#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux # We need to run these tests with both the powershell and cmd shell type ### cmd tests - no DefaultShell set ### ansible -i ../../inventory.winrm localhost \ -m template \ -a "src=test_connection.inventory.j2 dest=${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_connection.inventory" \ -e "test_shell_type=cmd" \ "$@" # https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/wiki/DefaultShell ansible -i ../../inventory.winrm windows \ -m win_regedit \ -a "path=HKLM:\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\OpenSSH name=DefaultShell state=absent" \ "$@" # Need to flush the connection to ensure we get a new shell for the next tests ansible -i "${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_connection.inventory" windows-ssh \ -m meta -a "reset_connection" \ "$@" # sftp ./windows.sh "$@" # scp ANSIBLE_SCP_IF_SSH=true ./windows.sh "$@" # other tests not part of the generic connection test framework ansible-playbook -i "${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_connection.inventory" tests.yml \ "$@" ### powershell tests - explicit DefaultShell set ### # we do this last as the default shell on our CI instances is set to PowerShell ansible -i ../../inventory.winrm localhost \ -m template \ -a "src=test_connection.inventory.j2 dest=${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_connection.inventory" \ -e "test_shell_type=powershell" \ "$@" # ensure the default shell is set to PowerShell ansible -i ../../inventory.winrm windows \ -m win_regedit \ -a "path=HKLM:\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\OpenSSH name=DefaultShell data=C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\powershell.exe" \ "$@" ansible -i "${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_connection.inventory" windows-ssh \ -m meta -a "reset_connection" \ "$@" ./windows.sh "$@" ANSIBLE_SCP_IF_SSH=true ./windows.sh "$@" ansible-playbook -i "${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_connection.inventory" tests.yml \ "$@"