.TH ANSIBLE.VIRT 5 "2012-10-03" "0.8" "ANSIBLE MODULES" ." generated from library/virt .SH NAME virt \- Manages virtual machines supported by libvirt ." ------ DESCRIPTION .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Manages virtual machines supported by \fIlibvirt\fR. ." ------ OPTIONS ." ." .SH OPTIONS .IP state Note that there may be some lag for state requests like \fCshutdown\fR since these refer only to VM states. After starting a guest, it may not be immediately accessible. .IR Choices : running,shutdown,destroyed,undefined. (default: no) .IP command in addition to state management, various non-idempotent commands are available. See examples .IP name name of the guest VM being managed(required)." ." ." ------ NOTES .SH NOTES .PP Other non-idempotent commands are: \fCstatus\fR, \fCpause\fR, \fCunpause\fR, \fCget_xml\fR, \fCautostart\fR, \fCfreemem\fR, \fClist_vms\fR, \fCinfo\fR, \fCnodeinfo\fR, \fCvirttype\fR ." ." ." ------ EXAMPLES .SH EXAMPLES .PP .nf virt guest=alpha state=running .fi .PP .nf ansible host -m virt -a "guest=alpha command=status" .fi ." ------- AUTHOR .SH AUTHOR Michael DeHaan, Seth Vidal .SH SEE ALSO .IR ansible (1), .I http://ansible.github.com/modules.html#virt