# test code for the copy module and action plugin # (c) 2014, Michael DeHaan # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . - name: remove win_output_dir win_file: path: "{{win_output_dir}}" state: absent - name: recreate win_output_dir win_file: path: "{{win_output_dir}}" state: directory - name: copy an empty file win_copy: src: empty.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\empty.txt" register: copy_empty_result - name: check copy empty result assert: that: - copy_empty_result|changed - copy_empty_result.checksum == 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - name: stat the empty file win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}/empty.txt" register: stat_empty_result - name: check that empty file really was created assert: that: - stat_empty_result.stat.exists - stat_empty_result.stat.size == 0 - name: copy an empty file again win_copy: src: empty.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}/empty.txt" register: copy_empty_again_result - name: check copy empty again result assert: that: - not copy_empty_again_result|changed - copy_empty_again_result.checksum == 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - name: initiate a basic copy win_copy: src: foo.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" register: copy_result - name: check that the basic copy of the file was created win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" register: copy_result_stat - name: check basic copy result assert: that: - copy_result|changed - copy_result.checksum == 'c79a6506c1c948be0d456ab5104d5e753ab2f3e6' - copy_result_stat.stat.exists == True - name: initiate a basic copy again win_copy: src: foo.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" register: copy_result_again - name: check basic copy result again assert: that: - not copy_result_again|changed - copy_result_again.checksum == 'c79a6506c1c948be0d456ab5104d5e753ab2f3e6' - name: copy file that exists on remote but checksum different and force is False win_copy: src: empty.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" force: False register: copy_result_no_force_different - name: get stat on remote file for assertion win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" register: copy_result_no_force_different_stat - name: check that nothing changed when not forcing file and dest exists assert: that: - not copy_result_no_force_different|changed - copy_result_no_force_different_stat.stat.checksum == 'c79a6506c1c948be0d456ab5104d5e753ab2f3e6' - name: copy file that doesn't exist on remote and force is False win_copy: src: empty.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\no_force.txt" force: False register: copy_result_no_force - name: get stat on remote file for assertion win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\no_force.txt" register: copy_result_no_force_stat - name: check that there was a change when not forcing file and dest does not exist assert: that: - copy_result_no_force|changed - copy_result_no_force_stat.stat.exists == True - copy_result_no_force_stat.stat.checksum == 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - name: make an output subdirectory win_file: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" state: directory - name: test recursive copy to directory win_copy: src: subdir dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" register: recursive_copy_result - name: get stats on files within sub directory win_find: paths: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" recurse: True register: recurse_find_results - name: assert recursive copy worked assert: that: - recursive_copy_result|changed - recurse_find_results.examined == 7 # checks that it found 4 folders and 3 files - name: test recursive copy to directory again win_copy: src: subdir dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" register: recursive_copy_result_again - name: assert recursive copy worked assert: that: - not recursive_copy_result_again|changed # Recursive folder copy with trailing slash (see issue 23559) - name: make an output subdirectory win_file: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\subtrailing\\" state: directory - name: test recursive copy to directory win_copy: src: subdir/ dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\subtrailing\\" register: recursive_copy_result2 - name: get stats on files within sub directory win_find: paths: "{{win_output_dir}}\\subtrailing\\" recurse: True register: recurse_find_results2 - name: assert recursive copy worked assert: that: - recursive_copy_result2|changed - recurse_find_results2.examined == 6 # checks that it found 3 folders and 3 files. # Note this is different from the test above because, by including the trailing # slash on the source, we only get the *contents* of the source folder # without the trailing slash, we would get the source folder *and* its # contents. # See 'src' parameter documentation # here: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/win_copy_module.html - name: test recursive copy to directory again with source slash win_copy: src: subdir/ dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\subtrailing\\" register: recursive_copy_result_again2 - name: assert recursive copy worked assert: that: - not recursive_copy_result_again2|changed # test 'content' parameter - name: create file with content win_copy: content: abc dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content.txt" register: content_result - name: get stat on creating file with content win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content.txt" register: content_stat - name: assert content copy worked assert: that: - content_result|changed - content_stat.stat.exists == True - content_stat.stat.checksum == 'a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d' - name: create file with content again win_copy: content: abc dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content.txt" register: content_result_again - name: assert content copy again didn't change assert: that: - not content_result_again|changed - name: copy file with different content win_copy: content: 123 dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content.txt" register: content_different_result - name: get stat on file with different content win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content.txt" register: content_different_stat - name: assert different content copy worked assert: that: - content_different_result|changed - content_different_stat.stat.checksum == '40bd001563085fc35165329ea1ff5c5ecbdbbeef' - name: copy remote file win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foobar.txt" remote_src: True register: remote_file_result - name: get stat on new remote file win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foobar.txt" register: remote_file_stat - name: assert remote copy worked assert: that: - remote_file_result|changed - remote_file_result.size == 8 - remote_file_result.src == '{{win_output_dir|regex_replace('\\', '\\\\')}}\\foo.txt' - remote_file_result.dest == '{{win_output_dir|regex_replace('\\', '\\\\')}}\\foobar.txt' - remote_file_result.checksum == 'c79a6506c1c948be0d456ab5104d5e753ab2f3e6' - remote_file_result.operation == 'file_copy' - remote_file_result.original_basename == 'foo.txt' - remote_file_stat.stat.exists == True - remote_file_stat.stat.checksum == 'c79a6506c1c948be0d456ab5104d5e753ab2f3e6' - name: copy