# slightly non-destructive tests that will run if WMF 5.0 is installed --- - name: start with feature absent win_feature: name: '{{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}' state: absent - name: fail with incorrect DSC resource name win_dsc: resource_name: FakeResource Name: fake register: fail_invalid_resource failed_when: fail_invalid_resource.msg != "Resource FakeResource not found" - name: fail by not setting mandatory option win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsFeature Ensure: Present register: fail_missing_mandatory failed_when: fail_missing_mandatory.msg != "Could not find mandatory property Name. Add this property and try again." - name: fail to add a non-existant feature win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsFeature Name: InvalidFeature Ensure: Present register: fail_invalid_feature failed_when: '"The requested feature InvalidFeature is not found on the target machine" not in fail_invalid_feature.msg' - name: add Windows feature (check mode) win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsFeature Name: '{{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}' Ensure: Present register: win_dsc_add_feature_check check_mode: yes - name: get result of add Windows feature (check mode) win_shell: (Get-WindowsFeature -Name {{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}).Installed register: win_dsc_add_feature_result_check - name: assert result of add Windows feature (check mode) assert: that: - win_dsc_add_feature_check|changed - win_dsc_add_feature_result_check.stdout == "False\r\n" - name: add Windows feature win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsFeature Name: '{{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}' Ensure: Present register: win_dsc_add_feature - name: get result of add Windows feature win_shell: (Get-WindowsFeature -Name {{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}).Installed register: win_dsc_add_feature_result - name: assert result of add Windows feature assert: that: - win_dsc_add_feature|changed - win_dsc_add_feature_result.stdout == "True\r\n" - name: add Windows feature (idempotent) win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsFeature Name: '{{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}' Ensure: Present register: win_dsc_add_feature_again - name: assert result of add Windows feature (idempotent) assert: that: - not win_dsc_add_feature_again|changed - name: remove Windows feature (check mode) win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsFeature Name: '{{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}' Ensure: Absent register: win_dsc_remove_feature_check check_mode: yes - name: get result of remove Windows feature (check mode) win_shell: (Get-WindowsFeature -Name {{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}).Installed register: win_dsc_remove_feature_result_check - name: assert result of remove Windows feature (check mode) assert: that: - win_dsc_remove_feature_check|changed - win_dsc_remove_feature_result_check.stdout == "True\r\n" - name: remove Windows feature win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsFeature Name: '{{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}' Ensure: Absent register: win_dsc_remove_feature - name: get result of remove Windows feature win_shell: (Get-WindowsFeature -Name {{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}).Installed register: win_dsc_remove_feature_result - name: assert result of remove Windows feature assert: that: - win_dsc_remove_feature|changed - win_dsc_remove_feature_result.stdout == "False\r\n" - name: remove Windows feature (idempotent) win_dsc: resource_name: WindowsFeature Name: '{{test_win_dsc_feature_name}}' Ensure: Absent register: win_dsc_remove_feature_again - name: assert result of remove Windows feature (idempotent) assert: that: - not win_dsc_remove_feature_again|changed - name: ensure test folder doesn't exist before test win_file: path: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}' state: absent - name: create test file (check mode) win_dsc: resource_name: File DestinationPath: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\dsc-file' Contents: file contents Attributes: - Hidden - ReadOnly Ensure: Present Type: File register: win_dsc_create_file_check check_mode: yes - name: get result of create test file (check mode) win_stat: path: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\dsc-file' register: win_dsc_create_file_result_check - name: assert results of create test file (check mode) assert: that: - win_dsc_create_file_check|changed - win_dsc_create_file_result_check.stat.exists == False - name: create test file win_dsc: resource_name: File DestinationPath: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\dsc-file' Contents: file contents Attributes: - Hidden - ReadOnly Ensure: Present