#!/usr/bin/python # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ec2_eni short_description: Create and optionally attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an instance description: - Create and optionally attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an instance. If an ENI ID or private_ip is provided, the existing ENI (if any) will be modified. The 'attached' parameter controls the attachment status of the network interface. version_added: "2.0" author: "Rob White (@wimnat)" options: eni_id: description: - The ID of the ENI (to modify). - If I(eni_id=None) and I(state=present), a new eni will be created. type: str instance_id: description: - Instance ID that you wish to attach ENI to. - Since version 2.2, use the I(attached) parameter to attach or detach an ENI. Prior to 2.2, to detach an ENI from an instance, use C(None). type: str private_ip_address: description: - Private IP address. type: str subnet_id: description: - ID of subnet in which to create the ENI. type: str description: description: - Optional description of the ENI. type: str security_groups: description: - List of security groups associated with the interface. Only used when I(state=present). - Since version 2.2, you can specify security groups by ID or by name or a combination of both. Prior to 2.2, you can specify only by ID. type: list elements: str state: description: - Create or delete ENI. default: present choices: [ 'present', 'absent' ] type: str device_index: description: - The index of the device for the network interface attachment on the instance. default: 0 type: int attached: description: - Specifies if network interface should be attached or detached from instance. If omitted, attachment status won't change version_added: 2.2 type: bool force_detach: description: - Force detachment of the interface. This applies either when explicitly detaching the interface by setting I(instance_id=None) or when deleting an interface with I(state=absent). default: false type: bool delete_on_termination: description: - Delete the interface when the instance it is attached to is terminated. You can only specify this flag when the interface is being modified, not on creation. required: false type: bool source_dest_check: description: - By default, interfaces perform source/destination checks. NAT instances however need this check to be disabled. You can only specify this flag when the interface is being modified, not on creation. required: false type: bool secondary_private_ip_addresses: description: - A list of IP addresses to assign as secondary IP addresses to the network interface. This option is mutually exclusive of I(secondary_private_ip_address_count) required: false version_added: 2.2 type: list elements: str purge_secondary_private_ip_addresses: description: - To be used with I(secondary_private_ip_addresses) to determine whether or not to remove any secondary IP addresses other than those specified. - Set I(secondary_private_ip_addresses=[]) to purge all secondary addresses. default: false type: bool version_added: 2.5 secondary_private_ip_address_count: description: - The number of secondary IP addresses to assign to the network interface. This option is mutually exclusive of I(secondary_private_ip_addresses) required: false version_added: 2.2 type: int allow_reassignment: description: - Indicates whether to allow an IP address that is already assigned to another network interface or instance to be reassigned to the specified network interface. required: false default: false type: bool version_added: 2.7 extends_documentation_fragment: - aws - ec2 notes: - This module identifies and ENI based on either the I(eni_id), a combination of I(private_ip_address) and I(subnet_id), or a combination of I(instance_id) and I(device_id). Any of these options will let you specify a particular ENI. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details. # Create an ENI. As no security group is defined, ENI will be created in default security group - ec2_eni: private_ip_address: subnet_id: subnet-xxxxxxxx state: present # Create an ENI and attach it to an instance - ec2_eni: instance_id: i-xxxxxxx device_index: 1 private_ip_address: subnet_id: subnet-xxxxxxxx state: present # Create an ENI with two secondary addresses - ec2_eni: subnet_id: subnet-xxxxxxxx state: present secondary_private_ip_address_count: 2 # Assign a secondary IP address to an existing ENI # This will purge any existing IPs - ec2_eni: subnet_id: subnet-xxxxxxxx eni_id: eni-yyyyyyyy state: present secondary_private_ip_addresses: - # Remove any secondary IP addresses from an existing ENI - ec2_eni: subnet_id: subnet-xxxxxxxx