#!/bin/sh if [ "${SHIPPABLE}" = "true" ]; then echo "It appears this job is running on Shippable instead of Travis." if [ "${IS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "true" ]; then echo "Please rebase the branch used for this pull request." else echo "This branch needs to be updated to work with Shippable." fi exit 1 fi set -e set -u set -x LINKS="--link=httptester:ansible.http.tests --link=httptester:sni1.ansible.http.tests --link=httptester:sni2.ansible.http.tests --link=httptester:fail.ansible.http.tests" if [ "${TARGET}" = "sanity" ]; then ./test/code-smell/replace-urlopen.sh . ./test/code-smell/use-compat-six.sh lib ./test/code-smell/boilerplate.sh ./test/code-smell/required-and-default-attributes.sh if test x"$TOXENV" != x'py24' ; then tox ; fi if test x"$TOXENV" = x'py24' ; then python2.4 -V && python2.4 -m compileall -fq -x 'module_utils/(a10|rax|openstack|ec2|gce|docker_common|azure_rm_common|vca|vmware|gcp|gcdns).py' lib/ansible/module_utils ; fi else if [ ! -e /tmp/cid_httptester ]; then docker pull ansible/ansible:httptester docker run -d --name=httptester ansible/ansible:httptester > /tmp/cid_httptester fi export C_NAME="testAbull_$$_$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 8 | head -n 1)" docker pull ansible/ansible:${TARGET} # enable colors if output is going to a terminal COLOR_SETTINGS="" if [ -t 1 ]; then COLOR_SETTINGS="--env TERM=$TERM" fi docker run -d --volume="${PWD}:/root/ansible:Z" $LINKS --name "${C_NAME}" $COLOR_SETTINGS --env HTTPTESTER=1 ${TARGET_OPTIONS:=''} ansible/ansible:${TARGET} > /tmp/cid_${TARGET} docker exec -ti $(cat /tmp/cid_${TARGET}) /bin/sh -c "export TEST_FLAGS='${TEST_FLAGS:-''}'; cd /root/ansible; . hacking/env-setup; (cd test/integration; LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 make ${MAKE_TARGET:-})" docker kill $(cat /tmp/cid_${TARGET}) if [ "X${TESTS_KEEP_CONTAINER:-""}" = "X" ]; then docker rm -vf "${C_NAME}" fi fi