# test code for the authorized_key module # (c) 2014, James Cammarata # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup steps - name: copy an existing file in place with comments copy: src: existing_authorized_keys dest: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" - name: add multiple keys different order authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ multiple_key_different_order_2 }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: get the file content shell: cat "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" changed_when: no register: multiple_keys_existing - name: assert that the key was added and comments and ordering preserved assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - '"# I like candy" in multiple_keys_existing.stdout' - '"# I like candy" in multiple_keys_existing.stdout_lines[0]' - '"ssh-rsa DATA_BASIC 1@testing" in multiple_keys_existing.stdout' # The specific index is a little fragile, but I want to verify the line shows up # as the 3rd line in the new entries after the existing entries and comments are preserved - '"ssh-rsa DATA_BASIC 1@testing" in multiple_keys_existing.stdout_lines[7]' # start afresh - name: remove file foo.txt file: path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" state: absent - name: touch the authorized_keys file file: dest: "{{ output_dir }}/authorized_keys" state: touch register: result - name: assert that the authorized_keys file was created assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.state == "file"' - name: add multiple keys authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ multiple_key_base }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == multiple_key_base' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: add multiple keys different order authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ multiple_key_different_order }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == multiple_key_different_order' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: add multiple keys exclusive authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ multiple_key_exclusive }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" exclusive: true register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == multiple_key_exclusive' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: add multiple keys in different calls authorized_key: user: root key: "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ECDSA_DATA 4@testing" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: add multiple keys in different calls authorized_key: user: root key: "ssh-rsa DATA_BASIC 1@testing" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: get the file content shell: cat "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" changed_when: no register: multiple_keys_at_a_time - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == false' - 'multiple_keys_at_a_time.stdout == multiple_key_exclusive.strip()' - name: add multiple keys comment authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ multiple_keys_comments }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" exclusive: true register: result - name: get the file content shell: cat "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" changed_when: no register: multiple_keys_comments - name: assert that the keys exist and comment only lines were not added assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' - 'multiple_keys_comments.stdout == multiple_key_exclusive.strip()' - 'result.key_options == None' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # basic ssh-dss key - name: add basic ssh-dss key authorized_key: user=root key="{{ dss_key_basic }}" state=present path="{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == dss_key_basic' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: re-add basic ssh-dss key authorized_key: user=root key="{{ dss_key_basic }}" state=present path="{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that nothing changed assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ssh-dss key with an unquoted option - name: add ssh-dss key with an unquoted option authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_unquoted_option }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == dss_key_unquoted_option' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: re-add ssh-dss key with an unquoted option authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_unquoted_option }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that nothing changed assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ssh-dss key with a leading command="/bin/foo" - name: add ssh-dss key with a leading command authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_command }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == dss_key_command' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: re-add ssh-dss key with a leading command authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_command }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that nothing changed assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ssh-dss key with a complex quoted leading command # ie. command="/bin/echo foo 'bar baz'" - name: add ssh-dss key with a complex quoted leading command authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_complex_command }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == dss_key_complex_command' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: re-add ssh-dss key with a complex quoted leading command authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_complex_command }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that nothing changed assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ssh-dss key with a command and a single option, which are # in a comma-separated list - name: add ssh-dss key with a command and a single option authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_command_single_option }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == dss_key_command_single_option' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: re-add ssh-dss key with a command and a single option authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_command_single_option }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that nothing changed assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ssh-dss key with a command and multiple other options - name: add ssh-dss key with a command and multiple options authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_command_multiple_options }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == dss_key_command_multiple_options' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: re-add ssh-dss key with a command and multiple options authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_command_multiple_options }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that nothing changed assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ssh-dss key with multiple trailing parts, which are space- # separated and not quoted in any way - name: add ssh-dss key with trailing parts authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_trailing }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == dss_key_trailing' - 'result.key_options == None' - name: re-add ssh-dss key with trailing parts authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_trailing }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that nothing changed assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # basic ssh-dss key with mutliple permit-open options # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/issues/1715 - name: add basic ssh-dss key with multi-opts authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ dss_key_basic }}" key_options: 'no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,permitopen="",permitopen=""' state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: assert that the key with multi-opts was added assert: that: - 'result.changed == True' - 'result.key == dss_key_basic' - 'result.key_options == "no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,permitopen=\"\",permitopen=\"\""' - name: get the file content shell: cat "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" | fgrep DATA_BASIC changed_when: no register: content - name: validate content assert: that: - 'content.stdout == "no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,permitopen=\"\",permitopen=\"\" ssh-dss DATA_BASIC root@testing"' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # check mode - name: copy an existing file in place with comments copy: src: existing_authorized_keys dest: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" - authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ multiple_key_different_order_2 }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" check_mode: True register: result - name: assert that the file was not changed copy: src: existing_authorized_keys dest: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - assert: that: - 'result.changed == False' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # comments - name: Add rsa key with existing comment authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ rsa_key_basic }}" state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: Change the comment on an existing key authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ rsa_key_basic }}" comment: user@acme.com state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: get the file content shell: cat "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" | fgrep DATA_BASIC changed_when: no register: content - name: Assert that comment on an existing key was changed assert: that: - "'user@acme.com' in content.stdout" - name: Set the same key with comment to ensure no changes are reported authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ rsa_key_basic }}" comment: user@acme.com state: present path: "{{ output_dir | expanduser }}/authorized_keys" register: result - name: Assert that no changes were made when running again assert: that: - not result.changed - debug: var: "{{ item }}" verbosity: 1 with_items: - result - content