Type: File register: win_dsc_create_file - name: get result of create test file win_stat: path: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\dsc-file' register: win_dsc_create_file_result - name: assert results of create test file assert: that: - win_dsc_create_file|changed - win_dsc_create_file_result.stat.exists == True - win_dsc_create_file_result.stat.isdir == False - win_dsc_create_file_result.stat.ishidden == True - win_dsc_create_file_result.stat.isreadonly == True - name: create test file (idempotent) win_dsc: resource_name: File DestinationPath: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\dsc-file' Contents: file contents Attributes: Hidden, ReadOnly Ensure: Present Type: File register: win_dsc_create_file_again - name: assert results of create test file (idempotent) assert: that: - not win_dsc_create_file_again|changed - name: get SID of current ansible user win_shell: (New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("{{ansible_user}}")).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).ToString() register: win_dsc_actual_sid - name: run DSC process as another user win_dsc: resource_name: Script GetScript: '@{ Result = "" }' SetScript: | $output = &whoami.exe $sid = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($output)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).ToString() Set-Content -Path "{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\file" -Value $sid TestScript: Test-Path -Path "{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\file" PsDscRunAsCredential_username: '{{ansible_user}}' PsDscRunAsCredential_password: '{{ansible_password}}' register: win_dsc_runas - name: get content of script output file slurp: path: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\file' register: win_dsc_runas_result - name: assert results of run DSC process as another user assert: that: - win_dsc_runas|changed - win_dsc_runas_result.content|b64decode == win_dsc_actual_sid.stdout - name: create custom DSC resource folder win_file: path: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\xTestDsc\{{item}}\DSCResources\ANSIBLE_xTestResource state: directory with_items: - "1.0.0" - "2.0.0" - name: template custom DSC resource files win_template: src: '{{item.src}}' dest: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\xTestDsc\{{item.version}}\{{item.dest}} with_items: - src: ANSIBLE_xTestResource.schema.mof dest: DSCResources\ANSIBLE_xTestResource\ANSIBLE_xTestResource.schema.mof version: "1.0.0" - src: ANSIBLE_xTestResource.psm1 dest: DSCResources\ANSIBLE_xTestResource\ANSIBLE_xTestResource.psm1 version: "1.0.0" - src: xTestDsc.psd1 dest: xTestDsc.psd1 version: "1.0.0" - src: ANSIBLE_xTestResource.schema.mof dest: DSCResources\ANSIBLE_xTestResource\ANSIBLE_xTestResource.schema.mof version: "2.0.0" - src: ANSIBLE_xTestResource.psm1 dest: DSCResources\ANSIBLE_xTestResource\ANSIBLE_xTestResource.psm1 version: "2.0.0" - src: xTestDsc.psd1 dest: xTestDsc.psd1 version: "2.0.0" - name: run custom DSC resource win_dsc: &dsc_params resource_name: xTestResource Path: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\custom-output.txt' Ensure: Present StringParam: string param UInt32Param: 1000 UInt64Param: 1000000 StringArrayParam: - string 1 - string 2 UInt32ArrayParam: - 1000 - 2000 UInt64ArrayParam: - 1000000 - 2000000 BooleanParam: yes PSCredentialParam_username: username PSCredentialParam_password: password CimInstanceParam: StringKey: a BooleanKey: yes UInt32Key: 1 StringArrayKey: - string 1 - string 2 CimInstanceArrayParam: - StringKey: b BooleanKey: no UInt32Key: 2 StringArrayKey: - string 3 - string 4 - StringKey: c BooleanKey: no UInt32Key: 3 StringArrayKey: - string 5 - string 6 register: test_dsc_custom - name: get output of custom DSC resource slurp: path: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\custom-output.txt' register: test_dsc_custom_output - name: get expected output of custom DSC resource set_fact: test_dsc_custom_expected: '{{lookup("file", "custom-result-normal.txt")}}' - name: assert result of custom DSC resource assert: that: - test_dsc_custom|changed - test_dsc_custom_output.content|b64decode|strip_newline == test_dsc_custom_expected|strip_newline - name: run custom DSC resource with version win_dsc: <<: *dsc_params module_version: '1.0.0' register: test_dsc_custom_version - name: get output of custom DSC resource with version slurp: path: '{{test_win_dsc_folder}}\custom-output.txt' register: test_dsc_custom_output_version - name: get expected output of custom DSC resource with version set_fact: test_dsc_custom_expected_version: '{{lookup("file", "custom-result-versioned.txt")}}' - name: assert result of custom DSC resource with version assert: that: - test_dsc_custom|changed - test_dsc_custom_output_version.content|b64decode|strip_newline == test_dsc_custom_expected_version|strip_newline