#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Matt Davis, # Chris Houseknecht, # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # ''' Azure External Inventory Script =============================== Generates dynamic inventory by making API requests to the Azure Resource Manager using the Azure Python SDK. For instruction on installing the Azure Python SDK see https://azure-sdk-for-python.readthedocs.io/ Authentication -------------- The order of precedence is command line arguments, environment variables, and finally the [default] profile found in ~/.azure/credentials. If using a credentials file, it should be an ini formatted file with one or more sections, which we refer to as profiles. The script looks for a [default] section, if a profile is not specified either on the command line or with an environment variable. The keys in a profile will match the list of command line arguments below. For command line arguments and environment variables specify a profile found in your ~/.azure/credentials file, or a service principal or Active Directory user. Command line arguments: - profile - client_id - secret - subscription_id - tenant - ad_user - password - cloud_environment - adfs_authority_url Environment variables: - AZURE_PROFILE - AZURE_CLIENT_ID - AZURE_SECRET - AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - AZURE_TENANT - AZURE_AD_USER - AZURE_PASSWORD - AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT - AZURE_ADFS_AUTHORITY_URL Run for Specific Host ----------------------- When run for a specific host using the --host option, a resource group is required. For a specific host, this script returns the following variables: { "ansible_host": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "computer_name": "computer_name2", "fqdn": null, "id": "/subscriptions/subscription-id/resourceGroups/galaxy-production/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/object-name", "image": { "offer": "CentOS", "publisher": "OpenLogic", "sku": "7.1", "version": "latest" }, "location": "westus", "mac_address": "00-00-5E-00-53-FE", "name": "object-name", "network_interface": "interface-name", "network_interface_id": "/subscriptions/subscription-id/resourceGroups/galaxy-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/object-name1", "network_security_group": null, "network_security_group_id": null, "os_disk": { "name": "object-name", "operating_system_type": "Linux" }, "plan": null, "powerstate": "running", "private_ip": "", "private_ip_alloc_method": "Static", "provisioning_state": "Succeeded", "public_ip": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "public_ip_alloc_method": "Static", "public_ip_id": "/subscriptions/subscription-id/resourceGroups/galaxy-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/object-name", "public_ip_name": "object-name", "resource_group": "galaxy-production", "security_group": "object-name", "security_group_id": "/subscriptions/subscription-id/resourceGroups/galaxy-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/object-name", "tags": { "db": "database" }, "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines", "virtual_machine_size": "Standard_DS4" } Groups ------ When run in --list mode, instances are grouped by the following categories: - azure - location - resource_group - security_group - tag key - tag key_value Control groups using azure_rm.ini or set environment variables: AZURE_GROUP_BY_RESOURCE_GROUP=yes AZURE_GROUP_BY_LOCATION=yes AZURE_GROUP_BY_SECURITY_GROUP=yes AZURE_GROUP_BY_TAG=yes Select hosts within specific resource groups by assigning a comma separated list to: AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUPS=resource_group_a,resource_group_b Select hosts for specific tag key by assigning a comma separated list of tag keys to: AZURE_TAGS=key1,key2,key3 Select hosts for specific locations: AZURE_LOCATIONS=eastus,westus,eastus2 Or, select hosts for specific tag key:value pairs by assigning a comma separated list key:value pairs to: AZURE_TAGS=key1:value1,key2:value2 If you don't need the powerstate, you can improve performance by turning off powerstate fetching: AZURE_INCLUDE_POWERSTATE=no azure_rm.ini ------------ As mentioned above, you can control execution using environment variables or a .ini file. A sample azure_rm.ini is included. The name of the .ini file is the basename of the inventory script (in this case 'azure_rm') with a .ini extension. It also assumes the .ini file is alongside the script. To specify a different path