remote file again win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foobar.txt" remote_src: True register: remote_file_result_again - name: assert remote copy again did not change assert: that: - not remote_file_result_again|changed - name: copy remote folder win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub2" remote_src: True register: remote_folder_result - name: get stat on new remote folder contents win_find: paths: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub2" recurse: True register: remote_folder_stat - name: assert remote copy worked assert: that: - remote_folder_result|changed - remote_folder_result.size == 11 - remote_folder_result.src == '{{win_output_dir|regex_replace('\\', '\\\\')}}\\sub' - remote_folder_result.dest == '{{win_output_dir|regex_replace('\\', '\\\\')}}\\sub2' - remote_folder_result.operation == 'folder_copy' - remote_folder_stat.examined == 8 # 5 folders 3 files - name: copy remote folder again win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub2" remote_src: True register: remote_folder_result_again - name: assert remote copy again did not change assert: that: - not remote_folder_result_again|changed - name: fail to copy when source doesn't exist win_copy: src: false-file dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\fale-file.txt" register: fail_missing_source failed_when: not (fail_missing_source|failed) - name: fail when copying remote src file when src doesn't exist win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\fake.txt" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\real.txt" remote_src: True register: fail_remote_missing_src failed_when: "fail_remote_missing_src.msg != 'Cannot copy src file: ' + win_output_dir + '\\\\fake.txt as it does not exist'" - name: fail when copying remote src folder to file win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" remote_src: True register: fail_remote_folder_to_file failed_when: "'If src is a folder, dest must also be a folder. src' not in fail_remote_folder_to_file.msg" - name: fail when copying remote src file to folder win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" remote_src: True register: fail_remote_file_to_folder failed_when: "'If src is a file, dest must also be a file. src' not in fail_remote_file_to_folder.msg" - name: run check mode copy new file win_copy: src: foo.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo-check.txt" register: check_copy_file check_mode: yes - name: get stat on new file win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo-check.txt" register: check_stat_file - name: assert check would change but file doesn't exist assert: that: - check_copy_file|changed - check_stat_file.stat.exists == False - name: run check mode copy existing file win_copy: src: foo.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" register: check_copy_file_existing check_mode: yes - name: assert check wouldn't change existing file assert: that: - not check_copy_file_existing|changed - name: run check mode copy existing file with force False win_copy: src: empty.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" force: False register: check_copy_existing_no_force check_mode: yes - name: assert check wouldn't change existing file assert: that: - not check_copy_existing_no_force|changed - name: run check mode copy new file with force False win_copy: src: empty.txt dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\no-force-check.txt" force: False register: check_copy_no_force check_mode: yes - name: get stat on new file win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\no-force-check.txt" register: check_copy_no_force_stat - name: assert check wouldn't create file but change registered assert: that: - check_copy_no_force|changed - check_copy_no_force_stat.stat.exists == False - name: run check mode copy new folder win_copy: src: subdir dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub-check" register: check_copy_folder check_mode: yes - name: get stat on new folder win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub-check" register: check_stat_folder - name: assert check would change but folder doesn't exist assert: that: - check_copy_folder|changed - check_stat_folder.stat.exists == False - name: run check mode copy existing folder win_copy: src: subdir dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" register: check_copy_folder_existing check_mode: yes - name: assert check wouldn't change existing file assert: that: - not check_copy_folder_existing|changed - name: run check mode copy new contents win_copy: content: abc dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content-check.txt" register: check_content_file check_mode: yes - name: get stat on content file win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content-check.txt" register: check_stat_content - name: assert check would change but content file doesn't exist assert: that: - check_content_file|changed - check_stat_content.stat.exists == False - name: run check mode copy existing contents win_copy: content: 123 dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content.txt" register: check_content_file_existing check_mode: yes - name: assert check wouldn't change exisitng content file assert: that: - not check_content_file_existing|changed - name: run check mode copy new contents win_copy: content: abc dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content.txt" register: check_different_content_file - name: get stat on check mode file with different content win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\content.txt" register: check_different_content_stat - name: assert check content changed but file wasn't touched assert: that: - check_different_content_file|changed - name: run check mode copy new file remote src win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo-check.txt" remote_src: True register: check_copy_file_remote check_mode: yes - name: get stat on new file win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo-check.txt" register: check_stat_file_remote - name: assert check would change but file doesn't exist assert: that: - check_copy_file_remote|changed - check_stat_file_remote.stat.exists == False - name: run check mode copy existing file remote src win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\foo.txt" remote_src: True register: check_copy_file_remote_existing check_mode: yes - name: assert check would change but file doesn't exist assert: that: - not check_copy_file_remote_existing|changed - name: run check mode copy new folder remote src win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub-check" remote_src: True register: check_copy_folder_remote check_mode: yes - name: get stat on new file win_stat: path: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub-check" register: check_stat_folder_remote - name: assert check would change but folder doesn't exist assert: that: - check_copy_folder_remote|changed - check_stat_folder_remote.stat.exists == False - name: run check mode copy existing folder remote src win_copy: src: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub" dest: "{{win_output_dir}}\\sub2" remote_src: True register: check_copy_folder_remote_existing check_mode: yes - name: assert check wouldn't change existing folder assert: that: - not check_copy_folder_remote_existing|changed - name: cleanup output dir win_file: path: "{{win_output_dir}}" state: absent