#!/usr/bin/python # CenturyLink Cloud Ansible Modules. # # These Ansible modules enable the CenturyLink Cloud v2 API to be called # from an within Ansible Playbook. # # This file is part of CenturyLink Cloud, and is maintained # by the Workflow as a Service Team # # Copyright 2015 CenturyLink Cloud # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # CenturyLink Cloud: http://www.CenturyLinkCloud.com # API Documentation: https://www.centurylinkcloud.com/api-docs/v2/ # DOCUMENTATION = ''' module: clc_publicip short_description: Add and Delete public ips on servers in CenturyLink Cloud. description: - An Ansible module to add or delete public ip addresses on an existing server or servers in CenturyLink Cloud. options: protocol: descirption: - The protocol that the public IP will listen for. default: TCP required: False ports: description: - A list of ports to expose. required: True server_ids: description: - A list of servers to create public ips on. required: True state: description: - Determine wheteher to create or delete public IPs. If present module will not create a second public ip if one already exists. default: present choices: ['present', 'absent'] required: False wait: description: - Whether to wait for the tasks to finish before returning. choices: [ True, False ] default: True required: False ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Note - You must set the CLC_V2_API_USERNAME And CLC_V2_API_PASSWD Environment variables before running these examples - name: Add Public IP to Server hosts: localhost gather_facts: False connection: local tasks: - name: Create Public IP For Servers clc_publicip: protocol: 'TCP' ports: - 80 server_ids: - UC1ACCTSRVR01 - UC1ACCTSRVR02 state: present register: clc - name: debug debug: var=clc - name: Delete Public IP from Server hosts: localhost gather_facts: False connection: local tasks: - name: Create Public IP For Servers clc_publicip: server_ids: - UC1ACCTSRVR01 - UC1ACCTSRVR02 state: absent register: clc - name: debug debug: var=clc ''' __version__ = '${version}' import requests # # Requires the clc-python-sdk. # sudo pip install clc-sdk # try: import clc as clc_sdk from clc import CLCException except ImportError: CLC_FOUND = False clc_sdk = None else: CLC_FOUND = True class ClcPublicIp(object): clc = clc_sdk module = None group_dict = {} def __init__(self, module): """ Construct module """ self.module = module if not CLC_FOUND: self.module.fail_json( msg='clc-python-sdk required for this module') self._set_user_agent(self.clc) def process_request(self): """ Process the request - Main Code Path :param params: dictionary of module parameters :return: Returns with either an exit_json or fail_json """ self._set_clc_credentials_from_env() params = self.module.params server_ids = params['server_ids'] ports = params['ports'] protocol = params['protocol'] state = params['state'] requests = [] chagned_server_ids = [] changed = False if state == 'present': changed, chagned_server_ids, requests = self.ensure_public_ip_present( server_ids=server_ids, protocol=protocol, ports=ports) elif state == 'absent': changed, chagned_server_ids, requests = self.ensure_public_ip_absent( server_ids=server_ids) else: return self.module.fail_json(msg="Unknown State: " + state) self._wait_for_requests_to_complete(requests) return self.module.exit_json(changed=changed, server_ids=chagned_server_ids) @staticmethod def _define_module_argument_spec(): """ Define the argument spec for the ansible module :return: argument spec dictionary """ argument_spec = dict( server_ids=dict(type='list', required=True), protocol=dict(default='TCP'), ports=dict(type='list'), wait=dict(type='bool', default=True), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), ) return argument_spec def ensure_public_ip_present(self, server_ids, protocol, ports): """ Ensures the given server ids having the public ip available :param server_ids: the list of server ids :param protocol: the ip protocol :param ports: the list of ports to expose :return: (changed, changed_server_ids, results) changed: A flag indicating if there is any change changed_server_ids : the list of server ids that are changed results: The result list from clc public ip call """ changed = False results = [] changed_server_ids = [] servers = self._get_servers_from_clc( server_ids, 'Failed to obtain server list from the CLC API') servers_to_change = [ server for server in servers if len( server.PublicIPs().public_ips) == 0] ports_to_expose = [{'protocol': protocol, 'port': port} for port in ports] for server in servers_to_change: if not self.module.check_mode: result = server.PublicIPs().Add(ports_to_expose) results.append(result) changed_server_ids.append(server.id) changed = True return changed, changed_server_ids, results def ensure_public_ip_absent(self, server_ids): """ Ensures the given server ids having the public ip removed if there is any :param server_ids: the list of server ids :return: (changed, changed_server_ids, results) changed: A flag indicating if there is any change changed_server_ids : the list of server ids that are changed results: The result list from clc public ip call """ changed = False results = [] changed_server_ids = [] servers = self._get_servers_from_clc( server_ids, 'Failed to obtain server list from the CLC API') servers_to_change = [ server for server in servers if len( server.PublicIPs().public_ips) > 0] ips_to_delete = [] for server in servers_to_change: for ip_address in server.PublicIPs().public_ips: ips_to_delete.append(ip_address) for server in servers_to_change: if not self.module.check_mode: for ip in ips_to_delete: result = ip.Delete() results.append(result) changed_server_ids.append(server.id) changed = True return changed, changed_server_ids, results def _wait_for_requests_to_complete(self, requests_lst): """ Waits until the CLC requests are complete if the wait argument is True :param requests_lst: The list of CLC request objects :return: none """ if not self.module.params['wait']: return for request in requests_lst: request.WaitUntilComplete() for request_details in request.requests: if request_details.Status() != 'succeeded': self.module.fail_json( msg='Unable to process public ip request') def _set_clc_credentials_from_env(self): """ Set the CLC Credentials on the sdk by reading environment variables :return: none """ env = os.environ v2_api_token = env.get('CLC_V2_API_TOKEN', False) v2_api_username = env.get('CLC_V2_API_USERNAME', False) v2_api_passwd = env.get('CLC_V2_API_PASSWD', False) clc_alias = env.get('CLC_ACCT_ALIAS', False) api_url = env.get('CLC_V2_API_URL', False) if api_url: self.clc.defaults.ENDPOINT_URL_V2 = api_url if v2_api_token and clc_alias: self.clc._LOGIN_TOKEN_V2 = v2_api_token self.clc._V2_ENABLED = True self.clc.ALIAS = clc_alias elif v2_api_username and v2_api_passwd: self.clc.v2.SetCredentials( api_username=v2_api_username, api_passwd=v2_api_passwd) else: return self.module.fail_json( msg="You must set the CLC_V2_API_USERNAME and CLC_V2_API_PASSWD " "environment variables") def _get_servers_from_clc(self, server_ids, message): """ Gets list of servers form CLC api """ try: return self.clc.v2.Servers(server_ids).servers except CLCException as exception: self.module.fail_json(msg=message + ': %s' % exception) @staticmethod def _set_user_agent(clc): if hasattr(clc, 'SetRequestsSession'): agent_string = "ClcAnsibleModule/" + __version__ ses = requests.Session() ses.headers.update({"Api-Client": agent_string}) ses.headers['User-Agent'] += " " + agent_string clc.SetRequestsSession(ses) def main(): """ The main function. Instantiates the module and calls process_request. :return: none """ module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=ClcPublicIp._define_module_argument_spec(), supports_check_mode=True ) clc_public_ip = ClcPublicIp(module) clc_public_ip.process_request() from ansible.module_utils.basic import * # pylint: disable=W0614 if __name__ == '__main__': main()