eni_id: eni-yyyyyyyy state: present secondary_private_ip_address_count: 0 # Destroy an ENI, detaching it from any instance if necessary - ec2_eni: eni_id: eni-xxxxxxx force_detach: true state: absent # Update an ENI - ec2_eni: eni_id: eni-xxxxxxx description: "My new description" state: present # Update an ENI identifying it by private_ip_address and subnet_id - ec2_eni: subnet_id: subnet-xxxxxxx private_ip_address: description: "My new description" # Detach an ENI from an instance - ec2_eni: eni_id: eni-xxxxxxx instance_id: None state: present ### Delete an interface on termination # First create the interface - ec2_eni: instance_id: i-xxxxxxx device_index: 1 private_ip_address: subnet_id: subnet-xxxxxxxx state: present register: eni # Modify the interface to enable the delete_on_terminaton flag - ec2_eni: eni_id: "{{ eni.interface.id }}" delete_on_termination: true ''' RETURN = ''' interface: description: Network interface attributes returned: when state != absent type: complex contains: description: description: interface description type: str sample: Firewall network interface groups: description: list of security groups type: list elements: dict sample: [ { "sg-f8a8a9da": "default" } ] id: description: network interface id type: str sample: "eni-1d889198" mac_address: description: interface's physical address type: str sample: "00:00:5E:00:53:23" owner_id: description: aws account id type: str sample: 812381371 private_ip_address: description: primary ip address of this interface type: str sample: private_ip_addresses: description: list of all private ip addresses associated to this interface type: list elements: dict sample: [ { "primary_address": true, "private_ip_address": "" } ] source_dest_check: description: value of source/dest check flag type: bool sample: True status: description: network interface status type: str sample: "pending" subnet_id: description: which vpc subnet the interface is bound type: str sample: subnet-b0a0393c vpc_id: description: which vpc this network interface is bound type: str sample: vpc-9a9a9da ''' import time import re try: import boto.ec2 import boto.vpc from boto.exception import BotoServerError HAS_BOTO = True except ImportError: HAS_BOTO = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import (AnsibleAWSError, connect_to_aws, ec2_argument_spec, get_aws_connection_info, get_ec2_security_group_ids_from_names) def get_eni_info(interface): # Private addresses private_addresses = [] for ip in interface.private_ip_addresses: private_addresses.append({'private_ip_address': ip.private_ip_address, 'primary_address': ip.primary}) interface_info = {'id': interface.id, 'subnet_id': interface.subnet_id, 'vpc_id': interface.vpc_id, 'description': interface.description, 'owner_id': interface.owner_id, 'status': interface.status, 'mac_address': interface.mac_address, 'private_ip_address': interface.private_ip_address, 'source_dest_check': interface.source_dest_check, 'groups': dict((group.id, group.name) for group in interface.groups), 'private_ip_addresses': private_addresses } if interface.attachment is not None: interface_info['attachment'] = {'attachment_id': interface.attachment.id, 'instance_id': interface.attachment.instance_id, 'device_index': interface.attachment.device_index, 'status': interface.attachment.status, 'attach_time': interface.attachment.attach_time, 'delete_on_termination': interface.attachment.delete_on_termination, } return interface_info def wait_for_eni(eni, status): while True: time.sleep(3) eni.update() # If the status is detached we just need attachment to disappear if eni.attachment is None: if status == "detached": break else: if status == "attached" and eni.attachment.status == "attached": break def create_eni(connection, vpc_id, module): instance_id = module.params.get("instance_id") attached = module.params.get("attached") if instance_id == 'None': instance_id = None device_index = module.params.get("device_index") subnet_id = module.params.get('subnet_id') private_ip_address = module.params.get('private_ip_address') description = module.params.get('description') security_groups = get_ec2_security_group_ids_from_names(module.params.get('security_groups'), connection, vpc_id=vpc_id, boto3=False) secondary_private_ip_addresses = module.params.get("secondary_private_ip_addresses") secondary_private_ip_address_count = module.params.get("secondary_private_ip_address_count") changed = False try: eni = connection.create_network_interface(subnet_id, private_ip_address, description, security_groups) if attached and instance_id is not None: try: eni.attach(instance_id, device_index) except BotoServerError: eni.delete() raise # Wait