--- # These tests are likely slower than they should be, since each # invocation of apt_repository seems to end up querying for # lots (all?) configured repos. - set_fact: test_repo_spec: "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ {{ ansible_distribution_release }}-pgdg main" test_repo_path: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt_postgresql_org_pub_repos_apt.list - include: mode_cleanup.yaml - name: Add GPG key to verify signatures apt_key: id: 7FCC7D46ACCC4CF8 keyserver: keyserver.ubuntu.com - name: Mode specified as yaml literal 0600 apt_repository: repo: "{{ test_repo_spec }}" state: present mode: 0600 register: mode_given_results - name: Gather mode_given_as_literal_yaml stat stat: path: "{{ test_repo_path }}" register: mode_given_yaml_literal_0600 - name: Show mode_given_yaml_literal_0600 debug: var: mode_given_yaml_literal_0600 - include: mode_cleanup.yaml - name: Assert mode_given_yaml_literal_0600 is correct assert: that: "mode_given_yaml_literal_0600.stat.mode == '0600'" - name: No mode specified apt_repository: repo: "{{ test_repo_spec }}" state: present mode: 0644 register: no_mode_results - name: Gather no mode stat stat: path: "{{ test_repo_path }}" register: no_mode_stat - name: Show no mode stat debug: var: no_mode_stat - include: mode_cleanup.yaml - name: Assert no_mode_stat is correct assert: that: "no_mode_stat.stat.mode == '0644'" - name: Mode specified as string 0600 apt_repository: repo: "{{ test_repo_spec }}" state: present mode: "0600" register: mode_given_string_results - name: Gather mode_given_string stat stat: path: "{{ test_repo_path }}" register: mode_given_string_stat - name: Show mode_given_string_stat debug: var: mode_given_string_stat - include: mode_cleanup.yaml - name: Mode specified as string 600 apt_repository: repo: "{{ test_repo_spec }}" state: present mode: "600" register: mode_given_string_600_results - name: Gather mode_given_600_string stat stat: path: "{{ test_repo_path }}" register: mode_given_string_600_stat - name: Show mode_given_string_stat debug: var: mode_given_string_600_stat - include: mode_cleanup.yaml - name: Assert mode is correct assert: that: "mode_given_string_600_stat.stat.mode == '0600'" - name: Mode specified as yaml literal 600 apt_repository: repo: "{{ test_repo_spec }}" state: present mode: 600 register: mode_given_short_results - name: Gather mode_given_yaml_literal_600 stat stat: path: "{{ test_repo_path }}" register: mode_given_yaml_literal_600 - name: Show mode_given_yaml_literal_600 debug: var: mode_given_yaml_literal_600 - include: mode_cleanup.yaml # a literal 600 as the mode will fail currently, in the sense that it # doesn't guess and consider 600 and 0600 to be the same, and will instead # intepret literal 600 as the decimal 600 (and thereby octal 1130). # The literal 0600 can be interpreted as octal correctly. Note that # a decimal 644 is octal 420. The default perm is 0644 so a mis intrpretation # of 644 was previously resulting in a default file mode of 0420. # 'mode: 600' is likely not what a user meant but there isnt enough info # to determine that. Note that a string arg of '600' will be intrepeted as 0600. # See https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/16370 - name: Assert mode_given_yaml_literal_600 is correct assert: that: "mode_given_yaml_literal_600.stat.mode == '1130'"