for the .ini file, define the AZURE_INI_PATH environment variable: export AZURE_INI_PATH=/path/to/custom.ini Powerstate: ----------- The powerstate attribute indicates whether or not a host is running. If the value is 'running', the machine is up. If the value is anything other than 'running', the machine is down, and will be unreachable. Examples: --------- Execute /bin/uname on all instances in the galaxy-qa resource group $ ansible -i azure_rm.py galaxy-qa -m shell -a "/bin/uname -a" Use the inventory script to print instance specific information $ contrib/inventory/azure_rm.py --host my_instance_host_name --pretty Use with a playbook $ ansible-playbook -i contrib/inventory/azure_rm.py my_playbook.yml --limit galaxy-qa Insecure Platform Warning ------------------------- If you receive InsecurePlatformWarning from urllib3, install the requests security packages: pip install requests[security] author: - Chris Houseknecht (@chouseknecht) - Matt Davis (@nitzmahone) Company: Ansible by Red Hat Version: 1.0.0 ''' import argparse import json import os import re import sys import inspect try: # python2 import ConfigParser as cp except ImportError: # python3 import configparser as cp from os.path import expanduser import ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse HAS_AZURE = True HAS_AZURE_EXC = None HAS_AZURE_CLI_CORE = True CLIError = None try: from msrestazure.azure_active_directory import AADTokenCredentials from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError from msrestazure.azure_active_directory import MSIAuthentication from msrestazure import azure_cloud from azure.mgmt.compute import __version__ as azure_compute_version from azure.common import AzureMissingResourceHttpError, AzureHttpError from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials, UserPassCredentials from azure.mgmt.network import NetworkManagementClient from azure.mgmt.resource.resources import ResourceManagementClient from azure.mgmt.resource.subscriptions import SubscriptionClient from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient from adal.authentication_context import AuthenticationContext except ImportError as exc: HAS_AZURE_EXC = exc HAS_AZURE = False try: from azure.cli.core.util import CLIError from azure.common.credentials import get_azure_cli_credentials, get_cli_profile from azure.common.cloud import get_cli_active_cloud except ImportError: HAS_AZURE_CLI_CORE = False CLIError = Exception try: from ansible.release import __version__ as ansible_version except ImportError: ansible_version = 'unknown' AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING = dict( profile='AZURE_PROFILE', subscription_id='AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID', client_id='AZURE_CLIENT_ID', secret='AZURE_SECRET', tenant='AZURE_TENANT', ad_user='AZURE_AD_USER', password='AZURE_PASSWORD', cloud_environment='AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT', adfs_authority_url='AZURE_ADFS_AUTHORITY_URL' ) AZURE_CONFIG_SETTINGS = dict( resource_groups='AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUPS', tags='AZURE_TAGS', locations='AZURE_LOCATIONS', include_powerstate='AZURE_INCLUDE_POWERSTATE', group_by_resource_group='AZURE_GROUP_BY_RESOURCE_GROUP', group_by_location='AZURE_GROUP_BY_LOCATION', group_by_security_group='AZURE_GROUP_BY_SECURITY_GROUP', group_by_tag='AZURE_GROUP_BY_TAG', use_private_ip='AZURE_USE_PRIVATE_IP' ) AZURE_MIN_VERSION = "2.0.0" ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT = 'Ansible/{0}'.format(ansible_version) def azure_id_to_dict(id): pieces = re.sub(r'^\/', '', id).split('/') result = {} index = 0 while index < len(pieces) - 1: result[pieces[index]] = pieces[index + 1] index += 1 return result class AzureRM(object): def __init__(self, args): self._args = args self._cloud_environment = None self._compute_client = None self._resource_client = None self._network_client = None self._adfs_authority_url = None self._resource = None self.debug = False if args.debug: self.debug = True self.credentials = self._get_credentials(args) if not self.credentials: self.fail("Failed to get credentials. Either pass as parameters, set environment variables, " "or define a profile in ~/.azure/credentials.") # if cloud_environment specified, look up/build Cloud object raw_cloud_env = self.credentials.get('cloud_environment') if not raw_cloud_env: self._cloud_environment = azure_cloud.AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD # SDK default else: # try to look up "well-known" values