#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux -o pipefail ansible-playbook setup.yml # Need a relative custom roles path for testing various scenarios of -p galaxy_relative_rolespath="my/custom/roles/path" # Prep the local git repo with a role and make a tar archive so we can test # different things galaxy_local_test_role="test-role" galaxy_local_test_role_dir=$(mktemp -d) galaxy_local_test_role_git_repo="${galaxy_local_test_role_dir}/${galaxy_local_test_role}" galaxy_local_test_role_tar="${galaxy_local_test_role_dir}/${galaxy_local_test_role}.tar" pushd "${galaxy_local_test_role_dir}" ansible-galaxy init "${galaxy_local_test_role}" pushd "${galaxy_local_test_role}" git init . # Prep git, becuase it doesn't work inside a docker container without it git config user.email "tester@ansible.com" git config user.name "Ansible Tester" git add . git commit -m "local testing ansible galaxy role" git archive \ --format=tar \ --prefix="${galaxy_local_test_role}/" \ master > "${galaxy_local_test_role_tar}" popd # "${galaxy_local_test_role}" popd # "${galaxy_local_test_role_dir}" # Status message function (f_ to designate that it's a function) f_ansible_galaxy_status() { printf "### Testing ansible-galaxy: %s\n" "${@}" } # Galaxy install test case # # Install local git repo f_ansible_galaxy_status "install of local git repo" galaxy_testdir=$(mktemp -d) pushd "${galaxy_testdir}" ansible-galaxy install git+file:///"${galaxy_local_test_role_git_repo}" # Test that the role was installed to the expected directory [[ -d "${HOME}/.ansible/roles/${galaxy_local_test_role}" ]] popd # ${galaxy_testdir} rm -fr "${galaxy_testdir}" # Galaxy install test case # # Install local git repo and ensure that if a role_path is passed, it is in fact used f_ansible_galaxy_status "install of local git repo with -p \$role_path" galaxy_testdir=$(mktemp -d) pushd "${galaxy_testdir}" mkdir -p "${galaxy_relative_rolespath}" ansible-galaxy install git+file:///"${galaxy_local_test_role_git_repo}" -p "${galaxy_relative_rolespath}" # Test that the role was installed to the expected directory [[ -d "${galaxy_relative_rolespath}/${galaxy_local_test_role}" ]] popd # ${galaxy_testdir} rm -fr "${galaxy_testdir}" # Galaxy install test case # # Ensure that if both a role_file and role_path is provided, they are both # honored # # Protect against regression (GitHub Issue #35217) # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/35217 f_ansible_galaxy_status \ "install of local git repo and local tarball with -p \$role_path and -r \$role_file" \ "Protect against regression (Issue #35217)" galaxy_testdir=$(mktemp -d) pushd "${galaxy_testdir}" git clone "${galaxy_local_test_role_git_repo}" "${galaxy_local_test_role}" ansible-galaxy init roles-path-bug pushd roles-path-bug cat <<EOF > ansible.cfg [defaults] roles_path = ../:../../:../roles:roles/ EOF cat <<EOF > requirements.yml --- - src: ${galaxy_local_test_role_tar} name: ${galaxy_local_test_role} EOF ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p roles/ popd # roles-path-bug # Test that the role was installed to the expected directory [[ -d "${galaxy_testdir}/roles-path-bug/roles/${galaxy_local_test_role}" ]] popd # ${galaxy_testdir} rm -fr "${galaxy_testdir}" rm -fr "${galaxy_local_test_role_dir}"