#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail -eux declare -a args IFS='/:' read -ra args <<< "$1" platform="${args[0]}" version="${args[1]}" python_version="${args[2]}" if [ "${#args[@]}" -gt 3 ]; then target="shippable/${platform}/group${args[3]}/" else target="shippable/${platform}/" fi stage="${S:-prod}" provider="${P:-default}" # python versions to test in order # all versions run full tests python_versions=( 2.7 3.6 ) if [ "${python_version}" ]; then # limit tests to a single python version python_versions=("${python_version}") fi for python_version in "${python_versions[@]}"; do # terminate remote instances on the final python version tested if [ "${python_version}" = "${python_versions[-1]}" ]; then terminate="always" else terminate="never" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ansible-test network-integration --color -v --retry-on-error "${target}" ${COVERAGE:+"$COVERAGE"} ${CHANGED:+"$CHANGED"} ${UNSTABLE:+"$UNSTABLE"} \ --platform "${platform}/${version}" \ --docker default --python "${python_version}" \ --remote-terminate "${terminate}" --remote-stage "${stage}" --remote-provider "${provider}" done