via the name attribute on azure_cloud members all_clouds = [x[1] for x in inspect.getmembers(azure_cloud) if isinstance(x[1], azure_cloud.Cloud)] matched_clouds = [x for x in all_clouds if x.name == raw_cloud_env] if len(matched_clouds) == 1: self._cloud_environment = matched_clouds[0] elif len(matched_clouds) > 1: self.fail("Azure SDK failure: more than one cloud matched for cloud_environment name '{0}'".format(raw_cloud_env)) else: if not urlparse.urlparse(raw_cloud_env).scheme: self.fail("cloud_environment must be an endpoint discovery URL or one of {0}".format([x.name for x in all_clouds])) try: self._cloud_environment = azure_cloud.get_cloud_from_metadata_endpoint(raw_cloud_env) except Exception as e: self.fail("cloud_environment {0} could not be resolved: {1}".format(raw_cloud_env, e.message)) if self.credentials.get('subscription_id', None) is None: self.fail("Credentials did not include a subscription_id value.") self.log("setting subscription_id") self.subscription_id = self.credentials['subscription_id'] # get authentication authority # for adfs, user could pass in authority or not. # for others, use default authority from cloud environment if self.credentials.get('adfs_authority_url'): self._adfs_authority_url = self.credentials.get('adfs_authority_url') else: self._adfs_authority_url = self._cloud_environment.endpoints.active_directory # get resource from cloud environment self._resource = self._cloud_environment.endpoints.active_directory_resource_id if self.credentials.get('credentials'): self.azure_credentials = self.credentials.get('credentials') elif self.credentials.get('client_id') and self.credentials.get('secret') and self.credentials.get('tenant'): self.azure_credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(client_id=self.credentials['client_id'], secret=self.credentials['secret'], tenant=self.credentials['tenant'], cloud_environment=self._cloud_environment) elif self.credentials.get('ad_user') is not None and \ self.credentials.get('password') is not None and \ self.credentials.get('client_id') is not None and \ self.credentials.get('tenant') is not None: self.azure_credentials = self.acquire_token_with_username_password( self._adfs_authority_url, self._resource, self.credentials['ad_user'], self.credentials['password'], self.credentials['client_id'], self.credentials['tenant']) elif self.credentials.get('ad_user') is not None and self.credentials.get('password') is not None: tenant = self.credentials.get('tenant') if not tenant: tenant = 'common' self.azure_credentials = UserPassCredentials(self.credentials['ad_user'], self.credentials['password'], tenant=tenant, cloud_environment=self._cloud_environment) else: self.fail("Failed to authenticate with provided credentials. Some attributes were missing. " "Credentials must include client_id, secret and tenant or ad_user and password, or " "ad_user, password, client_id, tenant and adfs_authority_url(optional) for ADFS authentication, or " "be logged in using AzureCLI.") def log(self, msg): if self.debug: print(msg + u'\n') def fail(self, msg): raise Exception(msg) def _get_profile(self, profile="default"): path = expanduser("~") path += "/.azure/credentials" try: config = cp.ConfigParser() config.read(path) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Failed to access {0}. Check that the file exists and you have read " "access. {1}".format(path, str(exc))) credentials = dict() for key in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING: try: credentials[key] = config.get(profile, key, raw=True) except: pass if credentials.get('client_id') is not None or credentials.get('ad_user') is not None: return credentials return None def _get_env_credentials(self): env_credentials = dict() for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING.items(): env_credentials[attribute] = os.environ.get(env_variable, None) if env_credentials['profile'] is not None: credentials = self._get_profile(env_credentials['profile']) return credentials if env_credentials['client_id'] is not None or env_credentials['ad_user'] is not None: return env_credentials return None def _get_azure_cli_credentials(self): credentials, subscription_id = get_azure_cli_credentials() cloud_environment = get_cli_active_cloud() cli_credentials = { 'credentials': credentials, 'subscription_id': subscription_id, 'cloud_environment': cloud_environment } return cli_credentials def _get_msi_credentials(self, subscription_id_param=None): credentials = MSIAuthentication() try: # try