#!powershell # This file is part of Ansible # # (c) 2015, Adam Keech , Josh Ludwig # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # WANT_JSON # POWERSHELL_COMMON $params = Parse-Args $args; $result = New-Object PSObject; Set-Attr $result "changed" $false; If ($params.name) { $registryKeyName = $params.name } Else { Fail-Json $result "missing required argument: name" } If ($params.state) { $state = $params.state.ToString().ToLower() If (($state -ne "present") -and ($state -ne "absent")) { Fail-Json $result "state is $state; must be present or absent" } } Else { $state = "present" } If ($params.value) { $registryKeyValue = $params.value } ElseIf ($state -eq "present") { Fail-Json $result "missing required argument: value" } If ($params.valuetype) { $registryValueType = $params.valuetype.ToString().ToLower() $validRegistryValueTypes = "binary", "dword", "expandstring", "multistring", "string", "qword" If ($validRegistryValueTypes -notcontains $registryValueType) { Fail-Json $result "valuetype is $registryValueType; must be binary, dword, expandstring, multistring, string, or qword" } } Else { $registryValueType = "string" } If ($params.path) { $registryKeyPath = $params.path } Else { Fail-Json $result "missing required argument: path" } Function Test-RegistryValue { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Path, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Value ) Try { Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Value Return $true } Catch { Return $false } } if($state -eq "present") { if (Test-Path $registryKeyPath) { if (Test-RegistryValue -Path $registryKeyPath -Value $registryKeyName) { # Changes Type and Value If ((Get-Item $registryKeyPath).GetValueKind($registryKeyName) -ne $registryValueType) { Try { Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKeyPath -Name $registryKeyName New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKeyPath -Name $registryKeyName -Value $registryKeyValue -PropertyType $registryValueType $result.changed = $true } Catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } } # Only Changes Value ElseIf ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryKeyPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $registryKeyName) -ne $registryKeyValue) { Try { Set-ItemProperty -Path $registryKeyPath -Name $registryKeyName -Value $registryKeyValue $result.changed = $true } Catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } } } else { Try { New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKeyPath -Name $registryKeyName -Value $registryKeyValue -PropertyType $registryValueType $result.changed = $true } Catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } } } else { Try { New-Item $registryKeyPath -Force | New-ItemProperty -Name $registryKeyName -Value $registryKeyValue -Force -PropertyType $registryValueType $result.changed = $true } Catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } } } else { if (Test-Path $registryKeyPath) { if (Test-RegistryValue -Path $registryKeyPath -Value $registryKeyName) { Try { Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKeyPath -Name $registryKeyName $result.changed = $true } Catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } } } } Exit-Json $result