.. _vmware_ansible: ****************** VMware Guide ****************** Welcome to the Ansible for VMware Guide! The purpose of this guide is to teach you everything you need to know about using Ansible with VMware. To get started, please select one of the following topics. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 vmware_scenarios/vmware_intro vmware_scenarios/vmware_concepts vmware_scenarios/vmware_requirements vmware_scenarios/vmware_inventory vmware_scenarios/vmware_inventory_vm_attributes vmware_scenarios/vmware_inventory_hostnames vmware_scenarios/vmware_inventory_filters vmware_scenarios/vmware_scenarios vmware_scenarios/vmware_troubleshooting vmware_scenarios/vmware_external_doc_links vmware_scenarios/faq .. comments look like this - start with two dots .. getting_started content not ready .. vmware_scenarios/vmware_getting_started .. module index page not ready .. vmware_scenarios/vmware_module_reference .. always exclude the template file .. vmware_scenarios/vmware_scenario_1