to get the subscription in MSI to test whether MSI is enabled subscription_client = SubscriptionClient(credentials) subscription = next(subscription_client.subscriptions.list()) subscription_id = str(subscription.subscription_id) return { 'credentials': credentials, 'subscription_id': subscription_id_param or subscription_id } except Exception as exc: return None def _get_credentials(self, params): # Get authentication credentials. # Precedence: cmd line parameters-> environment variables-> default profile in ~/.azure/credentials. self.log('Getting credentials') arg_credentials = dict() for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING.items(): arg_credentials[attribute] = getattr(params, attribute) # try module params if arg_credentials['profile'] is not None: self.log('Retrieving credentials with profile parameter.') credentials = self._get_profile(arg_credentials['profile']) return credentials if arg_credentials['client_id'] is not None: self.log('Received credentials from parameters.') return arg_credentials if arg_credentials['ad_user'] is not None: self.log('Received credentials from parameters.') return arg_credentials # try environment env_credentials = self._get_env_credentials() if env_credentials: self.log('Received credentials from env.') return env_credentials # try default profile from ~./azure/credentials default_credentials = self._get_profile() if default_credentials: self.log('Retrieved default profile credentials from ~/.azure/credentials.') return default_credentials msi_credentials = self._get_msi_credentials(arg_credentials.get('subscription_id')) if msi_credentials: self.log('Retrieved credentials from MSI.') return msi_credentials try: if HAS_AZURE_CLI_CORE: self.log('Retrieving credentials from AzureCLI profile') cli_credentials = self._get_azure_cli_credentials() return cli_credentials except CLIError as ce: self.log('Error getting AzureCLI profile credentials - {0}'.format(ce)) return None def acquire_token_with_username_password(self, authority, resource, username, password, client_id, tenant): authority_uri = authority if tenant is not None: authority_uri = authority + '/' + tenant context = AuthenticationContext(authority_uri) token_response = context.acquire_token_with_username_password(resource, username, password, client_id) return AADTokenCredentials(token_response) def _register(self, key): try: # We have to perform the one-time registration here. Otherwise, we receive an error the first # time we attempt to use the requested client. resource_client = self.rm_client resource_client.providers.register(key) except Exception as exc: self.log("One-time registration of {0} failed - {1}".format(key, str(exc))) self.log("You might need to register {0} using an admin account".format(key)) self.log(("To register a provider using the Python CLI: " "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-resource-manager/" "resource-manager-common-deployment-errors#noregisteredproviderfound")) def get_mgmt_svc_client(self, client_type, base_url, api_version): client = client_type(self.azure_credentials, self.subscription_id, base_url=base_url, api_version=api_version) client.config.add_user_agent(ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT) return client @property def network_client(self): self.log('Getting network client') if not self._network_client: self._network_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(NetworkManagementClient, self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager, '2017-06-01') self._register('Microsoft.Network') return self._network_client @property def rm_client(self): self.log('Getting resource manager client') if not self._resource_client: self._resource_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ResourceManagementClient, self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager, '2017-05-10') return self._resource_client @property def compute_client(self): self.log('Getting compute client') if not self._compute_client: self._compute_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(ComputeManagementClient, self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager, '2017-03-30') self._register('Microsoft.Compute') return self._compute_client class AzureInventory(object): def __init__(self): self._args = self._parse_cli_args() try: rm = AzureRM(self._args) except Exception as e: sys.exit("{0}".format(str(e))) self._compute_client = rm.compute_client self._network_client = rm.network_client self._resource_client = rm.rm_client