--- # this is not so much an example playbook file as a playbook we sometimes use # for testing. I have chosen to not comment this one so folks can get # an idea of what a concise playbook can look like... - hosts: all user: root vars: http_port: 80 max_clients: 200 tasks: - name: simulate long running op, wait for 45s, poll every 5 action: command /bin/sleep 15 async: 45 poll: 5 - include: tasks/base.yml favcolor=blue - name: write the foo config file using vars set above action: template src=foo.j2 dest=/etc/some_random_foo.conf notify: - restart apache - name: ensure apache is running action: service name=httpd state=running - name: pointless test action action: command /bin/echo {{ http_port }} handlers: - include: handlers/handlers.yml