to allow creation / attachment to finish wait_for_eni(eni, "attached") eni.update() if secondary_private_ip_address_count is not None: try: connection.assign_private_ip_addresses(network_interface_id=eni.id, secondary_private_ip_address_count=secondary_private_ip_address_count) except BotoServerError: eni.delete() raise if secondary_private_ip_addresses is not None: try: connection.assign_private_ip_addresses(network_interface_id=eni.id, private_ip_addresses=secondary_private_ip_addresses) except BotoServerError: eni.delete() raise changed = True except BotoServerError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) module.exit_json(changed=changed, interface=get_eni_info(eni)) def modify_eni(connection, vpc_id, module, eni): instance_id = module.params.get("instance_id") attached = module.params.get("attached") do_detach = module.params.get('state') == 'detached' device_index = module.params.get("device_index") description = module.params.get('description') security_groups = module.params.get('security_groups') force_detach = module.params.get("force_detach") source_dest_check = module.params.get("source_dest_check") delete_on_termination = module.params.get("delete_on_termination") secondary_private_ip_addresses = module.params.get("secondary_private_ip_addresses") purge_secondary_private_ip_addresses = module.params.get("purge_secondary_private_ip_addresses") secondary_private_ip_address_count = module.params.get("secondary_private_ip_address_count") allow_reassignment = module.params.get("allow_reassignment") changed = False try: if description is not None: if eni.description != description: connection.modify_network_interface_attribute(eni.id, "description", description) changed = True if len(security_groups) > 0: groups = get_ec2_security_group_ids_from_names(security_groups, connection, vpc_id=vpc_id, boto3=False) if sorted(get_sec_group_list(eni.groups)) != sorted(groups): connection.modify_network_interface_attribute(eni.id, "groupSet", groups) changed = True if source_dest_check is not None: if eni.source_dest_check != source_dest_check: connection.modify_network_interface_attribute(eni.id, "sourceDestCheck", source_dest_check) changed = True if delete_on_termination is not None and eni.attachment is not None: if eni.attachment.delete_on_termination is not delete_on_termination: connection.modify_network_interface_attribute(eni.id, "deleteOnTermination", delete_on_termination, eni.attachment.id) changed = True current_secondary_addresses = [i.private_ip_address for i in eni.private_ip_addresses if not i.primary] if secondary_private_ip_addresses is not None: secondary_addresses_to_remove = list(set(current_secondary_addresses) - set(secondary_private_ip_addresses)) if secondary_addresses_to_remove and purge_secondary_private_ip_addresses: connection.unassign_private_ip_addresses(network_interface_id=eni.id, private_ip_addresses=list(set(current_secondary_addresses) - set(secondary_private_ip_addresses)), dry_run=False) changed = True secondary_addresses_to_add = list(set(secondary_private_ip_addresses) - set(current_secondary_addresses)) if secondary_addresses_to_add: connection.assign_private_ip_addresses(network_interface_id=eni.id, private_ip_addresses=secondary_addresses_to_add, secondary_private_ip_address_count=None, allow_reassignment=allow_reassignment, dry_run=False) changed = True if secondary_private_ip_address_count is not None: current_secondary_address_count = len(current_secondary_addresses) if secondary_private_ip_address_count > current_secondary_address_count: connection.assign_private_ip_addresses(network_interface_id=eni.id, private_ip_addresses=None, secondary_private_ip_address_count=(secondary_private_ip_address_count - current_secondary_address_count), allow_reassignment=allow_reassignment, dry_run=False) changed = True elif secondary_private_ip_address_count < current_secondary_address_count: # How many of these addresses do we want to remove secondary_addresses_to_remove_count = current_secondary_address_count - secondary_private_ip_address_count connection.unassign_private_ip_addresses(network_interface_id=eni.id, private_ip_addresses=current_secondary_addresses[:secondary_addresses_to_remove_count], dry_run=False) if attached is True: if eni.attachment and eni.attachment.instance_id != instance_id: detach_eni(eni, module) eni.attach(instance_id, device_index) wait_for_eni(eni, "attached") changed = True if eni.attachment is None: eni.attach(instance_id, device_index) wait_for_eni(eni, "attached") changed = True elif attached is False: detach_eni(eni, module) except BotoServerError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) eni.update() module.exit_json(changed=changed, interface=get_eni_info(eni)) def delete_eni(connection, module): eni_id = module.params.get("eni_id") force_detach = module.params.get("force_detach") try: eni_result_set = connection.get_all_network_interfaces(eni_id) eni = eni_result_set[0] if force_detach is True: if eni.attachment is not None: eni.detach(force_detach) # Wait to allow detachment to finish wait_for_eni(eni, "detached") eni.update() eni.delete() changed = True else: eni.delete() changed = True module.exit_json(changed=changed) except BotoServerError as e: regex = re.compile('The networkInterface ID \'.