self._security_groups = None self.resource_groups = [] self.tags = None self.locations = None self.replace_dash_in_groups = False self.group_by_resource_group = True self.group_by_location = True self.group_by_security_group = True self.group_by_tag = True self.include_powerstate = True self.use_private_ip = False self._inventory = dict( _meta=dict( hostvars=dict() ), azure=[] ) self._get_settings() if self._args.resource_groups: self.resource_groups = self._args.resource_groups.split(',') if self._args.tags: self.tags = self._args.tags.split(',') if self._args.locations: self.locations = self._args.locations.split(',') if self._args.no_powerstate: self.include_powerstate = False self.get_inventory() print(self._json_format_dict(pretty=self._args.pretty)) sys.exit(0) def _parse_cli_args(self): # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Produce an Ansible Inventory file for an Azure subscription') parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', default=True, help='List instances (default: True)') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Send debug messages to STDOUT') parser.add_argument('--host', action='store', help='Get all information about an instance') parser.add_argument('--pretty', action='store_true', default=False, help='Pretty print JSON output(default: False)') parser.add_argument('--profile', action='store', help='Azure profile contained in ~/.azure/credentials') parser.add_argument('--subscription_id', action='store', help='Azure Subscription Id') parser.add_argument('--client_id', action='store', help='Azure Client Id ') parser.add_argument('--secret', action='store', help='Azure Client Secret') parser.add_argument('--tenant', action='store', help='Azure Tenant Id') parser.add_argument('--ad_user', action='store', help='Active Directory User') parser.add_argument('--password', action='store', help='password') parser.add_argument('--adfs_authority_url', action='store', help='Azure ADFS authority url') parser.add_argument('--cloud_environment', action='store', help='Azure Cloud Environment name or metadata discovery URL') parser.add_argument('--resource-groups', action='store', help='Return inventory for comma separated list of resource group names') parser.add_argument('--tags', action='store', help='Return inventory for comma separated list of tag key:value pairs') parser.add_argument('--locations', action='store', help='Return inventory for comma separated list of locations') parser.add_argument('--no-powerstate', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not include the power state of each virtual host') return parser.parse_args() def get_inventory(self): if len(self.resource_groups) > 0: # get VMs for requested resource groups for resource_group in self.resource_groups: try: virtual_machines = self._compute_client.virtual_machines.list(resource_group) except Exception as exc: sys.exit("Error: fetching virtual machines for resource group {0} - {1}".format(resource_group, str(exc))) if self._args.host or self.tags: selected_machines = self._selected_machines(virtual_machines) self._load_machines(selected_machines) else: self._load_machines(virtual_machines) else: # get all VMs within the subscription try: virtual_machines = self._compute_client.virtual_machines.list_all() except Exception as exc: sys.exit("Error: fetching virtual machines - {0}".format(str(exc))) if self._args.host or self.tags or self.locations: selected_machines = self._selected_machines(virtual_machines) self._load_machines(selected_machines) else: self._load_machines(virtual_machines) def _load_machines(self, machines): for machine in machines: id_dict = azure_id_to_dict(machine.id) # TODO - The API is returning an ID value containing resource group name in ALL CAPS. If/when it gets # fixed, we should remove the .lower(). Opened Issue # #574: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues/574 resource_group = id_dict['resourceGroups'].lower() if self.group_by_security_group: self._get_security_groups(resource_group) host_vars = dict( ansible_host=None, private_ip=None, private_ip_alloc_method=None, public_ip=None, public_ip_name=None, public_ip_id=None, public_ip_alloc_method=None, fqdn=None, location=machine.location, name=machine.name, type=machine.type, id=machine.id, tags=machine.tags, network_interface_id=None, network_interface=None, resource_group=resource_group, mac_address=None, plan=(machine.plan.name if machine.plan else None), virtual_machine_size=machine.hardware_profile.vm_size, computer_name=(machine.os_profile.computer_name