#!/usr/bin/env python """Make sure the data in BOTMETA.yml is valid""" import glob import os import re import sys import yaml from voluptuous import Any, MultipleInvalid, Required, Schema from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types list_string_types = list(string_types) def main(): """Validate BOTMETA""" path = '.github/BOTMETA.yml' try: with open(path, 'r') as f_path: botmeta = yaml.safe_load(f_path) except yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError as ex: print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (path, ex.context_mark.line + 1, ex.context_mark.column + 1, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex)))) sys.exit() except Exception as ex: print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (path, 0, 0, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex)))) sys.exit() files_schema = Any( Schema(*string_types), Schema({ 'ignored': Any(list_string_types, *string_types), 'keywords': Any(list_string_types, *string_types), 'labels': Any(list_string_types, *string_types), 'maintainers': Any(list_string_types, *string_types), 'notified': Any(list_string_types, *string_types), 'support': Any("core", "network", "community"), }) ) list_dict_file_schema = [{str_type: files_schema} for str_type in string_types] schema = Schema({ Required('automerge'): bool, Required('files'): Any(None, *list_dict_file_schema), Required('macros'): dict, # Any(*list_macros_schema), }) # Ensure schema is valid try: schema(botmeta) except MultipleInvalid as ex: for error in ex.errors: # No way to get line numbers print('%s:%d:%d: %s' % (path, 0, 0, humanize_error(botmeta, error))) # We have two macros to define locations, ensure they haven't been removed module_utils_path = botmeta.get('macros', {}).get('module_utils', '') modules_path = botmeta.get('macros', {}).get('modules', '') if module_utils_path != 'lib/ansible/module_utils': print('%s:%d:%d: [macros][module_utils] has been changed or removed' % (path, 0, 0)) if modules_path != 'lib/ansible/modules': print('%s:%d:%d: [macros][modules] has been changed or removed' % (path, 0, 0)) # See if all `files:` are valid for file in botmeta['files']: file = file.replace('$module_utils', module_utils_path) file = file.replace('$modules', modules_path) if not os.path.exists(file): # Not a file or directory, though maybe the prefix to one? # https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/pull/1023 if not glob.glob('%s*' % file): print("%s:%d:%d: Can't find '%s.*' in this branch" % (path, 0, 0, file)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # Possible future work # * Schema for `macros:` - currently ignored due to team_ansible # * Ensure that all $teams mention in `files:` exist in `$macros` # * Validate GitHub names - possibly expensive lookup needed