--- - debug: msg: "Start eos_acls round trip integration tests ansible_connection={{ ansible_connection }}" - block: - name: merge attributes of given acls(apply base config). eos_acls: &merged config: - afi: "ipv4" acls: - name: test1 aces: - sequence: 35 grant: "deny" protocol: "tcp" source: subnet_address: destination: any: true log: true - remark: "Run by ansible" - grant: "permit" protocol: "6" source: any: true destination: any: true - name: test4 aces: - grant: "permit" source: any: true port_protocol: eq: "25" destination: any: true port_protocol: eq: "www" protocol: "tcp" ttl: eq: "55" - afi: "ipv6" acls: - name: test2 standard: true aces: - grant: "permit" log: "true" source: any: true state: merged become: yes register: base_config - eos_facts: gather_network_resources: acls become: yes - assert: that: - "base_config.commands|length == 8" - "base_config.changed == true" - "ansible_facts.network_resources.acls|symmetric_difference(base_config.after) == []" - name: Apply the provided configuration (config to be reverted) eos_acls: config: - afi: "ipv4" acls: - name: test3 aces: - sequence: 100 grant: "permit" protocol: "icmp" source: any: true destination: any: true log: true become: yes register: result - name: Assert that changes were applied assert: that: - "{{ round_trip['commands'] | symmetric_difference(result['commands']) |length == 0 }}" - name: Revert back to base config using facts round trip eos_acls: config: "{{ ansible_facts['network_resources']['acls'] }}" state: overridden become: yes register: revert - name: Assert that config was reverted assert: that: "{{ base_config['after'] | symmetric_difference(revert['after']) |length == 0 }}" always: - include_tasks: _remove_config.yaml