--- # tasks file for test_ec2_asg - name: Test incomplete credentials with ec2_asg block: # ============================================================ - name: test invalid profile ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" region: "{{ aws_region }}" profile: notavalidprofile ignore_errors: yes register: result - name: assert: that: - "'The config profile (notavalidprofile) could not be found' in result.msg" - name: test partial credentials ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" region: "{{ aws_region }}" aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}" ignore_errors: yes register: result - name: assert: that: - "'Partial credentials found in explicit, missing: aws_secret_access_key' in result.msg" - name: test without specifying region ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}" security_token: "{{ security_token | default(omit) }}" ignore_errors: yes register: result - name: assert: that: - result.msg == 'The ec2_asg module requires a region and none was found in configuration, environment variables or module parameters' # ============================================================ - name: Test incomplete arguments with ec2_asg block: # ============================================================ - name: test without specifying required module options ec2_asg: aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}" security_token: "{{ security_token | default(omit) }}" ignore_errors: yes register: result - name: assert name is a required module option assert: that: - "result.msg == 'missing required arguments: name'" - name: Run ec2_asg integration tests. module_defaults: group/aws: aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}" security_token: "{{ security_token | default(omit) }}" region: "{{ aws_region }}" block: # ============================================================ - name: Find AMI to use ec2_ami_info: owners: 'amazon' filters: name: '{{ ec2_ami_name }}' register: ec2_amis - set_fact: ec2_ami_image: '{{ ec2_amis.images[0].image_id }}' - name: load balancer name has to be less than 32 characters # the 8 digit identifier at the end of resource_prefix helps determine during which test something # was created set_fact: load_balancer_name: "{{ item }}-lb" with_items: "{{ resource_prefix | regex_findall('.{8}$') }}" # Set up the testing dependencies: VPC, subnet, security group, and two launch configurations - name: Create VPC for use in testing ec2_vpc_net: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-vpc" cidr_block: tenancy: default register: testing_vpc - name: Create internet gateway for use in testing ec2_vpc_igw: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" state: present register: igw - name: Create subnet for use in testing ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" cidr: az: "{{ aws_region }}a" resource_tags: Name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-subnet" register: testing_subnet - name: create routing rules ec2_vpc_route_table: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" tags: created: "{{ resource_prefix }}-route" routes: - dest: gateway_id: "{{ igw.gateway_id }}" subnets: - "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" - name: create a security group with the vpc created in the ec2_setup ec2_group: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-sg" description: a security group for ansible tests vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" rules: - proto: tcp from_port: 22 to_port: 22 cidr_ip: - proto: tcp from_port: 80 to_port: 80 cidr_ip: register: sg - name: ensure launch configs exist ec2_lc: name: "{{ item }}" assign_public_ip: true image_id: "{{ ec2_ami_image }}" user_data: | #cloud-config package_upgrade: true package_update: true packages: - httpd runcmd: - "service httpd start" security_groups: "{{ sg.group_id }}" instance_type: t3.micro with_items: - "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" - "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc-2" # ============================================================ - name: launch asg and wait for instances to be deemed healthy (no ELB) ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" desired_capacity: 1 min_size: 1 max_size: 1 vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" state: present wait_for_instances: yes register: output - assert: that: - "output.viable_instances == 1" - name: Tag asg ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" tags: - tag_a: 'value 1' propagate_at_launch: no - tag_b: 'value 2' propagate_at_launch: yes register: output - assert: that: - "output.tags | length == 2" - output is changed - name: Re-Tag asg (different order) ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" tags: - tag_b: 'value 2' propagate_at_launch: yes - tag_a: 'value 1' propagate_at_launch: no register: output - assert: that: - "output.tags | length == 2" - output is not changed - name: Re-Tag asg new tags ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" tags: - tag_c: 'value 3' propagate_at_launch: no register: output - assert: that: - "output.tags | length == 1" - output is changed - name: Re-Tag asg update propagate_at_launch ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" tags: - tag_c: 'value 3' propagate_at_launch: yes register: output - assert: that: - "output.tags | length == 1" - output is changed - name: Enable metrics collection ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" metrics_collection: yes register: output - assert: that: - output is changed - name: Enable metrics collection (check idempotency) ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" metrics_collection: yes register: output - assert: that: - output is not changed - name: Disable metrics collection ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" metrics_collection: no register: output - assert: that: - output is changed - name: Disable metrics collection (check idempotency) ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" metrics_collection: no register: output - assert: that: - output is not changed # - name: pause for a bit to make sure that the group can't be trivially deleted # pause: seconds=30 - name: kill asg ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" state: absent wait_timeout: 800 async: 400 # ============================================================ - name: launch asg and do not wait for instances to be deemed healthy (no ELB) ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" desired_capacity: 1 min_size: 1 max_size: 1 vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" wait_for_instances: no state: present register: output - assert: that: - "output.viable_instances == 0" - name: kill asg ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" state: absent wait_timeout: 800 async: 400 # ============================================================ - name: create asg with asg metrics enabled ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" metrics_collection: true launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" desired_capacity: 0 min_size: 0 max_size: 0 vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" state: present register: output - assert: that: - "'Group' in output.metrics_collection.0.Metric" - name: kill asg ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" state: absent wait_timeout: 800 async: 400 # ============================================================ - name: launch load balancer ec2_elb_lb: name: "{{ load_balancer_name }}" state: present security_group_ids: - "{{ sg.group_id }}" subnets: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" connection_draining_timeout: 60 listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 health_check: ping_protocol: tcp ping_port: 80 ping_path: "/" response_timeout: 5 interval: 10 unhealthy_threshold: 4 healthy_threshold: 2 register: load_balancer - name: launch