#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """UCS access module""" import univention.uldap import univention.config_registry import univention.admin.uldap import univention.admin.objects import univention.admin.config import re import thread import time import ldap as orig_ldap import socket __all__ = [ 'ldap_search', 'config_registry', 'base_dn', 'ldap', 'config', 'position_base_dn', 'get_umc_admin_objects', ] config_registry = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() config_registry.load() base_dn = config_registry["ldap/base"] try: secret_file = open('/etc/ldap.secret', 'r') bind_dn = 'cn=admin,{}'.format(base_dn) except IOError: # pragma: no cover secret_file = open('/etc/machine.secret', 'r') bind_dn = config_registry["ldap/hostdn"] pwd_line = secret_file.readline() pwd = re.sub('\n', '', pwd_line) ldap = univention.admin.uldap.access( host = config_registry['ldap/master'], base = base_dn, binddn = bind_dn, bindpw = pwd, start_tls = 1 ) config = univention.admin.config.config() univention.admin.modules.update() position_base_dn = univention.admin.uldap.position(base_dn) modules_by_name = {} def ldap_dn_tree_parent(dn, count=1): dn_array = dn.split(',') dn_array[0:count] = [] return ','.join(dn_array) def ldap_search(filter, base=base_dn, attr=None): """Replaces uldaps search and uses a generator. !! Arguments are not the same.""" msgid = ldap.lo.lo.search( base, orig_ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr=filter, attrlist=attr ) # I used to have a try: finally: here but there seems to be a bug in python # which swallows the KeyboardInterrupt # The abandon now doesn't make too much sense while True: result_type, result_data = ldap.lo.lo.result(msgid, all=0) if not result_data: break if result_type is orig_ldap.RES_SEARCH_RESULT: # pragma: no cover break else: if result_type is orig_ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY: for res in result_data: yield res ldap.lo.lo.abandon(msgid) def module_name(module_name_): """Returns an initialized UMC module, identified by the given name. The module is a module specification according to the udm commandline. Example values are: * users/user * shares/share * groups/group If the module does not exist, a KeyError is raised. The modules are cached, so they won't be re-initialized in subsequent calls. """ if module_name_ not in modules_by_name: module = univention.admin.modules.get(module_name_) univention.admin.modules.init(ldap, position_base_dn, module) modules_by_name[module_name_] = module return modules_by_name[module_name_] def get_umc_admin_objects(): """Convenience accessor for getting univention.admin.objects. This implements delayed importing, so the univention.* modules are not loaded until this function is called. """ return univention.admin.objects def umc_module_for_add(module, container_dn, superordinate=None): """Returns an UMC module object prepared for creating a new entry. The module is a module specification according to the udm commandline. Example values are: * users/user * shares/share * groups/group The container_dn MUST be the dn of the container (not of the object to be created itself!). """ mod = module_name(module) position = position_base_dn position.setDn(container_dn) # config, ldap objects from common module obj = mod.object(config, ldap, position, superordinate=superordinate) obj.open() return obj def umc_module_for_edit(module, object_dn, superordinate=None): """Returns an UMC module object prepared for editing an existing entry. The module is a module specification according to the udm commandline. Example values are: * users/user * shares/share * groups/group The object_dn MUST be the dn of the object itself, not the container! """ mod = module_name(module) objects = get_umc_admin_objects() position = position_base_dn position.setDn(ldap_dn_tree_parent(object_dn)) obj = objects.get( mod, config, ldap, position=position, superordinate=superordinate, dn=object_dn ) obj.open() return obj def create_containers_and_parents(container_dn): """Create a container and if needed the parents containers""" import univention.admin.uexceptions as uexcp assert container_dn.startswith("cn=") try: parent = ldap_dn_tree_parent(container_dn) obj = umc_module_for_add( 'container/cn', parent ) obj['name'] = container_dn.split(',')[0].split('=')[1] obj['description'] = "container created by import" except uexcp.ldapError: create_containers_and_parents(parent) obj = umc_module_for_add( 'container/cn', parent ) obj['name'] = container_dn.split(',')[0].split('=')[1] obj['description'] = "container created by import" def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( name = dict(required=True, type='str'), ou = dict(required=True, type='str'), owner = dict(type='str', default='0'), group = dict(type='str', default='0'), path = dict(type='path', default=None), directorymode = dict(type='str', default='00755'), host = dict(type='str', default=None), root_squash = dict(type='str', default='1'), subtree_checking = dict(type='str', default='1'), sync = dict(type='str', default='sync'), writeable = dict(type='str', default='1'), sambaBlockSize = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaBlockingLocks = dict(type='str', default='1'), sambaBrowseable = dict(type='str', default='1'), sambaCreateMode = dict(type='str', default='0744'), sambaCscPolicy = dict(type='str', default='manual'), sambaCustomSettings = dict(type='list', default=[]), sambaDirectoryMode = dict(type='str', default='0755'), sambaDirectorySecurityMode = dict(type='str', default='0777'), sambaDosFilemode = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaFakeOplocks = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaForceCreateMode = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaForceDirectoryMode = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaForceDirectorySecurityMode = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaForceGroup = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaForceSecurityMode = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaForceUser = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaHideFiles = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaHideUnreadable = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaHostsAllow = dict(type='list', default=[]), sambaHostsDeny = dict(type='list', default=[]), sambaInheritAcls = dict(type='str', default='1'), sambaInheritOwner = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaInheritPermissions = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaInvalidUsers = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaLevel2Oplocks = dict(type='str', default='1'), sambaLocking = dict(type='str', default='1'), sambaMSDFSRoot = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaName = dict(type='str', default=''), sambaNtAclSupport = dict(type='str', default='1'), sambaOplocks = dict(type='str', default='1'), sambaPostexec = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaPreexec = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaPublic = dict(type='str', default='0'), sambaSecurityMode = dict(type='str', default='0777'), sambaStrictLocking = dict(type='str', default='Auto'), sambaVFSObjects = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaValidUsers = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaWriteList = dict(type='str', default=None), sambaWriteable = dict(type='str', default='1'), nfs_hosts = dict(type='list', default=[]), nfsCustomSettings = dict(type='list', default=[]), state = dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent'], type='str') ), supports_check_mode=True ) name = module.params['name'] state = module.params['state'] changed = False obj = list(ldap_search( '(&(objectClass=univentionShare)(cn={}))'.format(name), attr=['cn'] )) exists = bool(len(obj)) container = 'cn=shares,ou={},{}'.format(module.params['ou'], base_dn) dn = 'cn={},{}'.format(name, container) if state == 'present': try: if not exists: obj = umc_module_for_add('shares/share', container) else: obj = umc_module_for_edit('shares/share', dn) module.params['printablename'] = '{} ({})'.format(name, module.params['host']) for k in obj.keys(): obj[k] = module.params[k] diff = obj.diff() for k in obj.keys(): if obj.hasChanged(k): changed=True if not module.check_mode: if not exists: obj.create() elif changed: obj.modify() except BaseException as e: module.fail_json( msg='Creating/editing share {} in {} failed: {}'.format(name, container, e) ) if state == 'absent' and exists: try: obj = umc_module_for_edit('shares/share', dn) if not module.check_mode: obj.remove() changed = True except: module.fail_json( msg='Removing share {} in {} failed: {}'.format(name, container, e) ) module.exit_json( changed=changed, name=name, diff=diff, container=container ) from ansible.module_utils.basic import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()