--- - name: make sure testing keys are removed before test win_regedit: path: '{{item}}' delete_key: yes state: absent with_items: - '{{test_win_regedit_local_key}}' - '{{test_win_regedit_classes_key}}' - block: - name: run tests for each property type include_tasks: create_tests.yml vars: test_win_regedit_key_type: '{{item.type}}' test_win_regedit_key_expected_type: '{{item.reg_type}}' test_win_regedit_key_data1: '{{item.data1}}' test_win_regedit_key_data2: '{{item.data2}}' test_win_regedit_key_expected_value_null: '{{item.value_null}}' test_win_regedit_key_expected_value1: '{{item.value1}}' test_win_regedit_key_expected_value2: '{{item.value2}}' items: - type: dword reg_type: REG_DWORD data1: 1337 # decimal format data2: 0xffffffff # hex format and larger number value_null: 0 value1: 1337 value2: 4294967295 - type: qword reg_type: REG_QWORD data1: 18446744073709551615 # larger decimal format data2: 0x1ffffffff # hex format and larger number value_null: 0 value1: 18446744073709551615 value2: 8589934591 - type: string reg_type: REG_SZ data1: hello world data2: new hello world value_null: "" value1: hello world value2: new hello world - type: expandstring reg_type: REG_EXPAND_SZ data1: '%windir%\test' data2: '%AppData%\local' value_null: "" value1: '%windir%\test' value2: '%AppData%\local' - type: multistring reg_type: REG_MULTI_SZ data1: 'entry1' # test single entry as multi string data2: ['entry1', 2] value_null: [] value1: ['entry1'] value2: ['entry1', '2'] - type: binary reg_type: REG_BINARY data1: hex:00,01,ee,ff # testing hex string format with hex: in front data2: [0xff, 0xee, 0x01, 0x00] # testing using just raw hex values value_null: [] value1: ["0x00", "0x01", "0xee", "0xff"] value2: ["0xff", "0xee", "0x01", "0x00"] - type: none reg_type: REG_NONE data1: aa,bb,be,ef # testing hex string format with hex: in front data2: [0x01, 0x02] value_null: [] value1: ["0xaa", "0xbb", "0xbe", "0xef"] value2: ["0x01", "0x02"] - name: run remaining tests include_tasks: tests.yml always: - name: make sure testing keys are removed after test win_regedit: path: '{{item}}' delete_key: yes state: absent with_items: - '{{test_win_regedit_local_key}}' - '{{test_win_regedit_classes_key}}'