asg and wait for instances to be deemed healthy (ELB) ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" health_check_type: ELB desired_capacity: 1 min_size: 1 max_size: 1 health_check_period: 300 vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" load_balancers: "{{ load_balancer_name }}" wait_for_instances: yes wait_timeout: 900 state: present register: output - assert: that: - "output.viable_instances == 1" # ============================================================ # grow scaling group to 3 - name: add 2 more instances wait for instances to be deemed healthy (ELB) ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" health_check_type: ELB desired_capacity: 3 min_size: 3 max_size: 5 health_check_period: 600 vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" load_balancers: "{{ load_balancer_name }}" wait_for_instances: yes wait_timeout: 1200 state: present register: output - assert: that: - "output.viable_instances == 3" # ============================================================ # # perform rolling replace with different launch configuration - name: perform rolling update to new AMI ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc-2" health_check_type: ELB desired_capacity: 3 min_size: 1 max_size: 5 health_check_period: 900 load_balancers: "{{ load_balancer_name }}" vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" wait_for_instances: yes replace_all_instances: yes wait_timeout: 1800 state: present register: output # ensure that all instances have new launch config - assert: that: - "item.value.launch_config_name == '{{ resource_prefix }}-lc-2'" with_dict: "{{ output.instance_facts }}" # assert they are all healthy and that the rolling update resulted in the appropriate number of instances - assert: that: - "output.viable_instances == 3" # ============================================================ # perform rolling replace with the original launch configuration - name: perform rolling update to new AMI while removing the load balancer ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" health_check_type: EC2 desired_capacity: 3 min_size: 1 max_size: 5 health_check_period: 900 load_balancers: [] vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" wait_for_instances: yes replace_all_instances: yes wait_timeout: 1800 state: present register: output # ensure that all instances have new launch config - assert: that: - "item.value.launch_config_name == '{{ resource_prefix }}-lc'" with_dict: "{{ output.instance_facts }}" # assert they are all healthy and that the rolling update resulted in the appropriate number of instances # there should be the same number of instances as there were before the rolling update was performed - assert: that: - "output.viable_instances == 3" # ============================================================ # perform rolling replace with new launch configuration and lc_check:false # Note - this is done async so we can query asg_facts during # the execution. Issues #28087 and #35993 result in correct # end result, but spin up extraneous instances during execution. - name: "perform rolling update to new AMI with lc_check: false" ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc-2" health_check_type: EC2 desired_capacity: 3 min_size: 1 max_size: 5 health_check_period: 900 load_balancers: [] vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" wait_for_instances: yes replace_all_instances: yes replace_batch_size: 3 lc_check: false wait_timeout: 1800 state: present async: 1800 poll: 0 register: asg_job - name: get ec2_asg facts for 3 minutes ec2_asg_info: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" register: output loop_control: pause: 15 with_sequence: count=12 - set_fact: inst_id_json_query: 'results[*].results[*].instances[*].instance_id' # Since we started with 3 servers and replace all of them. # We should see 6 servers total. - assert: that: - "lookup('flattened',output|json_query(inst_id_json_query)).split(',')|unique|length == 6" - name: Ensure ec2_asg task completes async_status: jid="{{ asg_job.ansible_job_id }}" register: status until: status is finished retries: 200 delay: 15 # ============================================================ - name: kill asg ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" state: absent wait_timeout: 800 async: 400 # Create new asg with replace_all_instances and lc_check:false # Note - this is done async so we can query asg_facts during # the execution. Issues #28087 results in correct # end result, but spin up extraneous instances during execution. - name: "new asg with lc_check: false" ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" launch_config_name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" health_check_type: EC2 desired_capacity: 3 min_size: 1 max_size: 5 health_check_period: 900 load_balancers: [] vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" wait_for_instances: yes replace_all_instances: yes replace_batch_size: 3 lc_check: false wait_timeout: 1800 state: present async: 1800 poll: 0 register: asg_job # Collect ec2_asg_info for 3 minutes - name: get ec2_asg information ec2_asg_info: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" register: output loop_control: pause: 15 with_sequence: count=12 - set_fact: inst_id_json_query: 'results[*].results[*].instances[*].instance_id' # Get all instance_ids we saw and assert we saw number expected # Should only see 3 (don't replace instances we just created) - assert: that: - "lookup('flattened',output|json_query(inst_id_json_query)).split(',')|unique|length == 3" - name: Ensure ec2_asg task completes async_status: jid="{{ asg_job.ansible_job_id }}" register: status until: status is finished retries: 200 delay: 15 # ============================================================ always: - name: kill asg ec2_asg: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-asg" state: absent register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 # Remove the testing dependencies - name: remove the load balancer ec2_elb_lb: name: "{{ load_balancer_name }}" state: absent security_group_ids: - "{{ sg.group_id }}" subnets: "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" wait: yes connection_draining_timeout: 60 listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 health_check: ping_protocol: tcp ping_port: 80 ping_path: "/" response_timeout: 5 interval: 10 unhealthy_threshold: 4 healthy_threshold: 2 register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 - name: remove launch configs ec2_lc: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" state: absent register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 with_items: - "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc" - "{{ resource_prefix }}-lc-2" - name: remove the security group ec2_group: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-sg" description: a security group for ansible tests vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" state: absent register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 - name: remove routing rules ec2_vpc_route_table: state: absent vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" tags: created: "{{ resource_prefix }}-route" routes: - dest: gateway_id: "{{ igw.gateway_id }}" subnets: - "{{ testing_subnet.subnet.id }}" register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 - name: remove internet gateway ec2_vpc_igw: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" state: absent register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 - name: remove the subnet ec2_vpc_subnet: state: absent vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" cidr: register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 - name: remove the VPC ec2_vpc_net: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-vpc" cidr_block: state: absent register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10