- name: Prepare random number set_fact: rpfx: "{{ resource_group | hash('md5') | truncate(7, True, '') }}{{ 1000 | random }}" run_once: yes - name: Create a virtual network azure_rm_virtualnetwork: name: vnet{{ rpfx }} resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" address_prefixes_cidr: - - dns_servers: - - - name: Create a subnet azure_rm_subnet: name: subnet{{ rpfx }} virtual_network_name: vnet{{ rpfx }} resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" address_prefix_cidr: register: subnet_output - name: Create instance of Application Gateway -- check mode azure_rm_appgateway: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "appgateway{{ rpfx }}" sku: name: standard_small tier: standard capacity: 2 ssl_policy: policy_type: predefined policy_name: ssl_policy20150501 disabled_ssl_protocols: - tls_v1_0 cipher_suites: - tls_ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 authentication_certificates: - name: cert1 data: "{{ lookup('file', 'cert1.txt') }}" ssl_certificates: - name: cert2 password: your-password data: "{{ lookup('file', 'cert2.txt') }}" gateway_ip_configurations: - subnet: id: "{{ subnet_output.state.id }}" name: app_gateway_ip_config frontend_ip_configurations: - subnet: id: "{{ subnet_output.state.id }}" name: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_ports: - port: 90 name: ag_frontend_port - port: 80 name: http_frontend_port backend_address_pools: - backend_addresses: - ip_address: name: test_backend_address_pool probes: - name: custom_probe protocol: http host: path: /healthz interval: 30 timeout: 30 unhealthy_threshold: 3 backend_http_settings_collection: - port: 80 protocol: http cookie_based_affinity: enabled probe: custom_probe name: sample_appgateway_http_settings http_listeners: - frontend_ip_configuration: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_port: ag_frontend_port protocol: https ssl_certificate: cert2 name: sample_http_listener - frontend_ip_configuration: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_port: http_frontend_port protocol: http name: http_listener request_routing_rules: - rule_type: basic backend_address_pool: test_backend_address_pool backend_http_settings: sample_appgateway_http_settings http_listener: sample_http_listener name: rule1 - rule_type: basic http_listener: http_listener redirect_configuration: redirect_site_to_https name: http_redirect_rule redirect_configurations: - redirect_type: permanent target_listener: sample_http_listener include_path: true include_query_string: true name: redirect_site_to_https check_mode: yes register: output - name: Assert the resource instance is well created assert: that: - output.changed - name: dump debug: var: output - name: Create instance of Application Gateway azure_rm_appgateway: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "appgateway{{ rpfx }}" sku: name: standard_small tier: standard capacity: 2 ssl_policy: policy_type: predefined policy_name: ssl_policy20150501 disabled_ssl_protocols: - tls_v1_0 cipher_suites: - tls_ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 authentication_certificates: - name: cert1 data: "{{ lookup('file', 'cert1.txt') }}" ssl_certificates: - name: cert2 password: your-password data: "{{ lookup('file', 'cert2.txt') }}" gateway_ip_configurations: - subnet: id: "{{ subnet_output.state.id }}" name: app_gateway_ip_config frontend_ip_configurations: - subnet: id: "{{ subnet_output.state.id }}" name: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_ports: - port: 90 name: ag_frontend_port - port: 80 name: http_frontend_port backend_address_pools: - backend_addresses: - ip_address: name: test_backend_address_pool probes: - name: custom_probe protocol: http host: path: /healthz interval: 30 timeout: 30 unhealthy_threshold: 3 backend_http_settings_collection: - port: 80 protocol: http cookie_based_affinity: enabled probe: custom_probe name: sample_appgateway_http_settings http_listeners: - frontend_ip_configuration: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_port: ag_frontend_port protocol: https ssl_certificate: cert2 name: sample_http_listener - frontend_ip_configuration: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_port: http_frontend_port protocol: http name: http_listener request_routing_rules: - rule_type: Basic backend_address_pool: test_backend_address_pool backend_http_settings: sample_appgateway_http_settings http_listener: sample_http_listener name: rule1 - rule_type: Basic http_listener: http_listener redirect_configuration: redirect_site_to_https name: http_redirect_rule redirect_configurations: - redirect_type: permanent target_listener: sample_http_listener include_path: true include_query_string: true name: redirect_site_to_https register: output - name: Assert the resource instance is well created assert: that: - output.changed - name: Try to update instance of Application Gateway - no change azure_rm_appgateway: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "appgateway{{ rpfx }}" sku: name: standard_small tier: standard capacity: 2 ssl_policy: policy_type: predefined policy_name: ssl_policy20150501 disabled_ssl_protocols: - tls_v1_0 cipher_suites: - tls_ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 authentication_certificates: - name: cert1 data: "{{ lookup('file', 'cert1.txt') }}" ssl_certificates: - name: cert2 password: your-password data: "{{ lookup('file', 'cert2.txt') }}" gateway_ip_configurations: - subnet: id: "{{ subnet_output.state.id }}" name: app_gateway_ip_config frontend_ip_configurations: - subnet: id: "{{ subnet_output.state.id }}" name: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_ports: - port: 90 name: ag_frontend_port - port: 80 name: http_frontend_port backend_address_pools: - backend_addresses: - ip_address: name: test_backend_address_pool probes: - name: custom_probe protocol: http host: path: /healthz interval: 30 timeout: 30 unhealthy_threshold: 3 backend_http_settings_collection: - port: 80 protocol: http cookie_based_affinity: enabled probe: custom_probe name: sample_appgateway_http_settings http_listeners: - frontend_ip_configuration: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_port: ag_frontend_port protocol: https ssl_certificate: cert2 name: sample_http_listener - frontend_ip_configuration: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_port: http_frontend_port protocol: http name: http_listener request_routing_rules: - rule_type: Basic backend_address_pool: test_backend_address_pool backend_http_settings: sample_appgateway_http_settings http_listener: sample_http_listener name: rule1 - rule_type: Basic http_listener: http_listener redirect_configuration: redirect_site_to_https name: http_redirect_rule redirect_configurations: - redirect_type: permanent target_listener: sample_http_listener include_path: true include_query_string: true name: redirect_site_to_https register: output - name: Assert the resource instance is well created assert: that: - not output.changed - name: Try to update instance of Application Gateway - single change azure_rm_appgateway: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "appgateway{{ rpfx }}" sku: name: standard_small tier: standard capacity: 2 ssl_policy: policy_type: predefined policy_name: ssl_policy20150501 disabled_ssl_protocols: - tls_v1_0 cipher_suites: - tls_ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 authentication_certificates: - name: cert1 data: "{{ lookup('file', 'cert1.txt') }}" ssl_certificates: - name: cert2 password: your-password data: "{{ lookup('file', 'cert2.txt') }}" gateway_ip_configurations: - subnet: id: "{{ subnet_output.state.id }}" name: app_gateway_ip_config frontend_ip_configurations: - subnet: id: "{{ subnet_output.state.id }}" name: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_ports: - port: 90 name: ag_frontend_port - port: 80 name: http_frontend_port backend_address_pools: - backend_addresses: - ip_address: name: test_backend_address_pool probes: - name: custom_probe protocol: http host: path: /healthz interval: 30 timeout: 30 unhealthy_threshold: 3 backend_http_settings_collection: - port: 81 protocol: http cookie_based_affinity: enabled probe: custom_probe name: sample_appgateway_http_settings http_listeners: - frontend_ip_configuration: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_port: ag_frontend_port protocol: https ssl_certificate: cert2 name: sample_http_listener - frontend_ip_configuration: sample_gateway_frontend_ip_config frontend_port: http_frontend_port protocol: http name: http_listener request_routing_rules: - rule_type: Basic backend_address_pool: test_backend_address_pool backend_http_settings: sample_appgateway_http_settings http_listener: sample_http_listener name: rule1 - rule_type: Basic http_listener: http_listener redirect_configuration: redirect_site_to_https name: http_redirect_rule redirect_configurations: - redirect_type: permanent target_listener: sample_http_listener include_path: true include_query_string: true name: redirect_site_to_https register: output - name: Assert the resource instance is well created assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete instance of Application Gateway -- check mode azure_rm_appgateway: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "appgateway{{ rpfx }}" state: absent check_mode: yes register: output - name: Assert the state has changed assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete instance of Application Gateway azure_rm_appgateway: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "appgateway{{ rpfx }}" state: absent register: output - name: Assert the state has changed assert: that: - output.changed - name: Delete unexisting instance of Application Gateway azure_rm_appgateway: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: "appgateway{{ rpfx }}" state: absent register: output - name: Assert the state has changed assert: that: - output.changed == false