if machine.os_profile else None), provisioning_state=machine.provisioning_state, ) host_vars['os_disk'] = dict( name=machine.storage_profile.os_disk.name, operating_system_type=machine.storage_profile.os_disk.os_type.value ) if self.include_powerstate: host_vars['powerstate'] = self._get_powerstate(resource_group, machine.name) if machine.storage_profile.image_reference: host_vars['image'] = dict( offer=machine.storage_profile.image_reference.offer, publisher=machine.storage_profile.image_reference.publisher, sku=machine.storage_profile.image_reference.sku, version=machine.storage_profile.image_reference.version ) # Add windows details if machine.os_profile is not None and machine.os_profile.windows_configuration is not None: host_vars['ansible_connection'] = 'winrm' host_vars['windows_auto_updates_enabled'] = \ machine.os_profile.windows_configuration.enable_automatic_updates host_vars['windows_timezone'] = machine.os_profile.windows_configuration.time_zone host_vars['windows_rm'] = None if machine.os_profile.windows_configuration.win_rm is not None: host_vars['windows_rm'] = dict(listeners=None) if machine.os_profile.windows_configuration.win_rm.listeners is not None: host_vars['windows_rm']['listeners'] = [] for listener in machine.os_profile.windows_configuration.win_rm.listeners: host_vars['windows_rm']['listeners'].append(dict(protocol=listener.protocol.name, certificate_url=listener.certificate_url)) for interface in machine.network_profile.network_interfaces: interface_reference = self._parse_ref_id(interface.id) network_interface = self._network_client.network_interfaces.get( interface_reference['resourceGroups'], interface_reference['networkInterfaces']) if network_interface.primary: if self.group_by_security_group and \ self._security_groups[resource_group].get(network_interface.id, None): host_vars['security_group'] = \ self._security_groups[resource_group][network_interface.id]['name'] host_vars['security_group_id'] = \ self._security_groups[resource_group][network_interface.id]['id'] host_vars['network_interface'] = network_interface.name host_vars['network_interface_id'] = network_interface.id host_vars['mac_address'] = network_interface.mac_address for ip_config in network_interface.ip_configurations: host_vars['private_ip'] = ip_config.private_ip_address host_vars['private_ip_alloc_method'] = ip_config.private_ip_allocation_method if self.use_private_ip: host_vars['ansible_host'] = ip_config.private_ip_address if ip_config.public_ip_address: public_ip_reference = self._parse_ref_id(ip_config.public_ip_address.id) public_ip_address = self._network_client.public_ip_addresses.get( public_ip_reference['resourceGroups'], public_ip_reference['publicIPAddresses']) if not self.use_private_ip: host_vars['ansible_host'] = public_ip_address.ip_address host_vars['public_ip'] = public_ip_address.ip_address host_vars['public_ip_name'] = public_ip_address.name host_vars['public_ip_alloc_method'] = public_ip_address.public_ip_allocation_method host_vars['public_ip_id'] = public_ip_address.id if public_ip_address.dns_settings: host_vars['fqdn'] = public_ip_address.dns_settings.fqdn self._add_host(host_vars) def _selected_machines(self, virtual_machines): selected_machines = [] for machine in virtual_machines: if self._args.host and self._args.host == machine.name: selected_machines.append(machine) if self.tags and self._tags_match(machine.tags, self.tags): selected_machines.append(machine) if self.locations and machine.location in self.locations: selected_machines.append(machine) return selected_machines def _get_security_groups(self, resource_group): ''' For a given resource_group build a mapping of network_interface.id to security_group name ''' if not self._security_groups: self._security_groups = dict() if not self._security_groups.get(resource_group): self._security_groups[resource_group] = dict() for group in self._network_client.network_security_groups.list(resource_group): if group.network_interfaces: for interface in group.network_interfaces: self._security_groups[resource_group][interface.id] = dict( name=group.name, id=group.id ) def _get_powerstate(self, resource_group, name): try: vm = self._compute_client.virtual_machines.get(resource_group, name, expand='instanceview') except Exception as exc: sys.exit("Error: fetching instanceview for host {0} - {1}".format(name, str(exc))) return next((s.code.replace('PowerState/', '') for s in vm.instance_view.statuses if