources']['static_routes'] }}" state: overridden register: revert - name: Assert that config was reverted assert: that: "{{ base_config['after'] | symmetric_difference(revert['after']) |length == 0 }}" always: - include_tasks: _remove_config.yaml