#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux -o pipefail cp -a "${TEST_DIR}/ansible_collections" "${WORK_DIR}" cd "${WORK_DIR}/ansible_collections/ns/col" # common args for all tests # each test will be run in a separate venv to verify that requirements have been properly specified common=(--venv --python "${ANSIBLE_TEST_PYTHON_VERSION}" --color --truncate 0 "${@}") # sanity tests tests=() set +x while IFS='' read -r line; do tests+=("$line"); done < <( ansible-test sanity --list-tests ) set -x for test in "${tests[@]}"; do rm -rf "tests/output" ansible-test sanity "${common[@]}" --test "${test}" done # unit tests rm -rf "tests/output" ansible-test units "${common[@]}" # integration tests rm -rf "tests/output" ansible-test integration "${common[@]}"