s.code.startswith('PowerState')), None) def _add_host(self, vars): host_name = self._to_safe(vars['name']) resource_group = self._to_safe(vars['resource_group']) security_group = None if vars.get('security_group'): security_group = self._to_safe(vars['security_group']) if self.group_by_resource_group: if not self._inventory.get(resource_group): self._inventory[resource_group] = [] self._inventory[resource_group].append(host_name) if self.group_by_location: if not self._inventory.get(vars['location']): self._inventory[vars['location']] = [] self._inventory[vars['location']].append(host_name) if self.group_by_security_group and security_group: if not self._inventory.get(security_group): self._inventory[security_group] = [] self._inventory[security_group].append(host_name) self._inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][host_name] = vars self._inventory['azure'].append(host_name) if self.group_by_tag and vars.get('tags'): for key, value in vars['tags'].items(): safe_key = self._to_safe(key) safe_value = safe_key + '_' + self._to_safe(value) if not self._inventory.get(safe_key): self._inventory[safe_key] = [] if not self._inventory.get(safe_value): self._inventory[safe_value] = [] self._inventory[safe_key].append(host_name) self._inventory[safe_value].append(host_name) def _json_format_dict(self, pretty=False): # convert inventory to json if pretty: return json.dumps(self._inventory, sort_keys=True, indent=2) else: return json.dumps(self._inventory) def _get_settings(self): # Load settings from the .ini, if it exists. Otherwise, # look for environment values. file_settings = self._load_settings() if file_settings: for key in AZURE_CONFIG_SETTINGS: if key in ('resource_groups', 'tags', 'locations') and file_settings.get(key): values = file_settings.get(key).split(',') if len(values) > 0: setattr(self, key, values) elif file_settings.get(key): val = self._to_boolean(file_settings[key]) setattr(self, key, val) else: env_settings = self._get_env_settings() for key in AZURE_CONFIG_SETTINGS: if key in('resource_groups', 'tags', 'locations') and env_settings.get(key): values = env_settings.get(key).split(',') if len(values) > 0: setattr(self, key, values) elif env_settings.get(key, None) is not None: val = self._to_boolean(env_settings[key]) setattr(self, key, val) def _parse_ref_id(self, reference): response = {} keys = reference.strip('/').split('/') for index in range(len(keys)): if index < len(keys) - 1 and index % 2 == 0: response[keys[index]] = keys[index + 1] return response def _to_boolean(self, value): if value in ['Yes', 'yes', 1, 'True', 'true', True]: result = True elif value in ['No', 'no', 0, 'False', 'false', False]: result = False else: result = True return result def _get_env_settings(self): env_settings = dict() for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CONFIG_SETTINGS.items(): env_settings[attribute] = os.environ.get(env_variable, None) return env_settings def _load_settings(self): basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] default_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), (basename + '.ini')) path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.environ.get('AZURE_INI_PATH', default_path))) config = None settings = None try: config = cp.ConfigParser() config.read(path) except: pass if config is not None: settings = dict() for key in AZURE_CONFIG_SETTINGS: try: settings[key] = config.get('azure', key, raw=True) except: pass return settings def _tags_match(self, tag_obj, tag_args): ''' Return True if the tags object from a VM contains the requested tag values. :param tag_obj: Dictionary of string:string pairs :param tag_args: List of strings in the form key=value :return: boolean ''' if not tag_obj: return False matches = 0 for arg in tag_args: arg_key = arg arg_value = None if re.search(r':', arg): arg_key, arg_value = arg.split(':') if arg_value and tag_obj.get(arg_key, None) == arg_value: matches += 1 elif not arg_value and tag_obj.get(arg_key, None) is not None: matches += 1 if matches == len(tag_args): return True return False def _to_safe(self, word): ''' Converts 'bad' characters in a string to underscores so they can be used as Ansible groups ''' regex = r"[^A-Za-z0-9\_" if not self.replace_dash_in_groups: regex += r"\-" return re.sub(regex + "]", "_", word) def main(): if not HAS_AZURE: sys.exit("The Azure python sdk is not installed (try `pip install 'azure>={0}' --upgrade`) - {1}".format(AZURE_MIN_VERSION, HAS_AZURE_EXC)) AzureInventory() if __name__ == '__main__': main()