*\' does not exist') if regex.search(e.message) is not None: module.exit_json(changed=False) else: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) def detach_eni(eni, module): attached = module.params.get("attached") force_detach = module.params.get("force_detach") if eni.attachment is not None: eni.detach(force_detach) wait_for_eni(eni, "detached") if attached: return eni.update() module.exit_json(changed=True, interface=get_eni_info(eni)) else: module.exit_json(changed=False, interface=get_eni_info(eni)) def uniquely_find_eni(connection, module): eni_id = module.params.get("eni_id") private_ip_address = module.params.get('private_ip_address') subnet_id = module.params.get('subnet_id') instance_id = module.params.get('instance_id') device_index = module.params.get('device_index') attached = module.params.get('attached') try: filters = {} # proceed only if we're univocally specifying an ENI if eni_id is None and private_ip_address is None and (instance_id is None and device_index is None): return None if private_ip_address and subnet_id: filters['private-ip-address'] = private_ip_address filters['subnet-id'] = subnet_id if not attached and instance_id and device_index: filters['attachment.instance-id'] = instance_id filters['attachment.device-index'] = device_index if eni_id is None and len(filters) == 0: return None eni_result = connection.get_all_network_interfaces(eni_id, filters=filters) if len(eni_result) == 1: return eni_result[0] else: return None except BotoServerError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) return None def get_sec_group_list(groups): # Build list of remote security groups remote_security_groups = [] for group in groups: remote_security_groups.append(group.id.encode()) return remote_security_groups def _get_vpc_id(connection, module, subnet_id): try: return connection.get_all_subnets(subnet_ids=[subnet_id])[0].vpc_id except BotoServerError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( dict( eni_id=dict(default=None, type='str'), instance_id=dict(default=None, type='str'), private_ip_address=dict(type='str'), subnet_id=dict(type='str'), description=dict(type='str'), security_groups=dict(default=[], type='list'), device_index=dict(default=0, type='int'), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), force_detach=dict(default='no', type='bool'), source_dest_check=dict(default=None, type='bool'), delete_on_termination=dict(default=None, type='bool'), secondary_private_ip_addresses=dict(default=None, type='list'), purge_secondary_private_ip_addresses=dict(default=False, type='bool'), secondary_private_ip_address_count=dict(default=None, type='int'), allow_reassignment=dict(default=False, type='bool'), attached=dict(default=None, type='bool') ) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=[ ['secondary_private_ip_addresses', 'secondary_private_ip_address_count'] ], required_if=([ ('state', 'absent', ['eni_id']), ('attached', True, ['instance_id']), ('purge_secondary_private_ip_addresses', True, ['secondary_private_ip_addresses']) ]) ) if not HAS_BOTO: module.fail_json(msg='boto required for this module') region, ec2_url, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module) if region: try: connection = connect_to_aws(boto.ec2, region, **aws_connect_params) vpc_connection = connect_to_aws(boto.vpc, region, **aws_connect_params) except (boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, AnsibleAWSError) as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) else: module.fail_json(msg="region must be specified") state = module.params.get("state") if state == 'present': eni = uniquely_find_eni(connection, module) if eni is None: subnet_id = module.params.get("subnet_id") if subnet_id is None: module.fail_json(msg="subnet_id is required when creating a new ENI") vpc_id = _get_vpc_id(vpc_connection, module, subnet_id) create_eni(connection, vpc_id, module) else: vpc_id = eni.vpc_id modify_eni(connection, vpc_id, module, eni) elif state == 'absent': delete_eni(connection, module) if __name__ == '__main__': main()