.. _porting_2.11_guide_base: ******************************* Ansible-base 2.11 Porting Guide ******************************* This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible-base 2.10 and Ansible-base 2.11. It is intended to assist in updating your playbooks, plugins and other parts of your Ansible infrastructure so they will work with this version of Ansible-base. We suggest you read this page along with the `Ansible-base Changelog for 2.11 `_ to understand what updates you may need to make. Ansible-base is mainly of interest for developers and users who only want to use a small, controlled subset of the available collections. Regular users should install ansible. The complete list of porting guides can be found at :ref:`porting guides `. .. contents:: Playbook ======== * The ``jinja2_native`` setting now does not affect the template module which implicitly returns strings. For the template lookup there is a new argument ``jinja2_native`` (off by default) to control that functionality. The rest of the Jinja2 expressions still operate based on the ``jinja2_native`` setting. Command Line ============ * The ``ansible-galaxy login`` command has been removed, as the underlying API it used for GitHub auth is being shut down. Publishing roles or collections to Galaxy via ``ansible-galaxy`` now requires that a Galaxy API token be passed to the CLI via a token file (default location ``~/.ansible/galaxy_token``) or (insecurely) via the ``--token`` argument to ``ansible-galaxy``. Other: ====== * The configuration system now validates the ``choices`` field, so any settings that currently violate it and are currently ignored will now cause an error. For example, `ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_ON_ANSIBLE_VERSION_MISMATCH=0` will now cause an error (valid chioces are 'ignore', 'warn' or 'error'. Deprecated ========== No notable changes Modules ======= * The ``apt_key`` module has explicitly defined ``file`` as mutually exclusive with ``data``, ``keyserver`` and ``url``. They cannot be used together anymore. * The ``meta`` module now supports tags for user-defined tasks. Set the task's tags to 'always' to maintain the previous behavior. Internal ``meta`` tasks continue to always run. Modules removed --------------- The following modules no longer exist: * No notable changes Deprecation notices ------------------- No notable changes Noteworthy module changes ------------------------- * facts - On NetBSD, ``ansible_virtualization_type`` now tries to report a more accurate result than ``xen`` when virtualized and not running on Xen. * facts - Virtualization facts now include ``virtualization_tech_guest`` and ``virtualization_tech_host`` keys. These are lists of virtualization technologies that a guest is a part of, or that a host provides, respectively. As an example, a host may be set up to provide both KVM and VirtualBox, and these will be included in ``virtualization_tech_host``, and a podman container running on a VM powered by KVM will have a ``virtualization_tech_guest`` of ``["kvm", "podman", "container"]``. * The parameter ``filter`` type is changed from ``string`` to ``list`` in the :ref:`setup ` module in order to use more than one filter. Previous behaviour (using a ``string``) still remains and works as a single filter. Plugins ======= * inventory plugins - ``CachePluginAdjudicator.flush()`` now calls the underlying cache plugin's ``flush()`` instead of only deleting keys that it knows about. Inventory plugins should use ``delete()`` to remove any specific keys. As a user, this means that when an inventory plugin calls its ``clear_cache()`` method, facts could also be flushed from the cache. To work around this, users can configure inventory plugins to use a cache backend that is independent of the facts cache. * callback plugins - ``meta`` task execution is now sent to ``v2_playbook_on_task_start`` like any other task. By default, only explicit meta tasks are sent there. Callback plugins can opt-in to receiving internal, implicitly created tasks to act on those as well, as noted in the plugin development documentation. * The ``choices`` are now validated, so plugins that were using incorrect or incomplete choices will now issue an error if the value provided does not match. This has a simple fix: update the entries in ``choices`` to match reality. Porting custom scripts ====================== No notable changes